The City of Hiawassee’s Special Called meeting will begin at 5 PM in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, November 21st, 2023
1. Call to order
1.1 Invocation – Anne Mitchell
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
1.3 Approve the Agenda as distributed
2. Motion to approve Marta Izquierdo as Deputy City Clerk
3. Swearing in Deputy City Clerk
4. Consideration and possible approval of Ordinance providing procedures for removal of an officer.
5. Executive Session
The Hiawassee City Council met in a Special Called meeting at the request of Council members Jay Chastain, Anne Mitchell and Patsy Owens. The meeting was called to order on November 21, 2023 at 5PM by Mayor Liz Ordiales. Present, in addition to the Mayor, were Council members Jay Chastain, Anne Mitchell, Patsy Owens, Nancy Noblet and Amy Barrett. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. City Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also in attendance.
The invocation was given by Council member Anne Mitchell and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Ordiales welcomed guests including Attorney Dana Miles and Council member Anne Mitchell introduced her son, Michael and her granddaughter, Eliza.
Motion to approve the agenda was made by Council member Amy Barrett seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
Motion to approve the appointment of Marta Izquierdo as Deputy City Clerk was made by Council member Patsy Owens seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all in favor.
City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick swore in Deputy City Clerk Marta Izquierdo.
City Attorney Thomas Mitchell described the details of the ordinance to set the procedures for removal of an officer. He stated that the Hiawassee City Charter in section 5.15 provides the mechanism by which the office may be removed, but it does not provide the procedure. It should be supported by a Home Rule Amendment Ordinance which he will have put on the agenda for Monday’s work session for discussion. The Home Rule Amendment has specific requirements (2 readings at successive regular meetings, advertised in the legal organ for 3 weeks between the 2 readings, copies available at the City Clerk’s office and the Towns County Superior Court Clerk’s office, etc). City Attorney Mitchell said the Home Rule Ordinance would be read at the December and January regular Council meetings. He then advised the Council that the Procedure to Remove an Officer Ordinance should be tabled until after the Home Rule Ordinance is adopted. Motion to table the ordinance was made by Council member Nancy Noblet and seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all in favor.
There being no need for an executive session, a motion to adjourn was made by Council member Nancy Noblet seconded by Council member Anne Mitchell with all in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 5:10pm.
6. Adjournment