The June Work Session Meeting was held on June 26th in the City Hall Training Room.  The session was attended by Mayor Liz Ordiales and Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, and Patsy Owens.  Also in attendance were City Attorney Thomas Mitchell, Police Chief Paul Smith, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.

Mayor Liz called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and Amy Barrett gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Mayor Liz introduced guests Zackary Mitchell, son of City Attorney Thomas Mitchell, Jacob Smith, son of Chief Paul Smith, and Larry and Cathy Dietsch. 

 Mayor Liz informed the council that the agenda needed to be amended to include executive session to discuss possible litigation.  Kris Berrong made the motion to approve the amended agenda. Nancy Noblet seconded and all the council was in favor.

In Old Business was the Mayor’s report which will be found on the web site in the near future.  

The City of Hiawassee was presented with the City of Ethics plaque at the GMA convention in Savannah yesterday.  Only 41 of the 535 cities in Georgia are Cities of Ethics. 

Also in Old Business, to date we have had 31 opt-outs and 18 opt-ins for the Serv-Line insurance. The Tree Ordinance and Benefit Plan need Signature Sheets.  We failed to get signatures at the May Council Meeting when they were approved. 

Mayor Liz would like to do the Water Line Map from GMRC (Georgia Mountain Regional Commission) for the Water Department (approx $4250.00).  She will bring more information to the council meeting in July.

For the budget, we are waiting for the tax digest in July at which time we will schedule the special called meeting for both the millage rate and the budget. 

Chief Paul Smith spoke to the council and the public about the hands free law (Heads up Georgia www.headsupgeorgia.com) that will become effective on July 1st. The plan is to do an education period although it is not built into the law. He also gave the police report including a drug bust of 3 ounces of meth which was found during a traffic stop by Sargent Tracy James.

In New Business Tim Barrett of Barrett Insurance gave the council information regarding Property Casualty and Liability Insurance for the upcoming year. Review of our coverage costs with Selective and other potential insurers determined that the best value for us will be GIRMA. Although Selective did have a 6% rate decrease ($42,796.00), GIRMA is a better price ($36155.00) and is locked in for 2 years.  Tim is strongly suggesting adding ‘tail’ coverage.  Selective is claims made coverage policy while GIRMA is an occurrence policy. In order to prevent a lapse in coverage, tail coverage is strongly encouraged by Tim and also Attorney Mitchell.  The City would realize a savings of $4,466.00 the first year (includes the cost of the tail coverage) and $6641.00 the second year of coverage with the GIRMA policy.  Attorney Mitchell asked that Tim be sure that Cyber coverage was part of the coverage. Vote for approval at the July council meeting.

The Mayor presented the April Financials and explained that the depreciation is listed as an expense, although cash is not expended. While we had an approximate $60,000 in depreciation, the financials show an approximate $30,000.00 deficit which leaves approximately $30,000 to the positive in actual cash.  Approval of the financials will be on the agenda for July council meeting.

The GEFA loan approval letter has been received.  While we knew we had been approved, this is the official approval for the sewer improvements loan.

Mayor Liz has spoken with a Potential DDA-Econ Development Person.  Nothing is concrete, but Mayor Liz is exploring the potential of a DDA for Hiawassee, and an Economic Development person for Mayor Gibby and Young Harris. Sole Commissioner Cliff Bradshaw and Towns County will benefit as well and the Mayor’s hope is that all three will provide financial support.

Brasstown Resort is the location for GMA Classes in September. Mayor Liz provided the Council members with information regarding the offerings and encouraged all to participate in any classes that interested them.

New legislation has been passed which provides for Sunday alcohol sales between the hours 11:00am and 12:30pm.  At the July council meeting, the council can vote on whether or not we want to put it on the ballot. Cost for the City would be limited to the cost of the absentee paper ballots. There will need to be a referendum vote on the ballot to pass it for implementation within the city limits. The deadline to get it on the ballot is August 8th.

Next City Council meeting will be July 10, 2018 due to the July 4th holiday.

The Mayor presented the compass keychains she has ordered and asked if the businesses would give a 10% discount to customers who have obtained them.  The first 250 people who attend the Cruiz-in will receive a keychain.

Motion to enter executive session was made by Amy Barrett and seconded by Patsy Owens.  All council members were in favor.  Council entered executive session at 6:58pm.

Motion to exit executive session was made by Anne Mitchell and seconded by Nancy Noblet.  All council members were in favor.  Council exited executive session at 7:56.  

There being no other business motion to adjourn was made by Patsy Owens, seconded by Amy Barrett and all council members were in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 7:58. 


June 26th, 2018

The June Work Session Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall Upstairs Training Room

1. Call to order

1.1 Invocation –

1.2 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements

1.3 Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed.

2. Old Business

2.1 Mayor’s Report

2.2 Serv-Line Wrap up – 31 Opt-outs, 18 Opt-Ins

2.3 Tree Ordinance – Signature Sheet needed

2.4 Defined Benefit Plan – Signature Sheet needed

2.5 Water Line Map Approval at CCM

2.6 Budget awaiting for Tax Digest in July

3. Police Department Report 

4. New Business

4.1 Tim Barrett-Barrett Insurance – Property-Risk Insurance

4.2 April Financials

4.3 GEFA Loan Approval Letter

4.4 Potential DDA-Econ Development Person

4.5 Brasstown Resort Hosting GMA Classes

5. Motion to Adjourn

*Please note: An Amendment will be made to Go to executive session to discuss possible litigation.

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.