OPEN TO PUBLIC – City Hall Training Room Upstairs
August 30th, 2021 6PM
- Call to order
- Invocation – Anne Mitchell
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Approve the Agenda as distributed
- Old Business
- Mayors Report
- New Business
- Millage Rate – 5 Year Digest
- Cell Tower Historic Building feedback
- Halloween Event
- HIR Gastro Lounge Alcohol License Approval
- Consent Agenda – August 3rd
- August 3rdCity Council Meeting Minutes
- August 30thWork Session Minutes
- April Financials
- Police Report
- Economic Development Update
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
August 30th, 2021 6PM
The City of Hiawassee August Work Session was called to order at 6PM on August 30th, 2021, in the Upstairs Training Room at City Hall by Mayor Liz Ordiales. The meeting was broadcast over FaceBook Live.
Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Anne Mitchell, Amy Barrett, Patsy Owens, Nancy Noblet. Council member Jay Chastain was absent. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick, and Police Chief Paul Smith. Also present was City Attorney Thomas Mitchell.
The Invocation was given by Council member Anne Mitchell and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor welcomed all guests including Pat Malone and Ron Whelchel. Motion was made by Council member Amy Barrett to approve the agenda as distributed, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet, with all in favor.
Mayor Ordiales paused for a moment of silence for Mary Smith, Police Chief Paul Smith’s Mother, Cordella Bowen, Wastewater operator Clint Royce’s Aunt, and Henry Jones, Water distribution operator Jarrett Milam’s Grandfather.
Mayor Ordiales thanked the citizens of Hiawassee for allowing her to represent them for another four years. Mayor Ordiales as well as Council members Amy Barrett and Patsy Owens were the only qualifiers for their respective seats.
The Mayors Report consisted of the COVID update (51% vaccinated); Union General Hospital is over capacity (160% capacity in ICU; 142% in patient). Please continue to be vigilant - Wear a mask, wash your hands, walk away. Hometown Heroes will be unveiled at the 20th anniversary commemoration of 9/11 at 9:45am. We will have bagpipes, the National Honor Guard and Purple Heart recipients of Hiawassee. For the final update of last year’s property tax – collections were $200,096.57 and we still have 5 outstanding properties. The men of water have been contending with a plethora of rain this year, lift stations have been flooded, the sewer plant had to make use of the sludge pond and several pumps have needed to be replaced. Pump house painting project is complete. More rain is expected tomorrow as part of Hurricane Ida. We have received approval from EPD for the Water Treatment Plant expansion. There will be a comprehensive plan meeting on September 9th from 7:00pm – 8:00pm at the new Rec Center. Land use will be discussed at this meeting.
Also in the Mayors Report, Mayor Ordiales played the “Youngawassee” interview with Young Harris Mayor Andrea Gibby and Mayor Ordiales produced by the Georgia Municipal Association. Spring/Summer events on the Square continue with Yoga and Music on the Square on Saturdays. Paradise 56 will close out the Music on the Square season this weekend. Our own “Golden Girls”, Mrs. Brasstown Manor and a sunrise at Mayors Park (thank you John Andrews) were featured photos.
Council member Anne Mitchell was presented with her Certificate of Recognition from the Carl Vinson Institute of Government Training board.
In new business, the millage rate is set to roll back to 1.977 and our LOST income from last year was $250,000. The millage rate first reading will be at the September meeting, and we will need to set a date for the public hearing. There is a proposed 265’ cell tower between Bell Street and Bell Creek Road, Verizon is asking if there are any historic buildings about which they need to be concerned. The Halloween on the Square is still in question since there are around 700 children in attendance. We will reevaluate the event as the time comes closer in light of COVID numbers. HIR Gastro Lounge is seeking an alcohol permit to sell beer and wine at the restaurant. This will be on the agenda for the September Council Meeting.
The consent agenda for the September Council meeting will consist of the August 3rd City Council Meeting Minutes, the August 30th Work Session Minutes, and the April Financials.
In his Police Report, Chief Smith updated the Council on the department staffing. With the hiring of Ashley Osborn, the department is now 40% female. On July 31st the tag readers registered 10317 vehicles passing into the city, 7000 of them were unique tags. The radar detector at the Georgia Mountain Restaurant counted 13,302 vehicles.
In the Economic Development Update, Mayor Liz presented news of the newly awarded 2021 NADO Aliceann Wohlbruck Impact Award submitted by the Georgia Mountain Regional Commission. This award is for the Economic Development Strategy Plan for the Cities of Young Harris, Hiawassee and the Towns County. Mayor also pointed out the great work at the crosswalks in Young Harris that was completed over the weekend. Director Denise McKay reminded everyone that First Friday is this week and there are 25 vendors participating. The word is getting out that “Hiawassee is alive after five!”. There will be a ribbon cutting on September 13 at 4:00 at HIR Gastro Lounge on Bell Creek Road and masks WILL be required. There will also be a ribbon cutting for the Georgia Mountain Restaurant at a later date. The Cities of Young Harris and Hiawassee and the County of Towns submitted a joint application for the Georgia initiative for Community Housing program. They have been selected as one of seven (7) finalists of which five will be selected for participation in the program. On September 14th, the 20-member team will make a 1-hour presentation to the GICH selection committee. If selected to participate in this 3-year program the anticipated outcome is to bring quality affordable housing to Towns County and the Cities of Young Harris and Hiawassee. The decision is expected in mid-October. In other Economic Development news, the City of Young Harris applied to the Fanning Institute to create a county wide youth leadership program. The application was supported by the Commissioner and City of Hiawassee. The first committee meeting was held to begin developing a Youth Leadership Program. The program will be housed under the JDA. Working alongside the City of Young Harris and the Fanning Institute to create the program is the JDA, Towns County Schools, the Rotary and other community leaders.
There was no need for executive session.
Motion to adjourn was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm