OPEN TO PUBLIC –City Hall Training Room Upstairs


August 29th, 2022 6PM

  1. Call to order
    • Invocation – Amy Barrett
    • Pledge of Allegiance 
    • Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements 
    • Approve the Agenda as distributed 
  2. Old Business
    • Package Store Discussion
    • Mayors Report
  3. New Business
    • Consent Agenda – 
      • August 2ndCity Council Meeting Minutes 
      • August 13thCity Council Retreat Minutes 
      • August 17thSpecial Called Meeting
      • August 29thCity Council Work Session 
  1. Hotel/Motel Tax increase 
  1. Update from the Accounting/CPA selection committee
  1. Write-Off Policy for Old Uncleared Checks to State (12-18 Months?)
  1. Official Council Policy
    • Annual Training allotment
    • Expense reporting (Acceptable expenses, receipts, etc.)
    • Communication with public, staff, each other
  1. Impact fee for Larger Projects 
  1. Police Report
  2. Economic Development Report
  3. Executive Session
  4. Adjournment

Hiawassee Work Session Minutes 
August 29, 2022
6:00 PM

The City of Hiawassee August City Council Workshop was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales at 6:00 PM August 29, 2022. The meeting was broadcast over Facebook Live and open to the public in the City Hall Training Room Upstairs.  

Present in addition to the mayor were council members Anne Mitchell, Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, Jay Chastain, via phone Patsy Owens.  Staff present were Chief Paul Smith, and Economic Development Director Denise McKay. City Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also present. 

The invocation was given by Amy Barret and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Ordiales welcomed the many guests in attendance and recognized Michael Courey who had been out of the country for an extended period. 

Mayor Ordiales requested a motion to accept the agenda as presented.  Motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Council Member Amy Barrett, seconded by Jay Chastain, with all present in favor. 

Mayor Ordiales reviewed the moratorium on the package store, in place until 01/17/2023.  New committee has been formed to review and amend the alcohol ordinance as needed, and three (3) package store licenses have been approved to date based upon existing ordinance. 

John Landress spoke in opposition to the current liquor ordinance and requested future stores to be in a stand-alone building in addition to limitations on the number of package stores allowed in the City.  Citing that population or distances should be considered as had been presented in prior work sessions in May and in June. 

Becky Landress voiced her concern with having a liquor store next to her business and located in a shopping center. Her concerns included vandalism to property, protection of children on the other stores in the area and several other concerns. 

Council to submit all comments and recommendations to Mayor Ordiales by Friday, September 2, 2022, regarding modifications to the alcohol ordinance.  Nancy Noblet stated her recommendation is for a stand-alone building. 

The Mayor gave her report which water deluge of August 6, 2022 and praised the men of water for their hard work and dedication with managing the overflow.  The Mayor also Reviewed tax assessment notices.  Other items mention, First Friday Night Market, success until downpour, book library, sidewalk installation update, parade, music on the square, final show to be Elvis, 911 Service to be held on 9/10 at 9:45 in the Hiawassee Town Square Park, Fall Affair on the Square, Halloween – Fairgrounds, Monday 10/31 5PM to 8 PM. Daffodil project in Lloyds Landing coming along nicely.

New Business:

Consent Agenda will include minutes from the following:  August 2 City Council Meeting, August 13 City Council Retreat, August 17 Special Called Meeting, and August 29 City Council Work Session.

Mayor Ordiales presented area hotel motel tax rates and also presented tax revenue should the city increase the rate from .05 to .08. Asked council to consider raising Hiawassee to .08.  Additional funds would be restricted to projects that qualify as tourism product development, such as: wayfinding signs, fishing preserves, parks, performing arts, sightseeing, and others as defined by the Georgia Municipal Association. Michael, General Manager of the Holiday was opposed to a tax increase stating that the hotel has had a decline in accommodations and felt that the tax increase would hurt his bookings. 

Mayor Ordiales updated Accounting Firm, have completed updates, monthly financials will be forthcoming now that transition has been completed.  Agency recommended the city adopt a Write-Off Policy for old, uncleared checks. Recommended 12-month policy, council to decide.

Official Council Policy was addressed in retreat

  • Expense reporting for council. Form has been updated and sent to council
  • Communication between council and public, need to develop policy for communication
    • Anne Mitchell requested to add an agenda item “What’s on your mind” be added to agenda.
  • Annual Training Allotment, current is $500 per council member per fiscal year. Many classes offered online and yearly at Brasstown.City is eligible to apply for Small City Discount through GMA. 

The mayor asked that we Table Impact for Larger Projects for next months meeting. 

Chief Paul Smith reported July 31 several jet skis were stolen, and all recovered same day. Tag reader confirmed truck that Officer Conley had pulled over the night before was pulling the trailer with jet skis.  Crime was solved within 24 hours. Police Chief from Dunwoody did an internal department audit, reviewed policy, procedures, watched body cam videos, and other things. Official report due next month. New police car has been purchased and is being outfitted with required equipment. 

Economic Development Director Denise McKay reported the DDA received a $5000 grant from the Georgia Council of the Arts, for the purpose of creating a Public Art Master Plan. Reviewed the panel scoring comments and commended the DDA and council for developing strategic plans.  

A survey inion for public art is available on Facebook, the city website and Instagram.  September 13 at 6:00 PM a meeting is being held at the Towns County Civic Center and the public is invited to attend.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss public art and receive input from the public.  An all-day workshop is scheduled for September 12 from 9 AM – 4 PM to develop a plan for public art, both meetings are open to the public.  Financial update:  DDA has $24,055.74 in general fund after payment has been made for the first phase of the public art master plan and to Locable for the DDA Website.   First Friday musician is Trevor Ciongoli. The DDA applied for and was awarded a grant to develop a website with Locable.  The DDA had budgeted $6,200 for website development and an additional $1000 to implement a list-serve for businesses communication.  The Locable grant included a list-serve option. The DDA entered into a three-year agreement for a total cost of $3,900.  Tyler Osborn will head this project for the DDA.  

Paris Business Center marketing campaign is being initiated, short video clips about the opportunities, why and how will be aired on Instagram and Facebook.  

Reported a GICH meeting has been scheduled for 9/22 at 11 AM at the Civic Center.

No need for executive session.

Motion to adjourn was made by Nancy Noblet, seconded by Jay Chastain, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned 7:51 PM

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.