April 29th, 2019

The April Work Session Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall Upstairs Training Room

  1. Call to order
    • Invocation – Anne Mitchell
    • Pledge of Allegiance 
    • Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
      • Samantha Church
      • If I were Mayor Essay winner – Jaden Taylor 
    • Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed.
  1. Old Business
    • Mayor’s Report
    • Terry Poteete – Visual Outdoor Advertising 
    • Water Rates – Resolution on May 7thfor changes on June 2019 bill
    • Budget – Adoption and 2ndReading May 7th
    • Defined Benefit Plan – 2ndReading May 7th
    • Defined Benefit Plan Adoption – 2ndReading – May 7th
  2. New Business
    • Mural Project Plan
    • Personnel Policy handling
    • Police Department ATV
    • Surplus Sale of:
      • Old Chairs
      • Vehicles
      • Dining Table – Conference Room\
      • Old Computers
      • Old Furniture
    • January and February Financials 
    • Consent Agenda for May 7th
      • January & February Financials
      • April 2ndCity Council Meeting minutes
      • Budget Public Hearing minutes
      • April 29thWork Session Minutes
  1. Police Report
  2. Economic Development Report
  3. Adjournment

April 29th, 2019

The April Work Session Meeting was held at City Hall in the Upstairs Training Room.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales at 6:00 pm.

Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, and Patsy Owens. Staff members present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Chief Paul Smith, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.

The invocation was given by Anne Mitchell and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Mayor introduced guests Pat Malone, Lori and her husband back from Florida, Ann and Scott Eller, Linda and Eddy and the host of regulars, and Ron Lambright of the Hometown Sleep Center. Mayor Ordiales asked for a moment of silence for Mike Starr and Chelsea Grizzle. Mike Starr of Georgia Cities Foundations passed away earlier this month and Chelsea Grizzle, daughter of Water Superintendent Carl Grizzle passed away this morning.

Samantha Church, the winner of the speech contest, gave an outstanding speech on the benefits of dual enrollment in high school and college.

Jaden Taylor, City Days “If I were Mayor” essay winner was not able to be here tonight.  We will present the certificate at the next work session.

Motion to adopt the final agenda as distributed was made by Councilmember Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all in favor.

In old business, the Mayor presented her report which included trail hikers in the area (4,000), Young Harris College project for Hamilton Gardens, a Hometown Heroes banner project with the Rotary Club (Gerry Gutenstein (this will put up banners on the Square featuring active and retired service personnel), new banners on the poles in the City, update on the Post Office updates (thank you Alvin Gibson), and the Masonic Lodge/Fire Place store is now being painted.   The 5-year Hazard Mitigation plan (FEMA) voted on by the council has been accepted and we have received the grant payment for Mayors Park in the amount of $40,000.  Summer is warming up with the Hiawassee Brew grand opening, Meals of Hope packaged 60,000 meals for children, the Earth day celebration and Clean Sweep program were this last weekend.  Work Source Georgia Mountains is hosting the annual Youth Conference in Gainesville June 7th and the Mayor has passed that information onto Towns County High School. This day long, free program assists 16 – 24-year-olds with job skills and guidance.  Carrion Tree Service has taken down the dead and diseased trees at Lloyd’s Landing and Mayor Ordiales is still waiting for the state to determine the number of signatures on the petition needed to keep fluoride out of the drinking water in Hiawassee.  It is unclear whether it is 10% of the City, 10% of water customers, or some other number. Although we are behind (due to weather), the hydrant flushing is ongoing.  The Mayor handed out cards listing the bands playing for Music on the Square this summer and also presented the six sponsors (State Farm, ServPro, Farmers Insurance, Sundance, Georgia Mountain Television and NorthPointe Bank). Flicks on the Square are set starting with Small Foot on Friday 5/24.  In case of inclement weather, the Civic Center will be available for both Music and Flicks.  And Marcy Landau has again agreed to head up the committee to prepare the City float for the Georgia Mountain Fair on July 20th.  The theme this year is Play, Relax, Make Memories.

Terry Poteete of Visual Outdoor Advertising presented to the Council regarding a Digital sign application he felt was approved by virtue of not receiving a denial letter (Thomas Mitchell provided copies of the letter the City received last fall).  The Council recounted that they as a group had made the decision on behalf of the City that Digital signage was not in keeping with the small-town atmosphere of Hiawassee.  Mr. Poteet effectively rescinded his sign application. Atty Mitchell said that no action would be required of the Council so this will not be on the agenda next week.

Also, in old business, the Water Rates Resolution will be on the agenda on May 7th for charges on June 2019 bill. As previously stated by Mayor Ordiales, this rate increase will not affect businesses, North Carolina, or sewer rates.  If passed, the rate increase will be effective with the June bill.  The Budget and Defined Benefit Plan as well as the Defined Benefit Adoption Agreement second readings will also be on the agenda May 7th.

In new business, Mayor Ordiales would like to consider a mural program in conjunction with Young Harris College or Towns County High School. Consideration of the old $2 store brick wall as a first location.  On May 7th, an ordinance removing the personnel policy from the Code of Ordinances will be presented. Ordinances are the “laws” of the City and the personnel policy is a policy.  The Police department would like to purchase an UTV for their use – they have the funds from the sale of calendars and need council approval to proceed.   The City has some old furniture, computers, vehicles and even an unused Water Tank on Streakhill Rd they would like to place on GovDeals, a site, similar to eBay, where people bid on items.  It is an opportunity to recover some of the cost of those items.  The financial statements from January and February were presented.  The overall numbers are positive, mostly because we have received the property tax income, but the Water and Sewer Department is still running at a deficit.

On the consent agenda on May 7th, will be the January and February financials, the April 2ndCouncil Meeting minutes, the Budget Public Hearing minutes, and the April 29thWork Session minutes.

In the Police report, Chief Smith reported that the actions of 4 citizens averted what might have been a serious incident.  A pickup truck caught fire after it pulled up to the gas pumps at the Valero Station.  The citizens pushed the truck away from the pumps.  Towns County Fire Department put out the blaze. The Police department has identified the need for a 4 way stop at Frank and Bell Streets.  The egress from Ingles is particularly hazardous because it is difficult to see down Bell Street toward Main Street from that location. In addition, with the opening of the Car Wash, there has been an increase in near misses in that area.  As soon as signs are delivered, they will be installed along with signage noting the change in the traffic pattern.  The Lions Club of Hiawassee generously provided a 2011 Dodge Charger to the police department.  This car will replace the Chief’s 13-year-old Charger.  Today, the Hiawassee Police Department hosted a training class on the use of the LIDAR detectors.  20 Officers from all over the state attended for certification in LIDAR use. Smokey GT Porsche Club (150 cars) will be in Hiawassee on Friday.  They come every year, stay at the Ridges, rent an airstrip in Clayton, do all their drag racing and then drive respectfully through town. They also raise money for good causes.  Last year they gave $5000 for Shop with a Hero and they expect to double that amount this year.  This will really expand the Shop with a Hero program.  Marcy gave the Police department kudos.  It was her number accidentally painted on the new WashWorx Car Wash and she wanted to publicly thank the Police department for getting that fixed quickly.

In the Economic Development Report, Director Denise McKay reported on the Main Street Affiliate program, which opens the city up for lots of opportunities.  Today, they send out an email looking for communities to do product development for tourism. She mentioned the Young Harris plan she is working on and she is using the Main Street four-point approach to developing it. She also spoke about the Rural Zone designation application due in August and how it can assist the City with business incentives and tax credits.  There are 73 properties identified and there may be more.  The general area is from the 5-acre lot next to Georgia Vision Center to Bell Creek Road.    Ms. McKay also noted that new Trailful Adventures Store will open this Thursday at 11:00 am.

Video of the meeting will be on the website as soon as reasonably possible.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Councilmember Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:54pm.


Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.