Agendas & Minutes for October 29th Meetings
6PM – City Hall Upstairs Training Room
- 2ndReading and adoption of the 2018-2019 Budget
- Invocation – Kris Berrong
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Budget Vote
- Adjourn
October 29th, 2018
FY2018-2019 Budget Meeting Minutes
At 6:00 pm on October 29, 2018, Mayor Liz Ordiales called to order the meeting for the purpose of the 2ndReading and adoption of the 2018-2019 Budget.
Present, in addition to the Mayor, were Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet and Patsy Owens. Also present were City Attorney Thomas Mitchell and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.
The invocation was given by Councilmember Kris Berrong followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Liz Ordiales introduced Kathy Papa of the Department of Community Affairs and Ebony Simpson of PlanFirst.
Making the motion to approve the budget was Anne Mitchell. The motion was seconded by Patsy Owens. There was a brief discussion about which employees’ salaries are paid out of which fund. The FY 18-19 budget was approved by a unanimous vote.
Motion to Adjourn was made by Anne Mitchell, seconded by Nancy Noblet. All Council members were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:05.
October 29th, 2018
The October Work Session Meeting will be held at 6:10 p.m. at City Hall Upstairs Training Room
- Call to order
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed.
- Old Business
- Mayor’s Report
- Ebony Simpson – Dept Community Affairs - PlanFirst
- Light Up Hiawassee – Dec 1, 2018 – Nancy Noblet
- Municode Update Ordinance – 2ndReading 11/6/18
- Police Department Report
- New Business
- Air Care Med contract - $4900 (same as 2018)
- Proposed 2019 Holiday and Meeting schedule
- No Work Session Meeting in December (Dec 24h )
- No City Council Meeting in January (January 1st)
- New Schedule has specific work session dates
- August Financials
- Consent Agenda for Tuesday November 6thwill consist of:
- Minutes from:
- October 3rdCity Council Minutes
- October 29thBudget 2ndReading minutes
- October 29thWork Session Minutes
- Minutes from:
- August Financials
- Motion to Adjourn
October 29th, 2018
At 6:10 pm on October 29, 2018, Mayor Liz Ordiales began the October work session meeting of the Hiawassee City Council.
Present in addition to the Mayor, were Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, and Patsy Owens. Also present were City Attorney Thomas Mitchell and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.
Mayor Ordiales amended the agenda to allow the PlanFirst presentation to start the evening as Ebony Simpson was traveling back this evening. Also, Police Chief Paul Smith was not present as he was at Boy Scout training and Mayor Ordiales would like to add an item to the agenda to put a moratorium on our Sign Permit Ordinance. Towns County Sole Commissioner Cliff Bradshaw signed a new Sign Ordinance for the county this afternoon and the Mayor feels it is prudent to review the county’s ordinance to determine if we should amend ours to be more in line with the county.
A moment of silence was observed for the lives tragically lost as a result of the violence at a Synagogue in Pennsylvania this week at the request of Leslie McPeak.
Ebony Simpson gave a presentation on the PlanFirst City designation that the City of Hiawassee has received for the 2019 – 2021 years and the benefits. PlanFirst rewards and recognizes Cities that consistently implement their strategic plans. Early next year, in January or February, there will be a formal presentation with a photo opportunity with the Governor. Some of the benefits of the PlanFirst designation are ½ percent off the interest rates of GEFA loans (the City anticipates entering into a GEFA loan agreement for the Water Treatment Plant Expansion), complimentary tickets to the Fall and Spring PlanFirst community events in Athens, and opportunities for the City to annually apply for community block grants and downtown development grants among others. Requirements of the PlanFirst designation are to continue to implement the strategic plan, be a PlanFirst reviewer, and submit a PlanFirst success story annually.
Anne Mitchell gave an update on the Halloween events which has been moved to the Courthouse to keep the children off Main Street. She indicated she is still working on seating her judges for the costumes (3 divisions ( 0-2, 3-7, and 8 and above ). Judging should take place at approximately 6:00. There will be First and Second prize in each category (cash prizes). There will also be the haunted house at the Old Rock Jail. The North Georgia Dance studio will have a group of dancers and there may be a flash mob (wink, wink)….
The Tater Ridge paving project has begun with road preparation. The “Boys of Water” have been out repairing some of the dips in the pavement (in places there was no earth between the road and the water pipes), adding dirt and compacting it. It is expected that the actual paving will begin the week of November 5th. Please be patient as the project may take some time to complete.
ONLY 1 WATER METER MISREAD THIS MONTH!!! The lone misread meter is at McDonald's. It is scheduled for replacement this month.
Mayor Ordiales went to pick up the giant $600,000 check at Great Woods Lodge in LaGrange. It was an eventful time as the hotel was evacuated for a fire alarm in the middle of the night. Lots of children (and adults) in pajamas were outside the hotel as the fire department made sure the hotel was safe to be occupied.
Hiawassee Watershed Coalition is doing the State of the Water presentation on October 30 at 5:30 pm at the Hinton Center in Hayesville.
Scarecrow invasion – 18 Scarecrows arrived on the Square. Hiawassee Scarecrow was flirting with the Tata’s Scarecrow and there was even a Scarecrow running away from Mr. Scarecrow Moneybags, we’re pretty sure he was stealing Mr. Moneybags….
Brew, Stew and Que was this past weekend and Mayor Ordiales was assigned to work with the Left Nut Brewing Company. When asked about the brewery’s name, the owner said they asked him what he would give up to have a brewery… And their slogan is “hold onto the one you have left”. Although it was a rainy cold day, the event was very well attended.
Towns County Clean Sweep is an educational campaign jointly sponsored by the Towns County Commissioner and the Towns County Sheriff with a goal of reducing trash on Towns County roadways. The flyers highlight the ways in which trash can be reduced such as securing trash in vehicles (it is the law), sweeping out the bed of pickup trucks before leaving the transfer station, etc.
Project sidewalk is an initiative Mayor Ordiales has begun to regain sidewalk space. Removing the grass that is growing up between the cracks and growing over the sidewalks, has been a task taken up by two city employees. So far, the sidewalk from Lloyds Landing to the Osborn Cemetery has resulted in a pickup truck bed full of grass and debris – and approximately 30% more sidewalk.
Nancy Noblet gave an update on Light Up Hiawassee (Dec 1st). Local businesses are able to rent space for $50.00 on the Square to set up vendor tables so that people can shop on December 1st. There will be a work day to decorate the Square on November 17th. This year there we have new decorations in the form of snowmen and an 8’ JOY (Mayor Ordiales showed a picture of this). These new decorations will be on the Square with the Merry Christmas banner, Happy Holidays lighted decoration, lighted deer and others. The Light Up Hiawassee committee encourages anyone who is interested to come out and participate in the decoration of the Square.
Municode Update Ordinance 2ndReading will take place at the Council Meeting next week.
The AirCarMed Contract is up for renewal – it is the same as 2018 ($4900.00). Council will vote on this contract at the Council meeting next week.
The Proposed 2019 calendar was distributed. No work session in December and no Council meeting in January due to the holiday. Dates of both the Council meetings and the work sessions are on the calendar. This will be on the website and Facebook page.
Mayor Ordiales presented the August Financials which looked very good. Water department numbers are still in the red, due mainly to depreciation. Approval will be on the agenda next week at the Council Meeting.
The Consent Agenda will include the Minutes of the October 3rdCity Council Meeting, the October 29thSpecial Called FY18-19 Budget meeting and the October 29thWork session minutes as well as the August Financials.
Commission Bradshaw polled 45 business, 40 did not want any more signs. In the residential poll, 98% of residents want no more signs. Mayor Ordiales want to make sure our ordinance does not contradict the County ordinance. Attorney Mitchell has drafted a resolution calling for a 45-day moratorium on sign permits so that we have time to review the County’s ordinance and determine if the Council wants to make any changes. If a change is needed in the ordinance, we can have a special called meeting at the work session to vote on it, or if the Council needs more time, we can extend the moratorium. There was some discussion about specific types of signs. Mayor Ordiales will forward the County’s ordinance as soon as she gets it so the Council has time to review it.
Council Member Amy Barrett asked about the Ethic committee. The Ethics ordinance states that the Council names one member, the Mayor names another and the Council and Mayor must agree on one for a total of 3 members. In addition to the three original committee members, only Sue Scott has indicated she is willing to serve on that committee. If anyone is interested in serving they should contact the City Clerk to indicate a willingness to serve.
Motion to adjourn was made by Council Member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Patsy Owens, all were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm
Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in this meeting or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202. The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.
Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in this meeting or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202. The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.