May 21st, 2018

The May Work Session Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at Hiawassee City Hall.

Present were Mayor Liz Ordiales, Council members Amy Barrett, Kris Berrong, Anne Mitchell, Nancy Noblet and Patsy Owens.  Also present were City Attorney Thomas Mitchell, Hiawassee Police Chief Paul Smith and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.

The invocation was given by Anne Mitchell followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion to adopt the final agenda as distributed was made by Amy Barrett and seconded by Nancy Noblet.  All council was in favor.

Mayor Liz Ordiales updated the council regarding the Strategic Plan.  Focus and one on one groups will be held on June 12thand 13thand the Town Hall Public Meeting will be held on June 12that 6:00pm at the Civic Center.  The Mayor encouraged everyone to attend and add their input.  Amy Barrett gave an update on the most recent strategic meeting.

The cabling has been installed for the Wi-Fi on the Hiawassee Square.  The router has been ordered and is expected to arrive this week.

The Mayor also gave updates on the Shred event, Child Safety Seat Check, first Flicks on the Square (Ferdinand) and first Music on the Square (Holman Autry) of the season, and all are happening over Memorial Day weekend.

Marcy Landau is heading up the City’s Georgia Mountain Fair float committee and welcomes anyone who is willing to help.

Hydrant flushing will be taking place over the next two weeks and the City is beginning a water leak study with assistance from EMI (our engineering firm) and Georgia Rural Water.

Mayor Liz also informed the council that we have applied for a grant for safety equipment we have purchased of over $2900.  The ability to apply for this grant is a result of having a trained safety officer for the city.  She also showed the Serv-line flyer that will be in the water bills.

At the June 5thCouncil Meeting, the Council will be asked to vote on the second reading and adoption of the Tree Ordinance and the Defined Benefit plan. And the Mayor showed the council what happens when we send water samples to the state.  She then described what happened that lead to the letter in the water bills indicating that a sample was missed.

Police Chief Paul Smith spoke to the council about a drug bust that happened this week as a result of great police work.   After responding to a panic alarm at a local business, police questioned the smell of marijuana when they entered the business.  Enough evidence was gathered to acquire and execute a search warrant on an apartment behind the business.  The search netted marijuana, methamphetamine, prescription narcotics, and steroids, as well as guns, cell phones, and drug paraphernalia. 

The Mayor gave an update on the progress on the Comprehensive Plan indicating that, where funds were available to act of the recommendations, most of the plan has been completed.  Many unfinished recommendations will be in the hands of a DDA when and if the City is able to hire one.  Meetings have been held with Andrea Gibby of Young Harris to explore the possibility of hiring one DDA to support both cities. Another recommendation in the plan was to increase park facilities.  SPLOST funds will be used for Mayor’s Park and the City has applied for a grant to update Lloyd’s Landing (this park is just before the bridge on the east side of the City.  Recommendations to increase water and sewer capacities is in progress with the grant ($600K) and loan ($800K) for the Sewer Plant (expected completion in Jan 2019) and the plan for a $1.9 Million upgrade to the Water Treatment Plant (3rdfilter and another clear well), on which the City and EMI are beginning to work. Meter replacements are complete and have a 99.7% accuracy rate.  City hydrants are all installed and operable. The City is working on 3 unlooped water line easements to create the loops, but the easements are expensive. The update on Towns County Water and Sewer Authority, recommendation is 5 year contract, but TCWSA will only agree to 3 year contracts. Stop Sign will be put on Bell Street at Franks Street in the next 3 weeks. Signs will need to be ordered.

Also in new business, Anne Mitchell has been reviewing the City Charter for needed changes.  The City Charter was last amended in 1993 and some areas are in need of change.  Attorney Mitchell indicated that he felt all the areas Anne mention could be changed by Home Rule Amendment and will not need Legislative review. Specific areas of review: Voting abstention; council absenteeism resulting in removal from council and Clerk appointment subject to recommendation by Mayor and approval by Council.  Attorney Mitchell also suggested that the Ordinance section of the charter could be changed to pass an ordinance where all council members are present and in agreement at the first reading.  Currently the Charter states that an ordinance cannot be approved without two readings.

Anne Mitchell also presented the Rural Museum Project. This project is part of the Smithsonian Institute and recognizes the history of rural America.   Anne said that the project has been in North Georgia, but one thing that has not been presented is the legacy of music that is a rich part of North Georgia history.  The grant will provide assistance in setting up and staffing a museum, but requires a 2000 square foot location to house it. The grant also needs to be submitted by May 31st.  We may have to wait until 2019 in order to have adequate time to gather the information needed.  Anne will continue to work and may in fact meet the timeframe.

Anne also asked for clarification on the definition of a business.  While executing her duties as Mayor Pro Tem last fall, Anne became aware of shortcomings of our business licensing processes and procedures and would like to address that. Attorney Mitchell will draft an ordinance for review at the June 5thcouncil meeting

Mayor Liz indicated that the Georgia Mountain Regional Commission has provided the City with a proposal to map the waste water system ($11,400), water system ($4,200.) and software to access the maps ($600.) . She is still reviewing the option and is leaning towards only doing the water system mapping.  

At the Council meeting on June 5th, the council will be asked if they approve of Jacob Hill opening Hiawassee Brew in the building where Hill Heating and Air is located.

The June 5thmeeting will run with consent agenda which will provide for approving routine matters (financial statements and meeting and work session minutes) in a single vote.

Mayor Liz gave the council the updated 2017-2018 and new 2018–2019 budgets for review before the June 5thmeeting.  There will be a public hearing held in June. In the budget for next year, there is an expected expenditure of approximately $33K for a new tractor. Current tractor is 30+ years old and it is becoming difficult to find parts to repair it.

There being no further business, Anne Mitchell made the motion to adjourn which was seconded by Kris Berrong with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48pm



The May Work Session Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall Upstairs Training Room

  1. Call to order
    • 1Invocation – Anne Mitchell
    • 2Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
    • 3Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed.
  1. Old Business
    • 1Mayor’s Report
    • 2Serv-Line Wrap up –
    • 3New Tree Ordinance – 2ndReading at CCM
    • 4Defined Benefit Plan – 2ndReading at CCM
    • 5Water Sampling Issue
    • 6Consent Agenda for CCM
  1. Police Department Report 
  2. New Business
    • 1Comprehensive Plan update
    • 2Charter Update
    • 3Rural Museum Project
    • 4Definition of a Business
    • 5GMRC Water line Maps
    • 6Alcohol Permit for Jacob Hill-Hiawassee Brew
    • 7Consent Agenda CCM-
      March Financials – Approval at CCM
      April Minutes- Approval at CCM
      May Work Session Minutes – Approval at CCM
    • 8Tractor Purchase 33K
    • 92018-2019 Budget


  1. Motion to Adjourn

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.