August 26th, 2019

The August Work Session Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall Upstairs Training Room

  1. Call to order
    • Invocation – Kris Berrong
    • Pledge of Allegiance 
    • Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements 
      • ArtWorks Exhibit – Ann Thompson 
    • Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed.
  1. Old Business
    • Mayor’s Report
  2. New Business
    • Telecommunications ROW Ordinance – 2 readings prior to October 
    • Small Cell Preparation 
    • Tax Digest – Millage Rate
    • Term Limits 
    • Joint development Authority Resolution 
    • Consent Agenda for September 3rd
      • June Financials
      • August 6thCity Council Meeting minutes
      • August 26thWork Session Minutes
  1. Police Report
  2. Economic Development Report
    • DDA Meet and Greet and Meeting 
  3. Executive Session
  4. Adjournment

August 26
th, 2019

The August Work Session Meeting was held at City Hall in the Upstairs Training Room.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales at 6:00pm.

Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Anne Mitchell, Kris Berrong, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet and Patsy Owens.  Staff members present were Police Chief Paul Smith and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.

The invocation was given by Kris Berrong and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Mayor welcomed all and introduced Ann Thompson from ArtWorks.  Artworks is a local art guild that has provided the art displayed in City Hall upstairs training room area.  There were several artists in attendance and Ann introduced them as well as the president of the Guild Margaret Windham. Mrs. Windham gave a small recap of the Art Guild and its function. 

Mayor Ordiales asked that the agenda be amended to add the discussion of the feeding of fluoride to our water system.  The Agenda was adopted with that change, motion was made by Amy Barrett, second by Patsy Owens, all in favor.

The mayor also recognized our new Santa for 2019, Mickie McGee.  The Mayors report consisted of the start of the Sewer Plant project, the lightning damage to the sewer plant 2 weeks ago, the approval and receipt of funds for 2 grants the Worker’s Comp safety Grant and the GDOT LMIG Grant.  These 2 grants total over $21,000.  The improvements to be made with the GDOT grant will be the repaving of Smith St and the curved section of Bel-Aire Rd and the new sidewalk at the entrance to City Hall. The Mayor’s report also included the following upcoming events; Shred Day (Sept 7th) sponsored by the Lions Club, Towns County, City of Hiawassee and The Chamber of Commerce, Hometown Heroes banner project on the Square (August 31st) Co-sponsored by the Lake Chatuge Rotary Club and the City of Hiawassee, Music on the Square with a Veteran’s tribute presented by Bill Rinaldo.  Other events to be held on the square in an effort to drive the Strategic Plan initiative will be the memorial tribute to 9-11 tragic event.  That event will be held at 9:45 on 9-11. The final upcoming event presented was the Fall Affair on the Square that consists of art vendors, pottery, jewelry, lotions, etc.  That event will be held on September 14-15. 

The Mayor also presented and stressed the importance of the 2020 Census and the timeline for that, starting in Mid-March of 2020. 

The City recognized Carl Grizzle for his 30 years of dedicated service to the Water Department by changing the name of the Water Department road to Carl Grizzle Way.  The Mayor also met with GDOT and received approval for the new design for street signs to include the City logo above the road name. 

The meeting proceeded to new business which consisted of the new legislature regarding Right of Way ordinances (ROW) and Small Cell equipment to assist with better cell phone reception. Mr. Mitchell explained the direction of the legislature and the need for the ordinance to be in place by October 1.

The 2019 Tax Digest was introduced and Mayor Ordiales recommended that the Council accept the roll back rate of 2.095. 

Anne Mitchell introduced a discussion about the implementation of Term Limits.  The council was split on the need to have term limits presented on behalf of the City in the next legislative session.  After much input from the majority of the council, Mayor Ordiales asked for that subject to be tabled since there was not a full consensus of the council which is needed in order to move that initiative forward. 

The Joint Development Authority (JDA) resolution was explained as a board of 3 people selected by each of the Mayors of Cities of Hiawassee and Young Harris and the Towns County Commissioner.  The City of Hiawassee’s representatives are Vicki Constantanides, Josh Alexander and Manny Carrion.  The resolution will be on the agenda for the September City Council meeting. 

The consent agenda for the September City Council meeting will consist of the June financials, which were presented, August 6th City Council Minutes and the work session minutes from this meeting. 

The petition signatures to not introduce fluoride into our water system have been obtained.  This effort will need to be put to a vote of all City residents that are registered to vote.  The Mayor and the elections superintendent will meet on that this week to finalize that effort. 

Chief Paul Smith presented the donation of the VFW, American Legion and their auxiliaries of $1,500 for the purchase of an additional Taser gun.  He also presented a new app created to assist in keeping Georgia safe; See Something, Send Something. 

Denise McKay was not present due to her being at the Meet and Greet session with the newly formed Downtown Development Authority (DDA), the JDA resolution will be on the agenda for the September City Council meeting next week. 

Motion was made by Anne Mitchell, second by Nancy Noblet to enter Executive session to discuss personnel matters, all in favor.  This motion occurred at 6:47PM 

Motion to return to regular session was made by Amy Barrett, second by Kris Berrong all in favor. 

Motion to adjourn the City Council work session was made by Nancy Noblet, second by Amy Barrett, all in favor. 

Meeting was adjourned at 7:21PM

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.