The RESCHEDULED City of Hiawassee February 2021 City Council meeting will begin at 6PM in the Council Chambers
February 9, 2021
- Call to order
- Invocation – Anne Mitchell
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Approve the Agenda as distributed
- Old Business
- New Business
- Approval of the Downtown Development Authority-City Memorandum of Understanding for the Paris Business Center
- Approval of the fee schedule for the alcohol ordinance
- Consent Agenda
- Minutes from the January 5th, 2021 City Council Meeting
- Approval of car auction (Crown Vic, F150 P/U, Corolla [drug seizure])
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
February 9, 2021
The City of Hiawassee February City Council meetingwas called to order at 6PM on February 9th, 2021 in the Council Chambers by Mayor Liz Ordiales. The meeting was rescheduled from February 2nd, 2021 due to illness. The meeting was broadcast over FaceBook Live and was not open to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Anne Mitchell, Patsy Owens, Nancy Noblet, Amy Barrett and Jay Chastain. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKayand City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.
The Invocation was given by Council memberAnne Mitchell and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. There were no guests.
Mayor Ordiales reminded the Council that the retreat is scheduled for Saturday March 6th and there was discussion about postponing the retreat due to the COVID situation. The Council requested that the retreat be postponed. Mayor Ordiales will contact Gordon Maner (facilitator) to see if he has an availability in the future.
The Mayor also gave the Council the latest COVID-19 statistics for Towns County – 30 new cases in the last week which is an increase of 50%. 22.95% positivity rate (up 4.5%), 61 new tests (decrease of 50%), 8 new hospital admissions (decrease of 27%) and 20% of the hospital beds are COVID cases (decrease of 7%).
This week, the City used the CodeRED system to notify residents of Thurman Drive of the water shut off in order toconnect them to the new pipes (first of the galvanized pipe replacements).
Motion to approve the agenda as distributed was made by Council member Patsy Owens, seconded by Council member Jay Chastainwith all in favor.
There was no old business.
Motion to approve the Downtown Development Authority/City memorandum of Understanding was made by Council member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council member Patsy Owenswith all in favor.
Motion to approve the fee schedule for the alcohol ordinancewas made by Council member Jay Chastain, seconded by Council member Amy Barrettwith all in favor.
Motion to approve the consent agenda, which consists of the minutes from the January 5th, 2021City Council Meeting and the approval of the vehicle auction (adding the white Charger which is having engine trouble) was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Jay Chastainwith all in favor.
There was no need for executive session.
Motion to adjourn was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Nobletwith all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.