There will be a special called meeting on November 23rd, 2020 to ratify the Inter-governmental agreement with the Towns County Water Authority at 6 PM in the City Hall Upstairs Training Room.

The City of Hiawassee November Work Session will follow

November 23rd, 2020

  1. Call to order
    • Invocation – Amy Barrett
    • Pledge of Allegiance 
    • Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements 
    • Approve the Agenda as distributed 
  2. Old Business
    • Mayor’s Report 
    • Alcohol Ordinance – Discussion and 2ndreading December Council Meeting 
  3. New Business
    • Alcohol Licensing –
      Clipper Petroleum d/b/a Circle M Food Shop – Received
      Pending Paperwork Due:

Hiawassee Seafood Bar and Grill

  • Air Med Contract – Renewal at Rate of $5390
  • Personnel Policy Changes, approval at December City Council Meeting
  • Qualifying fees for the 2021 Election cycle – Approval at January 2021 City Council Mtg
  • Consent Agenda
    • Minutes from the November 5thCity Council Meeting
    • Minutes from November 23rd Work Session 
    • August Financials – Not received to date
  1. Police Report
  2. Economic Development Update
  3. Executive Session
  4. Adjournment

November 23rd, 2020

The City of Hiawassee Special Called Meeting and November Work Session was called to order on November 23, 2020 at 6PM by Mayor Liz Ordiales.  The meeting was broadcast over FaceBook Live and was not open to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Anne Mitchell, Amy Barrett, and Nancy Noblet.  Council members Patsy Owens and Jay Chastain attended via telephone.  Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Chief Paul Smith, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.  City Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also in attendance. 

The Invocation was given by Council member Amy Barrett and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were no guests in attendance and no announcements.

Motion to approve the agenda as distributed was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all in favor.

In the Special Called meeting, Council member Nancy Noblet made the motion to approve the Towns County Water and Sewer Authority settlement.  It was seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all in favor.

In the Mayor’s report, Towns County now has a total of 524 COVID-19 cases with 8 deaths.  There was an increase of 94 since last month.  Union County has essentially double our numbers.  Remember to Wear a mask, Wash your hands, and Walk away.  The office is still closed, and we are working by appointments, taking temperatures, and asking wellness questions.

We have changed the water meter read dates to more closely align with Towns  County Water and Sewer read dates – we read today (November 23rd), so this month, bills will have 8 additional days of usage and some customers will see an increase in their bill.  December read will also be the 23rd due to the Christmas holiday, but beginning in January, we will read as close to the 25th of the month as possible.

The 30-year-old meter at Lake Chatuge Lodge has been replaced.  Cost to replace was approximately $4,000.00.  Average expected life span of a meter is 8 years.

The galvanized project update – boring is completed on Thurman Drive.  Now need to tap into the line, test the water and then we can tap on the houses on the road.

Mural has been well received in the City with selfies showing up on FaceBook including one gentleman who was photoshopped into the boat with the “two grumpy old men”.

The City has been approved for the R.U.R.A.L zone designation and Economic Development Director Denise McKay is putting together a brochure for investors.

With the storms over the last few weeks, the turbidity at the Water Treatment Plant has been exceptionally bad.

A drug disposal box has been installed near the side door of City Hall – a cooperative venture between Chatuge Regional Hospital, and the City, with box provided by CVS Pharmacy. Elizabeth McKeon, Director of Clearview Behavior Ryan Snow, administrator of Chatuge Regional Hospital, Sheriff Elect Ode Henderson, Chief Paul Smith and Mayor Ordiales attended the unveiling.

Last Saturday, the Light Up Hiawassee committee (Vickie Constantinides, Marta Izqueirdo, Tyler Osborn, Denise McKay, and Liz Ordiales) and volunteers began the decorating of the Square for the Light Up Hiawassee event which will be held virtually this year.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Santa (complete with mask) will be broadcast live over FaceBook on December 5th at 6:00pm for the lighting of the Square.  Asked why we don’t do the lighting for the Sheriff’s parade, Mayor Ordiales said we have asked the Sheriff to move the parade out one week so that it doesn’t impact Small Business Saturday.

We are still waiting for TVA approval to install the poles in the play area at Lloyds landing.  Council member Nancy Noblet said a kayak event took place last weekend with many kayaks launching from Lloyds Landing.

Towns County tax bills went out and the City tax bills went out a week later. County tax bills are due on January 10th.  City tax bills are due January 20th.  We have found some bills have incorrect information and we are correcting and resending the bills as we find them.  Council member Amy Barrett asked about escrowed tax payments and how they are to be handled.  We are waiting for confirmation from the Tax Commissioner’s office on how they contact the mortgage companies.  If there is a change or correction of address, it must be done at the Tax Assessor’s office.

Mayor Ordiales is looking a possibly paying off another loan.  This loan is the next highest interest rate (4.375%).  This 1999 loan would be paid off from Water/Sewer fund.  

Building designs for the Paris buildings were unveiled.

Windstream had a ribbon cutting on the Square to promote the 1 gig speed that is now available to most residents of Hiawassee.  They have invested in new infrastructure to support the speed increase.

Also in old business, the Alcohol Ordinance discussion continued from last month.  Attorney Mitchell will make the discussed changes to the ordinance and have it ready for the second reading on December 1st.  The last changes were to remove the point system and strictly adhere to a first come, first served basis, all checklist items to be completed at the time of submission (failure to complete all items would disqualify the applicant), and no alcohol would be available at the Light Up Hiawassee event.  There was also discussion about the liability insurance needed, distance requirements for package store (State Law- Mr. Mitchell will make sure the required language was included) and the definition of family in the ordinance.

In New Business, the Clipper Petroleum d/b/a Circle M Food Shop alcohol renewal has been received and will be on the agenda.  We have not yet received the renewal for Hiawassee Seafood Bar and Grill which is in the process of being sold.  If it is not received by December 1st, the restaurant will not be able to serve beer, wine or spirits from January 1st until the renewal can be voted on at a Council meeting.

The AirMedCare contract will be on the agenda for December 1st.  Mayor Ordiales has negotiated a rate of $5,390.00.

The Personnel Policy will be on the agenda for approval.  The proposed major changes are to change “sick time” to “paid time off” as the time is often taken for children’s doctor appointments or dental appointments.  Annual leave will now be accrued from the time of hire (unavailable until after the 3-month probationary period) and taken (or lost) by December 31st.  Each January 1st all full-time employees will have 2 weeks of vacation (3 weeks after 5 years of service, 4 weeks after 10 years of service).

At the January 2021 Council meeting approval will be requested for setting the Qualifying fees for the 2021 election cycle.  Since the Council does not vote on anything not discussed at work session, there not being a work session in December, and the Qualifying fees must be published before February 1st, it needed to be discussed tonight.  The fee for Council posts will be $102.00.  Fee for the Mayor will be $708.00.

On the consent agenda for the December meeting will be the minutes of the November 5th Council meeting and the November 23rd Work Session.  The August financials have not been received yet.

In the Police Report Chief Paul Smith advised the Council that Detective Brandon Barrett has moved to part-time and Officer Matthew Phillips has been hired.  Officer Phillips worked at the Sheriff’s office.  He will be working with K9 Officer Buddy.  Officer Phillips will go through training to work with Buddy.  Also, the Hiawassee Police Department is getting ready for its first GCIC audit.

The Economic Development Update was given by Economic Development Director Denise McKay. The final “First Friday” was November 6. Due to the Light Up Hiawassee event going virtual, the last event for vendors has been cancelled.  The DDA will convene in January to begin the planning for the 2021 First Fridays and they would like to start in May.  The donation boxes have yielded $17.00 so far for beautification efforts.  There are plans for more signage.  Signs for Lloyds Landing will all go up at the same time for the donation boxes.  Thanks again to Doug Chambers @ Finish Line who painted the donation boxes. Ms. McKay said the DDA meetings will be done on FaceBook Live as long as the doors of City Hall remain locked to the public.

Motion to enter executive session to discuss pending litigation was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all in favor.

Motion to exit executive session was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor.

Motion to adjourn was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:23pm

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.