Hiawassee 2020-2021 Budget 2nd Reading and adoption will begin at 6PM with Work Session to follow immediately. Budget is available on the City website:
June 29th, 2020
The June Work Session Meeting will be held immediately after the Budget Public Hearing.
- Call to order
- Invocation – Nancy Noblet
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Approve the Agenda as distributed
- Old Business
- Mayor’s Report
- New Business
- Flouride Resolution approval
- GEFA Resolution for deferral of interest – WWTP (2)WTP (2) Water Distribution (1)
- Contract with Technology International-Kayak Ramp at Lloyds Landing $25,893 from existing SPLOST Revenues
- Package Alcohol Sales ordinance discussion
- Consent Agenda
- Minutes from the June 2ndCity Council Meeting
- Minutes from June 27thWork Session
- April Financials
- Minutes from City Council retreat in March
- Police Report
- Economic Development Update
- New DDA Appointment – New Member, new chairperson
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
Mayor Liz Ordiales called to order a Special Called meeting to approve on the second reading and adoption of the Fiscal Year 20-21 Budget at 6:00pm.
Present in addition to the Mayor were Council member Anne Mitchell, Patsy Owens, Nancy Noblet and Jay Chastain. Absent was Council member Amy Barrett. Staff in attendance were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Chief Paul Smith and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. Also, in attendance was City Attorney Thomas Mitchell.
Motion to adopt the Special Called Meeting agenda as distributed was made by Council member Jay Chastain, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all present in favor.
Motion to approve the FY 20-21 Budget was made by Council member Jay Chastain, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens, with all in favor.
The June Work session began immediately following the Special Called meeting. The invocation was given by Council member Nancy Noblet and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
There were no guests as we are still holding meeting via Facebook Live due to the COVID 19 pandemic and the Mayor announced that all Council members and staff were seated at least 6 feet apart. Chief Paul Smith was monitoring Facebook to relay questions and comments to the Council.
Council member Nancy Noblet requested that the agenda be modified for a discussion on Parking Lot Rentals and signs. Motion to approve the agenda as modified was made by Council member Jay Chastain, seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all present in favor.
In Old Business, the Mayor gave her report which included an update on the COVID 19 pandemic local numbers of positive test results and deaths (Council member Jay Chastain encourages everyone to keep vigilant and wear a mask), Georgia Department of Health Director, Dr. Toomey latest report (vaccine is not expected until the first quarter of 2021), City Hall opening, water bill numbers, high usage reports and ServLine, the modifications to the Water billing/late fees/cut-off for non-payment processes (cut offs will resume on July 22nd), the need for a new truck to replace Carl’s 2006 F150, Flag drop off for worn flags for proper disposal (Howard Smrz), USDA Rural Development grant approved for roof and stabilization of the Paris Buildings, Trailful Outdoors has moved into the old Victoria’s Attic building, we are waiting for GDOT approval to make the road between Trailful and the garden center of Hiawassee Hardware One Way and add five parking spaces, crosswalk at the hospital and Lloyd’s Landing in and out work (each of these is using the leftover SPLOST funds - $22,000 for crosswalk, split between the hospital and City, GDOT is putting in the crossing lights, posts, etc; total of the project is approx. $55,000, but City will only have to pay $10,000 – Lloyds Landing in and out and kayak launch- expected completion in 75 - 90 days- and picnic tables donated by Manny Carrion (will be painted and put in the Unicoi Plaza area).
Also in the Mayors report, the SPLOST referendum passed with 64% of the vote, probably won’t see any money from it until early 2021, Music on the Square opened this past weekend, VT Turf Care is coming to the City and she would like to consider using the service for the Square – Anne wanted to know what chemicals they use and had some reservation about using it on the Square – Liz will find out what chemicals they use – VT Turf Care is taking care of Hiawassee Park, the DDA First Fridays program is starting on August 7th, 5 – 10pm) $50 for participating vendors (artist & artisan market – produce, food trucks, games and music), Fluoride referendum vote was 57% to not add fluoride, resolution will be on the agenda for July 7th meeting (will be submitted to EPD to complete the documentation required), Census numbers are falling way behind Young Harris, Towns County and the State – these numbers drive federal funding numbers for grants and programs – WE NEED EVERYONE COUNTED , Mayor Liz is the president of the Georgia Municipal Association District 2 beginning on Wednesday, July 1st.
In New Business, the Fluoride Resolution will be on the agenda for approval at the July 7th City Council meeting. Also, on the agenda will be the GEFA Resolution for deferral of interest on our loans – WWTP (2), WTP (2), Water Distribution (1). GEFA is offering to waive interest until January 2021 due to the COVID 19 pandemic. The contract with Technology International for the Kayak Ramp at Lloyds Landing for $25,893 from existing SPLOST Revenues will also be on the agenda for approval.
In the Package Alcohol Sales ordinance update, Economic Development Director Denise McKay has been working with Council members Patsy Owens and Amy Barrett. They are looking at the ordinance as a whole and hope to have an update at the next work session. There was discussion around how many signatures the petitioners needed and how many City registered voters have already signed. Mayor Ordiales is concerned with getting the ordinance correct ahead of the possibility of having a package store(s) in the City.
The Consent Agenda will include the Minutes from the June 2nd City Council Meeting, the June 27th Work Session, the April Financials, and the Minutes from City Council retreat in March which we forgot to put on the April Council Meeting agenda.
In the Police Report, Chief Paul Smith reported increased activity in the City. There were 3 drug arrests this weekend, one of which Sergeant Tracy James and K9 Officer Buddy made a large bust this weekend which included the confiscation of substantial cash. He wanted to remind everyone that fireworks are legal now in Georgia but can’t be shot off after midnight. If someone is shooting fireworks after midnight call 911 and the police will respond.
In the Economic Development Update, Director Denise McKay reported that Chairperson Herb Bruce has stepped down from the DDA and the Council will need to appoint a new member. She is respectfully requesting that Steven Harper be appointed. He has stepped up to assist the DDA with the business plan for the Paris Plaza Business Center and previously worked with a business incubator and is an attorney. His leadership would be a great addition to the DDA team. Director McKay has also spoken with John Chastain, the artist for the Mural and he expects to begin on the mural in the next 2 -3 weeks. Timelines have been pushed back due to the rain we have had this spring. We are next on his list. On the First Friday’s events, for the $50 fee, the vendors get a 3 or 4-sided, lighted tent set up on Thursday so they can set up and have them secured overnight. She also mentioned the need for musicians and asked if you knew someone to let her know.
There was much discussion regarding a vendor who is renting the parking lot at the old Complete Cash Pawn site and the use of feather signage. As he is renting the parking lot, there is not much Chief Smith can do about his use of the site, however the signage is in violation of our sign ordinance and he will address that situation tomorrow.
There was no need for executive session.
Motion to adjourn was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Jay Chastain, with all present in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:59pm.