November 5th, 2019
The November 2019 City Council Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m.in council chambers
- Call to order
- Invocation – Amy Barrett
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed
- Old Business
- New Business
- Motions/Approvals
- Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
- August Financials
- October 1stCity Council Meeting Minutes
- October 28th Work Session Minutes
- Second Reading of the Issuing Agent Ordinance (EPD)
- Approval for AirMedCare Network Contract for 2020
- Approval of the 2020 Holiday/Meeting Schedule
- Approval of Resolution for GEFA Modification (Additional $70,000 grant money)
- Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
- Executive Session
- Motion to Adjourn
November 5th, 2019
The November 5th, 2019 City Council Meeting was held at 6:00 p.m.in the upstairs training room at City Hall.
Present in addition to the Mayor Pro Tem were Council members Patsy Owens, Nancy Noblet, Amy Barrett, and Kris Berrong. The staff member present was City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. Absent was Mayor Liz Ordiales who was in Bristol, TN for the Appalachian Gateway Community training event.
Mayor Pro Tem Anne Michell called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Councilmember Amy Barrett gave the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Mayor Pro Tem Mitchell introduced Callie Moore of the Hiwassee Watershed Coalition - now Mountain True - and welcomed all to the meeting. She also informed the Council that Mayor Ordiales was in Bristol, TN attending the Appalachian Gateway Communities Initiative training. We were recently advised we were selected to be part of the AGCI and several factors made that possible – our geography - bordering public land, our working toward balancing economic development with the preservation of natural resources, arts, and history, and having a strategic plan in place.
The motion to adopt the final agenda as distributed was made by Councilmember Amy Barrett, seconded by Councilmember Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
There was no old or new business
The motion to approve the consent agenda, which included the August financials, and the minutes of the October 1st Council meeting and the October 28th Work session, was made by Councilmember Amy Barrett, seconded by Councilmember Kris Berrong with all in favor.
The motion to approve the second reading of the Issuing Agent Ordinance was made by Councilmember Patsy Owens and was seconded by Councilmember Nancy Noblet. Callie Moore of Mountain True spoke of the great accomplishment for the City. The Issuing Agent can assist the City by advising homeowners and/or builders if what they are doing is causing sediment to enter the lake and can cite them if they do not rectify the situation. The Hiwassee Watershed Coalition had an issuing agent as a recommendation for the City since 2007. Formerly, the City depended on the County for this service, but the County lost its issuing agent. The primary concern is the protection of Lake Chatuge. The vote of the Council was unanimous to approve the ordinance.
The motion to approve the AirMedCare Network Contract for 2020 was made by Councilmember Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Kris Berrong with all in favor.
The motion to approve the 2020 Holiday/Meeting schedule was made by Councilmember Amy Barrett, seconded by Councilmember Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
The motion to approve the resolution for the GEFA Modification was made by Councilmember Amy Barrett, seconded by Councilmember Patsy Owens with all in favor. This will allow the loan to be modified to allow for an addition $70,000 in grant monies.
There was no need for executive session.
Callie Moore advised the Council and public that the Lake Chatuge shoreline cleanup is this Saturday, November 9th from 9 – 11:30am. Papa’s Pizza will give a 15% discount to anyone buying pizza if you are wearing this year’s shoreline clean up tee shirt.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:12pm