OPEN TO PUBLIC –City Hall Training Room Upstairs
Monday July 24th, 2023 6PM
1. Call to order
1.1 Invocation – Nancy Noblet
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
1.3 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
1.4 Approve the Agenda as distributed
2. Avery Chappell – Ofc of Insurance & Safety Fire
3. Old Business
3.1 Variance discussion for The Overlook at Lake Chatuge
3.2 Mayors Report
3.3 Feather Flag Ordinance review
4. Consent Agenda:
4.1 Minutes from July 5th, 2023 City Council Meeting
4.2 Minutes from Work Session July 24th, 2023
4.3 April and May Financials
5. Berrong-Oakley House roofing project quotes Maximum $76,000 – SPLOST
6. Water Dump Truck purchase – $78,500
7. Water Treatment Plant vehicle – $48,000
8. Grant Budget Allocation- Paris Buildings and Boardwalk
9. Police Report
10. Economic Development Report
11. Executive Session
12. Adjournment
The July Work Session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales on July 24th, 2023 at 6:00pm. Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Amy Barrett, Anne Mitchell, Nancy Noblet, Patsy Owens and Jay Chastain. Staff present were Downtown Development Manager Steve Harper, Officer Jose Carvajal and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. City Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also present.
The invocation was given by Council member Nancy Noblet and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Due to the great number of attendees, the Mayor deferred the introduction of guests and announcements. Motion to approve the agenda as distributed was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council Member Patsy Owens with all in favor.
Avery Chappell of the Office of Insurance & Safety Fire came and spoke about his office and what they can provide to citizens including assistance with insurance claims – either with your own insurance or another’s such as the insurance company for another party (motor vehicle accident, etc). The Office also investigates insurance fraud.
In Old Business, the proposed variance for The Overlook at Lake Chatuge was discussed and Kim Bucciero was able to answer questions from the attendees. Many questions were regarding the size and cost of the units, how the Homeowners association would work, and the objective to retain local workers in the area and minimize homes to be used for short-term rentals. In the Mayors Report, the Mayor updated the attendees on the Daffodil garden (500 more bulbs will be planted this fall), Dunkin’ Donuts is set to open on Thursday morning, thanking English Country Gardens for flowers around the stage and square, Obe and Amber will play for Music on the Square this Saturday (food beginning at 6 by the VFW, concert begins at 6:30 [thank you to all the sponsors!]), leak on Longview Drive, major sewer backup, the snake at the Mayor’s house, and goodbye and we are so sad to see Gerry Gutenstein leave our community.
Mayor Ordiales has suggested the following to address the issue with the feather flags:
1. Flag must promote a product or service offered at the location
2. Sign must be taken in when the business is closed
3. Tattered flags will be removed and disposed of
4. Limit the number of banners to 2 -3 if there are multiple businesses at a single location.
5. Ordinance violations will be enforced, and fines brought against the owner
6. Air dancer flags will be separate from the Feather flags.
The Consent Agenda will include the minutes of the July 5th, 2023 City Council Meeting, the minutes of the July 24th 2023 Work Session and the April and May Financials.
The Berrong-Oakley House roofing project quotes maximum $76,000 funded from SPLOST. This will be on the August Council meeting agenda for approval.
The Water Department 2002 Dump Truck needs to be replaced and purchase will be $78,500. This will also be on the August Council meeting agenda for approval.
The Water Treatment Plant vehicle (2011 Ranger) is in need of being replaced and purchase will be $48,000. This will also be on the August Council meeting agenda for approval.
Our auditors have advised us that we need to separate the Grants we are receiving from the operating funds. Because the Council must vote on budgets, the Grant Budget, which will contain Paris Buildings and Boardwalk grant income and expenses will be on the agenda for approval at the August Council meeting.
There was no police report. Chief Jeremy Parker is at the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police summer training conference this week.
In the economic development report, the Sons of Sailors FUNdraiser was a great success. Final numbers are not yet in, but Downtown Development Manager Steve Harper said that the gross income was approximately $52,000.00. Michael Parrish won the 50/50 raffle and donated his winnings back to the Paris Buildings. Thank you, Michael! The next Night Market is August 4th and we will have a vendor selling lobster rolls in addition to the regular vendors. The work has begun on the Paris buildings foundations and footings. The Mayor encouraged all to get on the list for the GICH housing project in Young Harris if you are in need of housing.
Knowing that much of the standing-room-only crowd was most interested in Michael Parrish’s dragon sculpture, she read the guidelines for speaking at the meeting. A list had been placed on the table outside the meeting room for people to sign up to speak. She also outlined the process by which Mr. Parrish had requested and received permits from the City for the Mountain Protection Plan and Land Disturbance. Mr. Parrish then addressed the Council and Mayor as well as the attendees and explained his position and vision. Many passionate pleas and heartfelt comments were made by the speakers, including Victoria Barrett, Corey Harper, Linda Herreid, Dr. Swan, John Clemons, Mari Holda, Steve and Margaret Fineo, Terry Rathmann, Rev. Steve Taylor, Gwen Rivers, Jimmy Kimsey, Becky Landress, and Yvonne Collette. Mr. Kimsey specifically addressed what he deems the violations of the Mountain Protections Act. Michael Parrish again spoke and said that based on the outpouring of the community he has reconsidered his dragon and will wait to see what the Council/community will bring forth in the way of zoning before he makes any decision. Council member Amy Barrett asked City Attorney Thomas Mitchell about the possibility of a building moratorium on structures above 2200 feet. Attorney Mitchell said that you could do a moratorium that specifically, but the general consensus of the Mayor and Council was that it was not needed at this time.
Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, was made by Council member Patsy Owens, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all present in favor. The meeting moved to Executive Session at 8:24pm.
Motion to exit executive session was made by Council member Jay Chastain, seconded by Council Member Amy Barrett with all in favor. There being no further business, the motion to adjourn was made by Council Member Anne Mitchell, seconded by Council Member Patsy Owens with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm