Wednesday, January 10, 2024 6PM
Hiawassee City Hall – Council Chambers
50 River Street

Hiawassee, GA  30546 


1. Call to order – Nancy Noblet

1.1 Invocation – Nancy Noblet

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

1.3 Approve the Agenda as distributed

2. Motion to approve the minutes of the November 8th, 2023 meeting 

3. Open discussion on building ordinances

4. Adjournment 


The Building and Planning Committee met on January 10, 2024 in the Council Chambers at City Hall.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nancy Noblet at 6pm.  Present in addition to Chairman Noblet, were Committee members Ken Pollard, Paul Scherer and Jay Chastain.  Committee member Matt Espalin and City Attorney Thomas Mitchell attended by telephone.  Chairman Noblet gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion to approve the minutes of the November 8th, 2023 Committee meeting was made by Committee member Jay Chastain, seconded by Committee member Ken Pollard with all in favor.

Chairman Noblet stated that the purpose of the meeting was open discussion on building ordinances and building issues within the city.  She stated that she had received information on the grading near Dr. Ledford’s office - it is less than 1 acre, so no land disturbance permit is needed.  The committee will receive the building permit application when they apply.  Committee member Pollard stated his concern for the proximity to the creek and the land disturbance.  The committee received an email from Permitting Clerk Sheryl Branson today that stated she had spoken to Building Inspector Randy Day.  He advised her that Justin Moss is doing the building for Dr. Edwards and is expected to come Thursday or Friday for his erosion plan and permit.

Mr. Jeff Pierot asked about the need for a soil erosion plan.  Mr. Jimmy Kimsey stated that a soil erosion plan should have been required and which details the silt fences, etc.  His understanding is that the plans should be in place before any activity commences. Chairman Noblet described the process as it stands now, and that the committee member are not code enforcers.  Mr. Pierot suggested contacting Union County to follow their guidelines as he has had experience with them and felt they did an excellent job.

Mr. Steve Green mentioned the need for education to our contractors and builders to be alerted to that process. The issue seems to be people doing work without acquiring permits.  A significant problem is identifying where work is being done when it is difficult to see where the work is being performed (furthest point in the city, behind houses, etc.). 

The committee felt that education regarding the process of permitting is what is most needed. 

City Attorney Thomas Mitchell quoted several instances where our ordinances were confusing.  He mentioned the need for some sort of zoning guidelines to define areas.  He recommended looking at Blairsville or Young Harris for zoning guidelines/ordinances. He strongly suggested using someone other than the police to be the initial contact for code enforcement and said they should be used to cite ordinance violations.  Mr. Mitchell will provide a summary of the discussion. 

Mr. Terry Rathmann stated the need for a process.  Mr. Mitchell stated that the process was in place and that it was already addressed with Ms. Branson.  He also reviewed the ordinance and looked at the responsibilities of the Building/Planning Committee and is recommending clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of the Building/Planning Committee. 

The issue of the Retreat on the Lake was brought up about the number of tiny homes on the lot. He mentioned options on how to correct the numbers. Chairman Noblet brought up the option of fining the property owner or contractor on record. Mr. Mitchell does not feel a fine is an order due to interpretation of ordinance and suggested to let this project remain as is, tear down 2-3 of them or connect them in some way. 

Several committee members cited an inability to receive information from Ms. Branson.  Chairman Noblet would like to receive all building permits regardless of whether they need approval of the committee so that there is awareness of what work is being done in the city.  Mr. Mitchell suggested revising the permitting application documents to include a checklist of types of permits (renovation, new construction, land disturbance, etc.).  Chairman Noblet asked Mr. Mitchell to work on a plan for City to follow for work being done. Chairman Noblet also asked Mr. Mitchell to review the Glamping project to determine if it was a campground or structure rentals. 

Committee member Ken Pollard asked about the definition of a tiny home and how the committee should be treated (as a mobile home). And there was discussion about living in trailers, such as 5th wheels, etc. 

Motion to adjourn was made by Committee member Paul Scherer seconded by Committee member Ken Pollard, with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:23pm

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.