Hiawassee Downtown Development Authority

Meeting Agenda


            Date:               Tuesday, November 9, 2021

            Time:               5:30 PM

            Location:         50 River Street 

  1. Call to order
  2. Adopt agenda as set 
  3. Approval minutes of October 12, 2021, minutes
  4. Financial Report
  5. Directors Update
    1. GICH
    2. Youth Leadership Program
    3. Comprehensive Plan Update
  6. New Business 
    1. Amendment – Bylaws 
  7. Old Business
    1. Business Plan
  8. Adjourn – general consent

Approved 12/14/2021

Hiawassee Downtown Development Authority Meeting Minutes for November 9, 2021

In attendance: Denise McKay, Maggie Oliver, Tyler Osborn, Liz Ordiales, Steve Harper and Peggy Gardner. 

The meeting was called to order by Steve Harper at 5:30 pm. 

The agenda was amended to add an item under New Business to include the facade grant application that had been received from Ryan Hood.

Tyler Osborn made a motion to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Maggie Oliver and unanimously approved. 

The minutes of October 12, 2021 were unanimously approved with the motion by Mayor Ordiales, seconded by Maggie Oliver. 

Financial Report: Maggie and Denise provided the financial report. All of the data is now in Quickbooks, and matches the City of Hiawassee standards and structure. The account balanced to the penny with $20,707.22, less checks outstanding for $2,798.36, for a balance of $18,057.84. 

Director’s update

  • GICH workshop still TBC for a firm time. Have been aiming for March. 
  • Youth Leadership Program is making good progress. The program will begin with elementary ages and go to young adult, e.g. age 25. There were five presentations on different programs, all of them very comprehensive. A link with the presentations will be sent out at the end of the month to begin evaluations for final selection of a program. 
  • Comprehensive Plan:final reviews are in and the Mayor, Commissioner and the Council have all been very engaged. Mayor Ordiales emphasized that the goal regarding housing is quality workforce housing, not “affordable” as it has different connotations of quality. The plan will still need to be completely finalized and submitted. 

New Business

  • Denise said the DDA follows a different fiscal year than the city and recommended that the DDA align with the City of Hiawassee for cost and time savings. That will require an amendment to the by-laws after approval by the Council, and then DDA approval to the by-law change. 
  • Façade grant app – the first submission by Ryan Hood is in. Members reviewed the submission and Peggy motioned to approved, 2ndfrom Tyler, and unanimously approved for $1500. Discussion also about asking façade grantees to allow a sign to be posted acknowledging DDA funds are at work. 
  • Collection tubes: Maggie suggested a QR code be added on the signage for ease of digital payments. Tyler will work with Maggie to create and execute.

6:00 the meeting was adjourned. 

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.