December 4, 2018

The December2018City CouncilMeeting will be held at 6:00p.m. at The Towns County Civic Center.

1. Call to order
1.1 Invocation, Nancy Noblet
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance 
1.3 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
1.4 Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed
2. Old Business 
2.1 Watershed Sample Contact reduced to $8678 for 2018
2.2 Municode is active
3. New Business
4. Motions
4.1 Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
4.1.1 Minutes from: November 6th City Council Minutes 26thSpecial Called Meeting minutes November 26th Work Session Minutes September Financial Alcohol License renewals for: 

Barney's Tap & Grill

Bella Cantina, Inc. DBA Bacchus Wine

Big Al's Pizza Company, LLC

Clipper Petroleum, Inc. dba Circle M

Fred's Store #1830

Hiawassee Brew

Ingles, Inc.  # 483

Ingles Imarket, Inc.  # 783

Market K Group

Monte Alban

Sundance Grill

4.2 Motion to approve the Hiwassee Watershed Protection Plan Monitoring - $8678   
4.3 Motion to approve the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Employee Insurance Plan
4.4 Motion to approve the extension of the Sign permit Moratorium for 60 days – 2-11-2019
4.5 2nd reading of the amendment to the Alcohol ordinance to accommodate Brunch Bill
4.6 Selection of Ethics Committee members
5. Executive Session
6. Motion to Adjourn

December 4, 2018

The December2018City CouncilMeeting wascalled to order at 6:00 pm in the Upstairs Training Room at City Hall by Mayor Liz Ordiales.

Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Patsy Owens, Nancy Noblet, Amy Barrett, Kris Berrong, and Anne Mitchell. Also present were Police Chief Paul Smith and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.  Guests included Queen of the Square Joan Crothers, Albert Barros, Harry Hayes, and Clark Stancil from UGA/Vinson Institute of Government, David McDonald(Doug Collins’ office), Young Harris College students Sam and Rachel, Patrick Robertson ARC Grant.

Council member Nancy Noblet gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Ordiales announced that Light Up Hiawassee will take place this Thursday evening (postponed due to inclement weather last Saturday).  Mayor Ordiales introduced Denise McKay, who will join the City of Hiawassee on January 2nd, 2019 as the Economic Development Director. She will also be splitting her time and talentswith the City of Young Harris and Towns County.  Her salary will be divided between the City of Hiawassee,City of Young Harris and Towns County.

Mayor Ordiales presented Cyndi Daves with her Economic Development certificate.  Cyndi has completed her training and is excited to be working with the County and City armed with the information she has gained during her training.  Sole Commissioner Cliff Bradshaw has also completed the training, but was not able to attend the meeting to receive his certificate.

Motion to adopt final agenda as distributed was made by Council member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all the council in favor.

In old business the further negotiations with EMI has resulted in the Watershed Sample Contact reduced to $8678 for 2018 and Mayor Ordiales demonstrated the Municodelink on the City’s website.

There was no new business.

Motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Nancy Noblet with all council in favor.  The consent agenda included the minutes of the November 6th City Council Minutes, the November 26thSpecial Called Meeting minutes, the November 26th WorkSession Minutes, the September Financials, and the Alcohol License renewals for: 

Barney's Tap & Grill

Bella Cantina, Inc. DBA Bacchus Wine

Big Al's Pizza Company, LLC

Clipper Petroleum, Inc. dba Circle M

Fred's Store #1830

Hiawassee Brew

Ingles, Inc.  # 483

Ingles Imarket, Inc.  # 783

Market K Group

Monte Alban

Sundance Grill

The motion to approve the Hiwassee Watershed Protection Plan Monitoring at $8678 for 2018 was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all council in favor.

The Motion to approve the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Employee Insurance Plan was made by Council member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council member Kris Berrong, with approval from Council members Patsy Owens and Nancy Noblet. Council member Amy Barrett abstained.

The motion to approve the extension of the Sign Permit Moratorium for 60 days (until 2-11-2019), was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all council in favor.

The 2nd reading of the amendment to the Alcohol ordinance to accommodate Brunch Billwas made by Council member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all council in favor.

In the selection of Ethics Committee members, Council member Anne Mitchell nominated Susan Phillips, Council member Patsy Owens seconded, however the vote was two to three with Council members Anne Mitchell and Patsy Owens voting yes, and Council members Amy Barrett, Kris Berrong and Nancy Noblet voting no.  Council member Amy Barrett then nominated Susan Scott, The vote was three to two with Council memberAmy Barrett, Nancy Noblet and Kris Berrong voting yes, and Council members Patsy Owens and Anne Mitchell voting no.  Susan Scott was named as the council’s choice on the Ethics Committee.  Mayor Ordiales named Leslie McPeak as her choice for the committee and presented LaJean Turner for council approval.  The Council approved the appointment of LaJean Turner unanimously.

City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick swore in the new ethics committee members Leslie McPeak, Susan Scott and LaJean Turner.

There was no executive session.

Motion to adjourn was made by Council member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council member Kris Berrong with all council in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 6:18pm


Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.