August 6th, 2019
The August2019City CouncilMeeting will be held at 6:00p.m.in council chambers
Minutes of the August 6th, 2019 City of Hiawassee City Council Meeting.
The meeting was called order by Mayor Liz Ordiales at 6 PM. Present were all City Council members; Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet and Patsy Owens. Also in attendance was Economic Development Director Denise McKay. Absent was Bonnie Kendrick due to attending training out of town.
Motion to approve the agenda as distributed was made by Nancy Noblet, second by Patsy Owens, all in favor
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Anne Mitchell, second by Patsy Owens. A discussion was held as Nancy Noblet mentioned that she had not received the full financial report. Mayor Ordiales offered to remove that item from the agenda and send it to her. Nancy explained that she normally just reviewed the summary spreadsheet and did not need the full report. Mayor Ordiales agreed to send the report anyways. Unanimous approval of consent agenda immediately followed.
A motion was made by Anne Mitchell to approve a contract with EMI to provide inspection, training, and process for handling grease traps in our sewer system. The second was made by Kris Berrong, unanimous approval.
A motion was made to provide to the purchase of an ice machine to locate at Mayors’ Park was made by Anne Mitchell, second by Patsy Owens. A discussion was held as to the need fort his ice machine, it was determined that this would be tabled until Spring. The council would then re-visit the possibility or need to have an ice machine installed.
Motion to pursue the purchase of new billing utility software from Black Mountain not to exceed 25,000 was made by Nancy Noblet, second was made by Amy Barrett, unanimous approval immediately followed.
Motion for the approval of the interfund debt forgiveness from WTP to Water Sewer Fund was made by Amy Barrett and second was made by Kris Berrong, unanimous approval immediately followed.
Motion to approve an extension to the Towns County Water Authority service agreement was made by Patsy Owens, second was made Nancy Noblet, unanimous approval immediately followed.
Motion to approve the resolution for the activation of City of Hiawassee Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was made by Anne Mitchell, second was made Nancy Noblet, unanimous approval immediately followed. The announcement was made that with the next couple of weeks a Meet and Greet would be arranged for the DDA members and the council.
No need to enter executive session
Motion to adjourn was made by Anne Mitchell, second made by Nancy Noblet, unanimously approval immediately followed
The meeting was adjourned at 6:19 PM
Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in this meeting or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202. The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.