July 10th, 2018
The July 2018 City Council Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.
- Call to order
- Invocation, Kris Berrong
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed
- Old Business
- Moonshine Cruiz-In
- Wednesday, 11thNite Drive In Movie
- Thursday, 12thLunch Block Party
- Saturday July 21st– Ga Mountain Fair Parade
- Moonshine Cruiz-In
- New Business
- Motions
- Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
Approve the April Financials
Approve June City Council minutes
Approve the June Work Session Minutes
- Motion to approve the Water Map Project no more than $5,200
- Motion to approve Property-Risk Insurance with GIRMA
- Motion to approve Brunch Resolution for November Ballot
- Executive Session
- Motion to Adjourn
July 10th, 2018
The July10, 2018 City Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm at City Hall in the Upstairs Training room.
Present were Mayor Liz Ordiales, Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet and Patsy Owens and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.
Invocation was given by Kris Berrong followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Ordiales recognized guests present, Pat Malone, WJUL; Michael Courey, Chairman of Towns County Civic Association and welcomed back Shawn Jarrard from Towns County Herald.
Mayor Ordiales announced the reason the meeting was being held in the upstairs training room was due to the flooring being installed in City Hall offices. In order to keep business as usual, the office was moved into the courtroom, making it unavailable.
Mayor Ordiales was honored today as Citizen of the Year by the Rotary Club.
Motion to adopt the final agenda was made by Amy Barrett and seconded by Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
Mayor Ordiales reviewed the activities for the remainder of the week for the Moonshine Cruiz-In. Drive-In Movie and Block Party on the Square and the Georgia Mountain Fair parade float next weekend. Nancy Noblet volunteered to wear the Woodsy Owl costume.
There was no new business to discuss.
Motion was made to approve the consent agenda by Anne Mitchell and seconded by Kris Berrong with all in favor. Consent agenda included the April Financials, minutes of the June City Council meeting and the minutes of the June Work Session.
Motion to approve the Water Map Project to be conducted by GMRC with cost not to exceed $5,200.00 was made by Kris Berrong and seconded by Patsy Owens with all in favor
Amy Barrett excused herself at this time, leaving the room for the following motion.
Motion to approve Property-Risk Insurance through GIRMA handled by Barrett Insurance was made Patsy Owens and second by Nancy Noblet. All remaining council members were unanimous in approval.
Amy Barrett was called back into the room.
Motion to approve the Brunch Resolution was made by Anne Mitchell and second by Kris Berrong with all in favor. This resolution will allow for Sunday Alcohol Sales to begin at 11:00AM and cease at 12:30AM. Approved was unanimous.
There was no Executive Session needed.
Motion to adjourn was made by Amy Barrett, seconded by Patsy Owens with all in favor.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:11 pm.