OPEN TO PUBLIC –City Hall Training Room Upstairs
2022 – 2023 Budget Public Hearing will be held prior to the Work Session
April 25th, 2022 6 PM
- Call to order
- Invocation – Amy Barrett
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Approve the Agenda as distributed
- Old Business
- Mayors Report
- Dual Ordinance Reading – 1 Meeting
- New Business
- Consent Agenda –
- April 5thCity Council Meeting Minutes
- April 25thWork Session Minutes
- Consent Agenda –
- GIRMA Insurance Approval (Same amount as last year - $44,410)
- City Council Retreat
- Yard Sale on the Square
- Preliminary budget discussions – First Reading next Week
- Noise Ordinance enforcement changes – Second Reading next week
- Water Rate Increase – Change to Ordinance on file
- Ethics Committee Appointees/Re-Certification
- Police Report
- Economic Development Report
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
April 25th, 2022 6 PM
The City of Hiawassee held a public hearing on the 2022 -2023 budget on April 25th, 2022, at 6:00pm in the Upstairs Training Room at City Hall. The meeting was open to the public and broadcast on FaceBook Live. Mayor Ordiales opened the meeting by welcoming all and asking if anyone had any questions, comments, or concerns. There was no public comment or question.
The April Work Session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales immediately following the budget public hearing at 6:10pm. Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Anne Mitchell, Amy Barrett, Patsy Owens, Nancy Noblet and Jay Chastain. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Chief Paul Smith, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. City Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also present.
The invocation was given by Council member Amy Barrett and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion to approve the agenda as distributed was made by Council member Amy Barrett seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
In old business Mayor Ordiales gave her report with updates on property tax collections (51 remaining delinquent real property account with an outstanding balance of $5,925 and 66 remaining delinquent personal property accounts with an outstanding balance of $952.00). Final notices and liens will be processed for any remaining unpaid accounts on June 1st. We are still waiting for GDOT approval for the sidewalk repairs. The demolition on the Paris Buildings continues. In the Delco building (closest to Trailful Outdoors) demolition is nearly complete. The structural architects will meet on Friday (4/29) to discuss any changes needed based on what was discovered during demolition. In the Men of Water update, the hydrant flushing continues. There have been rocks being flushed out of the hydrants which would damage the fire trucks if the hydrant were to be needed for firefighting. The leak at Streak Hill was difficult to find but has been repaired. A basket to capture the debris at the jail lift station is working. Peggy Gardner took City of Hiawassee stickers to South Africa and presented them to workers there and asked to take their pictures. All were happy to accommodate. The ice machine for Mayors Park is in the process of being built. The Georgia Rural Water Association has offered the City a free program to identify energy efficiencies at the Water Treatment and the Waste Water Treatment plants. Spring breakers have been in town. The City has paid off the 10th loan since 2017. In 2017 we had $4.6 million in debt with 11 loans. To date 96% of the old loans have been paid – only $187,000 is left on one old loan. New loans (Sewer improvement in the beach lift station, pipes under the bridge and updates at the treatment plant and the Screw press loan) comprise a current outstanding debt of $1.3 million for a total paid down of debt (including new loans)at 71%. The Water Quality Report has been completed and the link to it will be included on the water bills this month. MountainTrue mentioned our partnership in their newsletter this month. First Friday will begin next week on May 6th with Grace Worley providing music. Yoga on the Square starts on Saturday May 7th and the Music on the Square line up begins on May 28th. We will have two additional weeks of talent performing and will be followed by the Affair on the Square the weekend of September 17th and 18th. The Master Gardeners have whipped the Square into shape – Thank you Toni Smith for heading that project.
Also in old business, Mayor Ordiales asked if the Council would like the dual readings in one (Ordinance). There seemed to be support for the change, however at the April Council meeting there was no second for the motion. Attorney Mitchell was asked to explain the change. He said that currently the City has a two read requirement to adopt an ordinance. If the change were adopted (it is a Home Rule amendment to our charter – not an ordinance), it would allow an ordinance to be adopted the same day it is presented – in very strict circumstances. ALL Council members AND the Mayor MUST be in attendance (phone attendance is acceptable IF the party has not participated in two previous meetings by phone during the past 12 months), and anyone can ask for the second reading and NO explanation is required. The Home Rule amendment notice must be published in our Legal Organ (Towns County Herald) for three weeks preceding its adoption and it must be available and posted in the City Clerk’s office as well as the Towns County Superior Court Clerk’s office. The Council indicated they would like to pursue this course of action.
The consent agenda for the May Council meeting will consist of the April 5th City Council meeting minutes and the April 25thWork Session Minutes. We still have not received financials from the CPA firm since the July financials were approved in February. We are nearly a year behind in financials and it makes it difficult to pass a budget for the coming year without this information. Because the accounting function is appointed by the Council, the Council has asked about hiring another firm. Mayor Ordiales advised the Council that it will likely cost the City significantly more, but that it a necessary cost for the City to bear. The Council asked if GMA and our auditors could be asked for recommendations. Mayor and City Clerk will reach out to them and advise Council of responses.
Tim Barrett was on hand to answer any questions on the GIRMA insurance policies – there are virtually no changes since last year. Cost is down about $1,000.00 but the Shook House has not been added to the policy yet (it is in the process of being added).
Council member Nancy Noblet asked if the Council will have a retreat this year. Since Gordon Maner has passed away, Mayor Ordiales reached out to the Georgia Mountain Regional Commission who have said they will do a retreat for the Council, and it will be much less expensive than Carl Vinson Institute was. Council wishes to do the retreat in July and Council member Jay Chastain asked that it be local this time and suggested that it be held at Brasstown Valley Resort. Mayor Ordiales will work on this.
Council member Anne Mitchell would like to do a yard sale on the Square. Council was receptive to the idea and suggestions around location on the Square and cost for table space was discussed. Council member Mitchell suggested doing the City Square Yard Sale in September but will need to work around events already taking place on the Square.
Mayor Ordiales asked if the Council had any questions or concerns regarding the budget for 2022 -2023. There were questions around the Lawn care (should the Shook House be paid for by the DDA, should the WTP pay for the mowing at the plant, etc), Special Projects (increase in the amount this year was related to the Paris Buildings renovations) and Budget overrun numbers (mostly goes to Police to cover the expenses). The First Reading will happen next week. Council member Jay Chastain asked how long it had been since we did a salary survey - it was last done in 2016. He asked if it might be time to do the survey again – Mayor Ordiales had reached out to CVIOG and they advised that the survey should be good for about 8 years. She will reach out for an estimate of what it would take to do another one and informed the council that GMRC may be able to do the survey as well for less money.
The Noise Ordinance enforcement changes will have a second reading next week. It will be a new section of the ordinance code and will repeal some conflicting sections. Council member Anne Mitchell asked about a light ordinance. She has had complaints from citizens about lights on all night that are shining into neighboring windows. Attorney Mitchell said there is nothing currently in our ordinance about lights – it will be a new ordinance. There was also discussion about a Jake brake ordinance. He will have one ready for first read next week.
Expenses are rising. Mayor Ordiales gave a recap of the expense increases over last two year. She feels it is time to do a rate increase and would like to base it on the amount of increase of Social Security (COLA) each year to keep pace with inflation but not overwhelm those on a fixed income. The resolution will be presented in June for July 1st effective date.
The Ethics committee needs to be reappointed. Mayor Ordiales will appoint LaJean Turner, Council has suggested Jim Melton or either Karen or Jim Powell and Mayor Ordiales would like to propose Pam Greene with Council approval. Currently they are two-year terms, but she would like to stagger the terms so that they don’t all expire at the same time. This will be on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting.
In the Police report Chief Smith gave the traffic numbers (1.4 million cars have passed through Hiawassee so far this year) and advised the Council that the Smokies GT group has donated $5000.00 to the Shop with a Hero program. They have provided over $20,000 over the last few years and their support has provided for adding a back-to-school program. This will provide for school supplies for the students in the program. Chief Smith designed and made a plaque to thank them for their support.
In the Economic Development report, Director Denise McKay present the Council with Ron Robinson’s resume. Mr. Robinson has been doing economic development for many years. She is asking Mayor Ordiales to appoint him to the JDA board. The TVA Conference Director McKay attended was extremely informative with discussions around loneliness and its effect on the workforce as well as the generational needs and differences (Boomers, Gen X, Millennials Gen Z). The Downtown Development Authority will be at the Chamber’s Business Showcase and will provide information about the plans for the Shook House and the Paris Buildings. In the GICH program update, there will be a meeting on Wednesday May 4th at 9:00am at City Hall in the Upstairs Training Room for a follow-up on the retreat. There is currently a business who would like to build a 54-unit apartment complex which will be rented to families (no age restriction) on a sliding scale. No more that 33% of income will be taken for rent but must be working to qualify. The local businesses have been surveyed to gather data around income levels and worker zip code. This will provide information to support the need for the units. She also provided the Council with the DDA Work plan for 2022 – 2025.
There was no need for executive session
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Council member Amy Barrett seconded by Council member Jay Chastain with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm