The City of Hiawassee October Work Session will begin at 6 PM in the Upstairs training room
October 26th, 2020
- Call to order
- Invocation – Nancy Noblet
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Approve the Agenda as distributed
- Old Business
- Mayor’s Report
- Alcohol Ordinance Update – 2nd Reading at November City Council Meeting
- New Business
- Election Day-City Council Meeting Conflict (November 3rd)
- Election Qualifying Update
- Alcohol Licensing – New Bacchus owners – Ashlyn LaPorte
Pending till 10-31-2020-Paperwork Due:
Guido4 LLC. d/b/a Sundance Grill Ingles Markets, Inc #483
Ingles Imarket #783 Market K Group, LLC – Received
Monte Alban, Inc Clipper Petroleum d/b/a Circle M Food Shop
Hiawassee Brew – Received Hiawassee Seafood Bar and Grill
Tilted Café
- Air Med Contract – Renewal upcoming
- Annual Holiday and Meeting Schedule
- Consent Agenda
- Minutes from the October 6thCity Council Meeting
- Minutes from October 15thSpecial Called meeting
- Minutes from October 26thWork Session
- July Financials
- Police Report
- Economic Development Update
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
The City of Hiawassee October Work Session was called to order at 6 PM by Mayor Liz Ordiales. The meeting was broadcast over Facebook Live and was not open to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Anne Mitchell, Patsy Owens, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, and Councilmember Jay Chastain attended via telephone. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Chief Paul Smith, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. City Attorney Thomas Mitchell also attended via telephone.
The Invocation was given by Councilmember Nancy Noblet and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Mayor gave her report which included the COVID update (Hiawassee has 331 cases total with 13 deaths – Union County has 882 cases with 25 deaths). City Hall remains closed to the public, but we are taking appointments to limit exposure and checking the drop boxes 3 times each day. This month we had 15 accounts with high usage, 11 of which were leaks and the customers have been given information to open claims with ServLine Insurance. Meter read date will change to the 25th of each month so that we read on the same day as Towns County Water Authority, This is a result of the settlement agreement with them and will keep the accounts we share reading close to the same time. We have had a road safety audit with Georgia Department of Transportation. Carl (water dept supervisor), Clint (wastewater dept), Paul (police chief) and the Mayor met with a team from GDOT to review accident data in the City and then walked from Lloyds Landing to Sundance Grill to visually look at drainage issues, bad in & outs, bad handicap access and they are drafting a report of what changes the City needs to make (using LMIG $) and what GDOT will do for us. We have used LMIG money to stripe Bell Street and will soon have rumble strips put near the bad cures on Bell Street. The galvanized pipe replacement on Thurman Drive has been installed; now the hookups will be done. Department of Natural Resources has installed two No Wake buoys in the area of the boat launch at Mayors Park. They will be adding additional buoys near the Water Treatment Plant to help with wake damage to the intake of the plant. The “Squarecrows” have invaded and are drawing people and the city decorated an old City truck for the Square. Light Up Hiawassee's first workday is scheduled for Saturday, November 21st beginning at 8 to start putting up the 8,000 lights that will be on the Square. Mayor Liz unveiled the two new decorations for the Square (a penguin snowman in a pickup truck and two candy canes holding up a Merry Christmas banner). The Tennessee Valley Authority has approved the safety poles at Lloyds Landing, and they are being striped by Alec at Mountain Graphics. Mayor Ordiales and Commissioner Bradshaw teamed up to give Senator Wilkinson a big thank you at the Commissioner’s meeting. We have received the Rural Zone designation which allows for job tax credits, investment credit, and rehabilitation credits.
The Alcohol Ordinance will have a Second Reading at November City Council Meeting.
Due to the Presidential election on November 3rd and Mr. Mitchell not being available on that day, the Council has decided to move the November meeting to Thursday, November 5th.
On the agenda for November will be the Alcohol licensing for 2021. The new owner of Bacchus has submitted her paperwork and will be voted on with the existing license holders.
The AirMedCare contact for 2021 has increased – the last two years it was $4800.00 – to $5800.00. However, Mayor Liz is going to try to negotiate a lower rate.
The 2021 Holiday and Meeting schedule will be on the agenda for approval at the November meeting.
On the consent agenda for the November meeting will be the minutes of the October 6th Council meeting, the October 15th Special Called meeting, and the October 26th Work Session as well as the July financials.
In the Police Report Chief Paul Smith reported two seizures have been awarded – one $3000 in cash and a 2010 Toyota Corolla and the other $2000 in cash. One was the work of Sergeant James and the other was the work of K9 Officer Buddy. The money must be used for law enforcement.
In the Economic Development Update, Economic Development Director Denise McKay. The final “First Friday” is November 6. Vendors have been invited to participate in the Light Up Hiawassee on Saturday, December 5. On November 24th there the DDA is working with merchants to organize Plaid Friday a “Black Friday” type event and Shop Small Saturday on November 25, where the participating merchants will use passports for customers and there will be a prize basket for the person that spends the most. The collection tubes are being painted as fishermen and donations will be used for beautification projects. Source Urbanism has delivered their first submission and Ms. McKay has a conference call with them on Wednesday. This is needed for the grant which will be submitted in mid-November. The gas tank behind the Paris buildings has been moved and BRMEMC is going to install the electricity underground.
Motion to enter executive session to discuss pending litigation and personnel matters made by Councilmember Amy Barrett, seconded by Councilmember Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
Motion to exit executive session was made by Councilmember Amy Barrett, seconded by Councilmember Patsy Owens with all in favor.
Motion to adjourn was made by Council member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:53pm