September 11th, 2018

The September 2018 City Council Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.

  1. Call to order
    • Invocation
    • Moment of Silence in remembrance of 9-11
    • Pledge of Allegiance 
  2. Public Hearing Millage rate
  3. Motion to Adjourn


Millage Rate Public Hearing Minutes

The third Millage Rate Public Hearing was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall by Mayor Liz Ordiales.

Present were Mayor Liz Ordiales, Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, and Patsy Owens.  Staff present included Police Sergeant Tracy James and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.

Mayor Liz Ordiales called for a moment of silence in memory of the thousands of victims of September 11thin New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC.

Invocation was delivered by Council member Kris Berrong and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Ordiales opened the millage rate hearing with information she has presented at the two preceding public hearings; millage rate only goes to General Fund which covers Police and General expenses and cannot be used in other areas such as Water or Sewer; the majority of the increase of the millage rate is due to the 52 properties (with an assessed value of $5million) found earlier this year that have not been paying City taxes; the increase based on a $150,000 home would be $5.10/year; the increase to the City if the millage rate remains the same is approximately $7,000.00; if the millage rate is rolled back the City will realize approximately $2,000.00; increases that citizens face are in large part increases that the City also faces – increases from the Tennessee Valley Authority, which are passed to all through Blue Ridge Mountain EMC, increases in the cost of gasoline in City vehicles; Over 30% of the City’s taxes for 2017 have not been paid to date; Blairsville is the only city with a lower millage rate – Blairsville has annexed the airport to the City. 

Mayor Ordiales then opened the floor to public comment.

One citizen stated that the millage rate is only part of the equation; the increase in property valuation is another.

There was discussion around what things are and are not paid out of the General Fund – Police and City Hall staff salaries are a large part – Mayor’s Park has been paid for out of SPLOST Funds.  The General Fund has not funded any of Mayors Park, however, going forward, the upkeep (lawn mowing, trash pickup, toilet paper/paper towels) will come from the General fund. 

Several business owners indicated they felt they were “taking a hit” because of the sign fees, franchise fees, business license fees, and now the millage rate.

The millage rate over the last 5 years was compared.

Comment was made the $7,000.00 would not make or break the City, business owners or citizens.  

A Towns County school teacher state that there are more low income families that one might imagine and they will be severely impacted.

Some low income people have had to move because their social security is not keeping pace with the increases.

Council members also state they have heard from business that they will be leaving the City as soon as they are able to leave due in part by the increases.

A question was raised whether the County is getting their taxes and only the City portion is delinquent, but Mayor Ordiales did not know the answer, but Bruce Rogers would know the answer.

The public hearing was concluded at 6:52pm.



September 11th, 2018

The September 2018 City Council Meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.

  1. Call to order
    • Invocation
    • Moment of Silence in remembrance of 9-11
    • Pledge of Allegiance 
  2. Vote to set millage rate
  3. Motion to Adjourn


Special Called Meeting to set Millage Rate Minutes 

September 11th, 2018

The September 11, 2018 Special Called Meeting to set the Millage Rate was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall by Mayor Liz Ordiales.

Present were Mayor Liz Ordiales, Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, and Patsy Owens.  Staff present included Police Sergeant Tracy James and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.

Motion to keep the Millage Rate at 2.258 was made by Anne Mitchell and seconded by Patsy Owens.  Council members Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, and Nancy Noblet vote against the rate remaining at 2.258.  The vote did not pass.  The Millage Rate will be rolled back to 2.170.

The second reading to set the Millage Rate at 2.170 will be held on September 24,2018 at 6:00pm.

Motion to adjourn was made by Anne Mitchell, seconded by Amy Barrett with all in favor.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:03pm

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.