OPEN TO PUBLIC –City Hall Training Room Upstairs
HIAWASSEE CITY COUNCIL 2023-2024 Budget Public Hearing & WORK SESSION
Monday May 22nd, 2023
1. Call to order
1.1 Invocation – Anne Mitchell
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
1.3 Approve the Agenda as distributed. 2. Public Hearing for the 2023-2024 Budget
3. Adjournment
1. Call to order
1.1 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
1.2 Approve the Agenda as distributed
2. Old Business
2.1 Mayors Report
3. 2023-2024 Budget:
3.1 First Reading May 2-2023-CC Meeting,
3.2 Public Hearing Today prior to Work Session
3.3 Discussion this evening
Monday May 22nd, 2023
The City Council of Hiawassee held a Public Hearing for the FY23-24 Budget on May 22nd, 2023, at 6:00 pm in the upstairs training room at City Hall. It was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales. The meeting was open to the public and broadcast over FaceBook Live.
Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Anne Mitchell, Patsy Owens, Nancy Noblet, Amy Barrett, and Jay Chastain. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Downtown Development Manager Steve Harper, Police Chief Jeremy Parker, Attorney Thomas Mitchell and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. The meeting was also attended by most of the Downtown Development Authority members as well as the chairman, Peggy Gardner.
The Invocation was given by Council member Anne Mitchell and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion to approve the agenda for the public hearing as distributed was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
Mayor Ordiales asked if any member of the public had any questions on the budget. DDA Chairperson Peggy Gardner asked where the budget could be found on the website. The budget is located under the Government tab. Ms. Gardner thanked the Mayor for this information. There were no other questions.
Mayor Liz called the work session meeting to order at 6:10 pm. She announced that the agenda would need to be amended to include a discussion of the noise ordinance.
Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Jay Chastain with all in favor.
In old business the Mayor gave her report. She began by reminding everyone that the City is still debt free, but she expects this will be the last time she will be able to say that as the first draw on the Water Treatment Plant Expansion is expected next week. In the Hiker initiative update, the volunteers transported 1,504 hikers and 11 dogs. The Mayor also informed the Council and public that if you use any form of mechanical means to move debris to burn, you must call 706-781-2398 for the burn notice. Retreat on the Lake is hoping to open in 3 weeks’ time. The wind lately has been bad, the tree leaning over Longview Drive has been taken down. The concrete median at the Sand Bar has been removed as it was a hazard for trucks accessing the property. Music on the Square begins this week with Southern Vantage – food served at 6pm and music begins at 6:30. Thank you to Sally and Michael Clark of the English Country Gardens for the discounted flowers and putting together the planters for the Square. The Coast Guard will have an information table at Mayors Park through the Memorial Day weekend. Book sale at the library is in its last week. Congratulations to Pastors Lynn and Raburne Wilson who are retiring from North Mount Zion Church after 29 years. Sad news – Gerry Gutenstein is moving away! He has been a great community supporter and will be missed by many, especially in the places he served so faithfully.
The Mayor reviewed the timeline for the approval of the 23-24 budget (First Reading May 2-2023-City Council Meeting, Public Hearing and discussion this evening, and second reading and approval at the June 6th 2023 Council Meeting. She also reviewed the organizational chart for the City and the cost increase assumptions of the budget (4% cost of living increase, 27% increase in insurance costs, 10% increase in general supply costs and electricity costs). Council member Amy Barrett asked several clarifying questions around specific expenses or income numbers. She had also previously helped to correct a number of errors on the budget. The updated budget will be sent to Council, posted on the website and available to the public at City Hall.
The Council reviewed the Feather Signs portion of the sign ordinance. There was much discussion around how enforcement should be handled. The Council felt the sign ordinance was fine as it was, but that the issue was around enforcement. Chief Parker suggested that there needs to be a record of who has had feather signs and when they are available to have them again.
The second reading of the state law changes to the Planning Ordinance will be next week. These are required changes that City Attorney Thomas Mitchell has presented to the Council based on changes in the law that happened during the last legislative session.
The GEFA Resolution for the approval of the Water Treatment Plant third filter (additional loan) due to increased costs will be on the agenda for vote at the June Council meeting.
Janet Oliva addressed the Council with concerns over the loud music from Bacchus on the Lake on Friday and Saturday afternoons. She read a letter she had written, and it was signed by her and several of her neighbors. She asked the Council to adopt an enforceable city ordinance to address loud noises at all hours of the day. City Attorney Mitchell read the section of the ordinance which indicates this specific incident may be a violation of the ordinance, but that it would up to a judge to decide. Attorney Mitchell also cited case law which indicated that the noise portion of the existing nuisance ordinance needed both a distance and a time requirement. He also indicated that there are free speech protection issues that will need to be considered. The City of Hiawassee’s ordinance only has the distance requirement. Chief Parker also state that the Christ the King Church plays music that can be heard from one end of town to the other and changes to the ordinance need to be enforceable for ALL noise. The Council will review the ordinance in order to understand it and enforce it appropriately and equally to all parties.
In the Police report – Chief Jeremy Parker thanked the Georgia Harm Reduction Coalition for providing the department with Narcan. Chief Parker explained that once training is complete for the officers, they will be provided with Narcan in case of exposure or to assist a person who has overdosed on a narcotic drug. They also provided fentanyl test strips which will provide positive identification of the drug in the field. The department has just passed its GCIC audit, and they had a good report – just a few items remain to come into full compliance. The investigation the Chief spoke of last time is still ongoing. The department wants to see justice done and is doing a careful and thorough investigation.
In the Economic Development Report, Director Denise McKay spoke about the classes being offered by the DDA – Intro to QuickBooks was on May 10th and was attended by 7 students. There will be a 1 ½ hour class on Digital Marketing on June 14th and will cost $39.00/person. First Friday is next week, and the Whiskey Mountain Band will provide the music. On June 19th at 6:30, the Joint Development Authority will hold its quarterly meeting and discussion will include the $199 million being provided in the form of financing opportunities to small businesses. Made in Georgia Festival is coming June 24 – 25, the DDA will have a booth to showcase their progress and offerings. July 15th will be the big fundraiser for the Paris Business Center. The DDA has partnered with the Ridges Resort to offer a Sons of Sailors (Jimmy Buffett tribute band) concert and silent auction.
Motion to enter executive session to discuss pending litigation was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Jay Chastain with all in favor.
Motion to exit executive session was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Jay Chastain with all in favor.
Motion to adjourn was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at
3.4 Second Reading 6-6-2023-CC Meeting Approval
4. Sign Ordinance review-Feather Signs
5. GEFA – Resolution for Funding Water Treatment Plant - CCMA
6. Consideration of Amendments to Planning Ordinance-State Law changes – 2nd Reading CCMA
7. Police Report
8. Economic Development Report
8.1 Paris Building Funding
9. Executive Session
10. Adjournment