Monday November 27th, 2023 6 PM
  1. Call to order

1.1 Invocation – Amy Barrett

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

1.3 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements 

1.4 Approve the Agenda as distributed

  1. Old Business

2.1 Mayors Report 

  1. Consent Agenda: 

3.1 Minutes from November 7th, 2023 City Council Meeting

3.2 Minutes from November 13th, 2023 Special Called Meeting

3.3 Minutes from November 21st, 2023 Special Called Meeting 

3.4 Minutes from October 5th, 2023 DDA/City Council Retreat 

3.5 Minutes from November 27th, 2023 Work Session

3.6 June, July, August Financials

  1. Consideration of Charter Changes thru Home Rule
  2. Consideration and possible approval providing procedures for removal of an officer
  3. Consideration and possible ratification of contact with Georgia Mountain Regional Commission for Grant Administration
  4. Consideration of Source Urbanism contract
  5. Council appointment of Ethic Board member to replace Jonathan Wilson
  6. Approval of correction to ROTH City match contributions missed to an employee (total $1,718.53)
  7. Flock Camera for 5 years, $2,500 per camera, per year
  8. PBC Manager Compensation
  9. BRMEMC contract for LED lights
  10. Police Report
  11. Economic Development Report
  12. Executive Session
  13. Adjournment


The November Work Session of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales on November 27th, 2023 at 6:00 PM. Meeting was held at City Hall in the Upstairs Training room.  Present in addition to the Mayor were Council members Amy Barrett, Anne Mitchell, Nancy Noblet, Patsy Owens and Jay Chastain. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Chief Jeremy Parker, Deputy City Clerk Marta Izquierdo. City Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also present.

The invocation was given by Council member Amy Barrett and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Ordiales welcomed the many guests in attendance.

Mayor Ordiales asked to amend the agenda to add the Alcohol License for HIR Gastro Pub and the GDOT-LMIG grant for 2024.  Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council Member Nancy Noblet with all in favor.

In Old Business, the mayor report consisted of updates on Bonnie Kendrick being on vacation that week.  The report continued with updates on Business licenses, property taxes, Light up Hiawassee to be held Dec 2nd, the Mayor’s Reading Club with Chief Parker, Halloween at the fairgrounds, Veterans Day tribute, Drone shots provided by The Retreat On The Lake, update on the Water Treatment Plant building and  winterizing, price increase for Harrison quarry and President of Historical Society Tyler Osborn updated status of the Berrong Oakley house to include donations, roof bids, Christmas ornament, historical status and grant possibilities. 

In the next order of business, the Consent agenda will consist of minutes from November 7, November 13th, Special Called Meeting, November 21st Special Called meeting, October 5th DDA-City Council retreat, November 27th Work Session along with the June, July, and August Financials. 

Consideration of charter changes to Home Rule.  A change to the charter to include the procedure by which to remove an elected officer of the City. Mayor Liz asked that attendance requirement be changed to allow for missing 4 in-person meeting per year with the exclusion of Special Called Meetings. This would be City Council Meetings and Work Sessions.  The council had no issues with this change. 

There was a discussion about the ordinance for the procedure to remove an officer from office.  Mayor Liz asked that verbiage be added to explain reimbursement of funds to the official in question should they prevail in the investigation or lawsuit.  Jay Chastain asked Mr. Mitchell his thoughts, Mr. Mitchell mentioned that there might be a state law requiring that be in place.  Mayor Liz asked that it be added to the ordinance and there was no objection from the council.

The ratification of contract with the GMRC for the PBC and the boardwalk to extend the dates of the contract. The contract is 2 years from Grant issuance date. 

Discussion was had to terminate the contract with Source Urbanism, after discussion and new findings, this item was cancelled, and no action was taken to terminate contract as they are responsible for authorization of draw downs from Storm Construction as well as construction supervision through monthly reports and on-site visits. 

When Jonathan Wilson qualified for City Council seat in August, he should have resigned from the Ethics Committee.  That was completed in November.  The seat that is open is to be assigned by the City Council.  The council has had conversations and elected Larry Sorgen.  Mr. Sorgen has agreed to serve and will be sworn in at the Tuesday, December 5th City Council Meeting. 

During the conversion to the City’s new payroll system, PAYCO, it was determined that an employee match for ROTH IRA was not completed correctly.  To correct those contributions, the city will back track and pay out the difference of $1,718.53. 

Discussion was had about securing a lower price 5-year contract with FLOCK cameras at a rate of $2,500 annually.  The current rate was $2,000 and increased to $2,500.  This will secure $2,500 for the next 5 years of maintenance and replacement. Chief Parker mentioned that the price would likely go up to $3,000 annually. 

Discussion on the PBC project manager compensation was eliminated due to using Source Urbanism to verify construction and pay-outs to contractor. This will be on a trial basis for a few months with a program manager approval on file should there be a need to revert to that. 

There was also discussion about BRMEMC replacing streetlights that are not operable with LED lights.  This requires authorization from the city even though there is no option. 

HIR Gastro pub alcohol license application has been received and ready for council approval at the December 5th City Council meeting. 

Mayor Liz presented the use of the LMIG-GDOT grant for 2024.  2 bids have been received and she is waiting for the 3rd bid to come before making the final choice of vendors.  The LMIG grant is for $20,244 with a 30% match.  This year the Water Department personnel identified Hiawassee Estates Drive, Main Street and River Street intersection where the leak occurred and 3 areas of Longview to be fixed.  When the third bid is received, the selection of vendor will occur. 

In his police report Chief Parker reported on the Trunk or Treat event as well the upcoming Shop with Hero event of December 15th. Chief Parker asked for volunteers and donations to continue with this project.  Discussion was had about the hiring of the 5th police officer, Chief Parker stated that it was difficult to find personnel and that we were fine with covering shifts.  Also mentioned that JR Murray would be resigning in March to run for the upcoming Sherriff position. 

Denise McKay in her report continued to promote the upcoming Valley Trail Apartments in Young Harris through the GICH program.  She provided information regarding potential renters and rental costs. 

Council woman Amy Barrett asked about the Parrot Feather situation at the lake and potential treating with Herbicide/Pesticide.  The City is testing drinking water for Pesticide/Herbicide and will have results shortly.  The water to the Water Treatment Plant is drawn well below surface lever, around 15 feet. 

LaJean Turner reported that her husband Noel has been testing water for years and there were no issues. She also reported that there was a website available for citizens to get involved.  The website will be posted on Facebook and on the City’s Website for information. A request was made by a lake front homeowner requesting that the city contact DNR to see if the boat ramp can be closed, DNR denied that request. 

Mr. Mitchell made clarification and asked for any inquiries regarding the adoption of the Home Rule changes.  They must be done in 2 consecutive City Council Meeting due to both being Home Rule changes to the charter.  Even though we have the 2 readings, 1 meeting ordinance, that would not apply to these changes. 

Motion to go into executive session to discussion to discuss personnel matters was made by Nancy Noblet, Seconded by Jay Chastain, all in favor at 6:39 PM

At 7:06 PM the Council returned to Normal session and adjournment was made by Anne Mitchell, seconded by Amy Barrett, all in favor.  The meeting ended at 7:08 PM. 


Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.