The City of Hiawassee’s December City Council meeting will begin at 6PM in the Council Chambers 

December 7th, 2021

  1. Call to order
    • Invocation – Anne Mitchell 
    • Pledge of Allegiance 
    • Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements 
    • Approve the Agenda as distributed 
  2. Old Business
  3. New Business 
  4. Consent Agenda –
    1 November 9thCity Council Meeting Minutes 
    4.2 November 29th Work Session Minutes 
    4.3 May and June Financials 
  5. Alcohol License Approval for: 
       - Marathon Gas Station
  6. Executive Session7. Adjournment

December 7th, 2021

The City of Hiawassee December City Council meeting was called to order at 6 PM on December 7th, 2021, in the Council Chambers by Mayor Pro Tem Anne Mitchell. Mayor Liz Ordiales was in Athens, GA for a Training Board meeting. The meeting was open to the public and broadcast over FaceBook Live. 

Present in addition to the Mayor Pro Tem were Councilmembers Nancy Noblet, Amy Barrett and Jay Chastain. Councilmember Patsy Owens was absent. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. 

The Invocation was given by Councilmember Amy Barrett and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Mayor Pro Tem Mitchell welcomed Robin Webb of the Towns Observer and Brittany Holbrooks, the new reporter from the Towns County Herald/North Georgia News. She also stated that the agenda needs to be amended to include the approval of the resolution to adopt the Comprehensive Plan.  We received the notification this afternoon that the State has approved our plan as presented.   Once all of us have adopted it (Towns County, Young Harris and us), we will receive a copy without the “Draft” notation.

Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Councilmember Nancy Noblet, seconded by Councilmember Jay Chastain with all in favor.

There was no old business and no new business.

Motion to approve the consent agenda, which consists of the minutes from the November 9th City Council Meeting and the November 29th Work Session, and the May and June Financials was made by Councilmember Amy Barrett, seconded by Councilmember Nancy Noblet with all in favor.

Motion to approve the alcohol license for the Marathon Gas Station was made by Councilmember Jay Chastain, seconded by Councilmember Nancy Noblet with all in favor.

Motion to approve the resolution to adopt the Comprehensive Plan was made by Councilmember Amy Barrett, seconded by Councilmember Jay Chastain with all in favor.

There was no need for an executive session.

Motion to adjourn was made by Councilmember Nancy Noblet, seconded by Councilmember Amy Barrett with all present in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 6:04pm.

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.