The City of Hiawassee’s November City Council meeting will begin at 6 PM in the Council Chambers
November 9th, 2021
- Call to order
- Invocation – Nancy Noblet
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Approve the Agenda as distributed
- Old Business
- New Business
- Consent Agenda –
4.1 October 5th City Council Meeting Minutes
4.2 October 25th Work Session Minutes - Approval of Low-Income Water Payment Agreement
- Alcohol License Approval for:
- Clipper Petroleum - Market - Ingles iMarket -Ingles Market
- Sundance Grill -Hiawassee Brew - Monte Alban -HIR Gastropub
- Bacchus on the Lake - Tilted Cafe - Approval of appointment of Sheryl Branson as Court Clerk
- Approval of the 2022 Calendar
- Approval of amendment to the DDA By-Laws
- Approval of new Job position for City Economic Development/DDA Program Manager
- Second reading of Sewer Force Main requirements
- Executive Session12. Adjournment
November 9th, 2021
The City of Hiawassee November City Council meeting was called to order at 6PM on November 9th, 2021, in the Council Chambers by Mayor Liz Ordiales. The meeting was open to the public and broadcast over FaceBook Live. This meeting was held a week later due to the election day being held at the time of the normal scheduled meeting (Nov. 2)
Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Anne Mitchell, Patsy Owens, Nancy Noblet and Jay Chastain. Council member Amy Barrett joined the meeting by telephone. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Sheryl Branson and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.
The Invocation was given by Council member Nancy Noblet and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Liz welcomed guests, Pat Malone of WJUL/WJRB and Vicki Constantinides of the Joint Development Authority.
The normal meeting time for the DDA was on this evening, after their meeting ended, the DDA group joined the City Council meeting at 6:05.
Mayor Liz amended the agenda to include Hiawassee Seafood in the Alcohol License approvals since the license application has been submitted. Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Council member Jay Chastain, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
There was no old business and no new business.
Motion to approve the consent agenda, which consists of the minutes from the October 5th City Council Meeting and the October 25th Work Session was made by Council member Patsy Owens, seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all in favor.
Motion to approve the Low-Income Water Payment Agreement was made by Council member Anne Mitchell and seconded by Council member Jay Chastain. This is a federal program administered through 9th District Opportunity Inc. and will assist low-income residents with their water bills. The payments will be made directly to the City from the NDO. All Council members voted in favor of entering into this agreement.
Motion to approve the 2022 Alcohol License renewals for Clipper Petroleum (Exxon Station), Sundance Grill, Bacchus on the Lake, Market K (Valaro Station), Hiawassee Brew, Tilted Café, Ingles iMarket, Monte Alban, Hiawassee Seafood, Ingles Market and HIR Gastropub was made by Council member Jay Chastain seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all in favor.
Motion to approve the appointment of Sheryl Branson as the Municipal Court Clerk was made by Council member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council Member Jay Chastain with all in favor. Mayor Liz swore in Sheryl. Sheryl will now be the Chief Court Clerk and Bonnie Kendrick will be the Deputy Court Clerk.
Motion to approve the 2022 Holiday/Meeting Calendar was made by Council member Nancy Noblet seconded by Council member Jay Chastain with all in favor.
Motion to approve the amendment to the DDA by-laws was made by Council member Jay Chastain and seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet. The Auditors from Rushton have agreed to include the DDA audit with the City’s audit at no additional cost, however the DDA is on a calendar fiscal year and the City is on a July – June fiscal year. The auditors asked if the DDA could change their fiscal calendar to coincide with the City’s so that the audits can be done at the same time. All Council members approved the amendment.
Motion to approve of the creation of a job position for City Economic Development was made by Council member Patsy Owens and seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell. Council member Amy Barrett found a great job description which will need minimal adjustment for the City. The Council discussed and decided on a job title of Downtown Development Program Manager. This position will focus on the programs the City has applied for and been granted (PlanFirst Community, Rural Zone, Main Street) and will be tasked with such projects as the Small Business Saturday. Motion for the job creation was unanimously approved.
Motion to approve the second reading of Sewer Force Main Requirements Ordinance was made by Council member Jay Chastain seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
There was no need for executive session.
Motion to adjourn was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Jay Chastain with all present in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:12pm.