City of Hiawassee
The City of Hiawassee has tentatively adopted a millage rate which will require an increase in property taxes by .88 percent.
All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this tax increase to be held at any of these date:
Tuesday September 4th 10AM
Tuesday September 4th 2PM
Tuesday September 11th 6PM
This tentative increase will result in a millage rate of 2.258 mills, an increase of .88 mills. Without this tentative tax increase, the millage rate will be no more than 2.170 mills. The proposed tax increase for a home with a fair market value of $150,000 is approximately $5.10and the proposed tax increase for non-homestead property with a fair market value of $150,000 is approximately $5.28.
Millage rate to remain at 2.258, there is no increase to the millage rate.
September 4th, 2018
The Hiawassee City Council Millage Rate Public Hearing was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales at 10:00am.
Present in addition to the Mayor were City Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, and Nancy Noblet. Patsy Owens was not present. Also present were Police Chief Paul Smith and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.
The Mayor welcomed the Queen of the Square, Joan Crothers, Mr. Tim Barrett and Fetch Your News reporter Robin Webb.
Mayor Ordiales informed the council and guests that the large increase comes because of the 52 properties found earlier this year that were not paying City taxes. She also made a brief presentation about the costs that the City covers such as the AirMedCare coverage, increases by BRMEMC, gasoline, etc are also effecting the City budgets, and the City is entering into two loans (Sewer $800,000.00 and Water Treatment Plant $1,200,000.00) for upgrading our Water Treatment and Sewer operations. The Mayor also informed the guests that several of the vehicles the City uses are in dire need of replacement (a vehicle that needs to be pushed because it doesn’t go into reverse, etc.).
Miss Joan indicates she is on a fixed income and the many recent cost increases are difficult to manage.
Mr. Barrett informed the council that he has heard from people in the community who are struggling to make ends meet and it will be a burden for them if the millage rate remains constant.
There was a good deal of discussion amongst the Council with respect to what they are hearing from the community. There was discussion about our community being older and on fixed incomes and that there have been several things this year that is impacting the constituents.
Meeting concluded at 10:36am.
September 4, 2018
The Hiawassee City Council Millage Rate Public Hearing was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales at 2:00pm.
The meeting was attended by the Mayor, and Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet and Patsy Owens. Also present was Police Chief Paul Smith and City Clerk, Bonnie Kendrick.
In attendance were Mr. Wayne Schultz, Sue and Bill Scott and Fetch Your News journalist Robin Webb.
The invocation was given by Anne Mitchell and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bill Scott has spoken to many people at Mover and Shakers, McDonalds, etc. and no one he has spoken to is in favor of the increase and suggested the Council reconsider and roll back the millage rate.
Sue Scott spoke of the many increases that the citizens are facing this year; TVA, BRMEMC, Windstream, etc. She spoke of a constituent who is struggling even now and is being assisted and the increase will be a greater burden. Mrs. Scott said she appreciated the Mayors contribution to the City and what she has done. She asked what the money would be used for and if the increase was urgent and would not be used for wants instead of needed things. Council member Patsy Owens responded that the need for updating the infrastructure was long overdue. Mrs. Scott also mentioned the banners, but was informed that the banners are paid for from Hotel/Motel tax money and that Hotel/Motel can ONLY be spend on advertising.
Mr. Wayne Schultz presented the Council with a typed message conveying his thoughts. He wonders why the County can roll back the Millage Rate, but the City cannot and suggest that perhaps if the Council did roll back the rate, it would show compassion for those who are very, very poor.
Mayor Ordiales reminded those present that the majority of the increase of the millage rate is due to the 52 properties (with an assessed value of $5million) found earlier this year that have not been paying City taxes. The increase based on a $150,000 home will be $5.10/year.
Council member Anne Mitchell spoke of also being on a fixed income and having to budget for the expenses, but also knows that the City is in great need of the funds.
Council member Nancy Noblet acknowledged that the TVA and BRMEMC as well as others are passing on expenses to the constituency, but that it also applies to the City. For the City to progress, it needs money. She is adamant that keeping the Police Department is crucial as they have been and are keeping the City safe and she feels that it is vitally important to the community.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Kris Berrong with all Council members in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 2:42pm.
September 4th, 2018
The September 2018 City Council Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.
- Call to order
- Invocation, Anne Mitchell
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed
- Old Business
- Millage Rate Meeting dates
- Tuesday Sept 4th 10AM and 2PM
- Tuesday Sept 11th6:00PM
- Tuesday Sept 11th6:30 - Adoption of Millage Rate
- Millage Rate Meeting dates
- New Business
- Motions
- Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
Approve the June Financials
Approve August City Council minutes
Approve the August Work Session Minutes
- Motion to approve the resolution Wastewater GEFA Loan.
- Motion to approve remaining floor replacement project for $5763.03 to Mountain Scene Design
- Motion to approve the Audit contract for Rushton Accounting & Business Advisors for $15,000 a year for 3 years.
- Executive Session
- Motion to Adjourn
September 4th, 2018
The September 2018 City Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in City Hall by Mayor Liz Ordiales.
Present were Mayor Ordiales and Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet and Patsy Owens. Also present were Police Officer John Carter and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.
The invocation was given by Anne Mitchell followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Mayor welcomed Mr. Brian Pritchard of Fetch Your News and all other guests present.
Motion to adopt the final agenda as distributed was made by Council member Patsy Owens, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all Council members in favor.
Mayor Ordiales said that the first two Millage Rate meetings had taken place earlier in the day and that the final public hearing for the Millage Rate will take place next Tuesday, September 11th, 2018 at 6:00pm with the adoption vote to take place at 6:30pm.
There was no new business.
Motion to approve the consent agenda (June Financials, August City Council Meeting Minutes, and the August Work Session Meeting Minutes) was made by Council member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council member Amy Barrett with all Council members in favor.
Motion to approve the resolution for the Waste Water GEFA Loan was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Kris Berrong with all Council members in favor.
Motion to approve the remaining floor replacement project (Council Chambers, hall way and conference room on the first floor, stairs to second floor, and hallway and Police Chief’s office on the second floor) was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell, with all Council members in favor.
Motion to approve the 3 year audit contract with Ruston Accounting and Business Advisors was made by Amy Barrett, seconded by Anne Mitchell with all council in favor.
There was no need for executive session.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Anne Mitchell, seconded by Patsy Owens with all in favor.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:08pm.