OPEN TO PUBLIC – February 26th 2024, 6pm Hiawassee

City Hall 50 River Street Upstairs Training Room


1. Call to order

1.1 Invocation – Nancy Noblet

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

1.3 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements

1.4 Approve the Agenda as distributed

2. Rushton & Associates – Audit Report

3. Katie Stancil – Chatuge Resorts-Lake Chatuge Lodge

4. Mayor’s Report

5. Approval of Consent Agenda:

5.1 Minutes from February 6th City Council Meeting

5.2 Minutes from February 26th Work Session

5.3 Minutes of DDA/City Council Retreat January 30th

6. Lawn Service Contract – HLG Services

7. Lift Station Update

8. Parrot Feather contribution

9. Budget Resolution-Excess Funds

10. Police Report

11. Economic Development Report

12. DDA board member options - 2 openings

12.1 Steve Harper ---Jay Chastain

12.2 Sandy Bradshaw – Hightower Sweets

12.3 Brad Baso – Nourish

12.4 Jacob Hill – Hiawassee Brew

12.5 Richard Lloyd – Lloyds Furniture

13. Next DDA/Council Retreat

14. Shook House Contract

15. Executive Session 16. Adjournment


The Hiawassee City Council met in the City Council Chambers on February 26th at 6 PM.  The meeting was called to order at 6 PM by Mayor Liz Ordiales.  Present, in addition to the Mayor, were Council members Jay Chastain, Jonathan Wilson, Patsy Owens, Amy Barrett.  Council member Nancy Noblet was absent. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay and Deputy City Clerk Marta Izquierdo, and Police Chief Jeremy Parker. City Attorney Thomas Mitchell was in attendance. 

The invocation was given by Mayor Ordiales and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Ordiales asked that the agenda be amended for the council to accept the resignations of Efren Lopez and Monica McKenna from the DDA board. 

Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Council member Amy Barrett seconded by Council member Jay Chastain with all in favor. 

Chris Hollified presented the findings of 2022-2023 Audit. He reviewed all operating funds and provided a satisfactory status of the City Financials. There were no audit findings to be concerned about. 

Mrs. Stancil from Chatuge Resorts, Lake Chatuge Lodge addressed the council regarding water bills.  She requested that the process be reviewed to address equipment failure. 

The Mayor’s report included updates on Property Taxes and outstanding balance of $5988.00, an outstanding job by Sheryl Branson. The need for roof repairs at City Hall, first day of project “Hikeawasee” and the new sculpture on the square to honor Dave Herrin.  That Monday was the first Mayor Monday Cookout and bus transportation, an update from Peggy Gardner indicated 21 hikers transported that day. Music on the Square line up is complete with many returning sponsors for years. The mayor recognized the Visionary City of the year award from Georgia Trend magazine, Blue Ridge Mountain Travel guide selecting Hiawassee as a top 10 destination in the Mountains. The city is in its 29th year as a Tree City USA member and celebrated Arbor Day, The Daffodil Tribute on March 8th at Lloyds Landing. There was also a market report provided by Century 21, Rick Andrews, stating average sale price in 2023 was $478,126.00, with low inventory. There was also mention of the Iwo Jima memorial held Monday February 19th, commemorating the 79th anniversary of the event.  GDOT has the possibility of awarding additional revenues to the cities for maintenance and improvements to roads and sidewalks.  This is pending approval through the legislation.  Mr. Mitchell noted that if the roof repairs exceed $100,000.00, more steps would need to be taken. 

The consent agenda consisting of minutes of the February 6th City Council Meeting, the February 26th Work Session, and the City Council/DDA retreat meeting held on January 30th. This will appear on the agenda for the City Council meeting on March 5th

The lawn Care contract will be awarded to HLG Services which was the lowest bid after the cancellation of Freedom Lawn Care.  The annual bid is $20,020.00.  Mayor Ordiales disclosed that HLG Services is owned by her brother-in-law, Hector Gonzalez.

The mayor presented the status of the proposed new lift station near the Ridges.  While we have received 3 bids, all brought up different issues, such as elevations, size of pipes, and too many entry points.  The Mayor suggested a study be made to ensure the City invests in this project properly.  The Mayor is currently looking for a proposed study revenue. 

The Parrot feather situation in Lake Chatuge is increasing, the Mayor asked for the Council to consider making a contribution of $20,000.00 to Save Lake Chatuge program.  The need is set to be $400,000.00; this contribution would bring the revenue raised to over $350,000.00.

There was a presentation on a proposed budget resolution of excess funds. The current SPLOST calls for the city of Hiawassee to receive $1,080,000.00 through the duration of the IGA. This resolution would allow for all excess revenues above the stated income to be directed to the PBC Line of credit. 

The police report consisted of the staffing shortage and the rate of pay for officers, the need for vehicles, patrol rifles, taser upgrades and new LIDAR unit.  Several of these can be funded with Drug seizure revenues.  The City of Hiawassee has hired 2 part time police officers to cover the staffing needs due to health of one officer and resignation to run for sheriff of JR Murray. There is also a request to install a third tag reader coming in from North Carolina at Omega Way. 

Amy Barrett asked about POAB retirement fund option.  The police currently have the option of participating in the City’s 457 plan.  Also discussed was FOB for legal issues aside from the coverage the city provides. 

Economic development update included and update on the DDA financials, the PBC funding through the line of credit.  Private versus Public use and the breakdown of the funds needed.  The Mayor suggested that we use SPLOST revenue to cover the remaining building B expenses (Restaurant).  Using the line of credit to complete remaining needs for the Public access to the PBC, which is 83%.  The remaining 17% would come from fundraising and PBC income. 

Babette Dunn also provided an update on the purpose of the PBC and how it can assist the community and the region. 

The Shook House will be unoccupied in March as the tenant will be moving, this will be discussed at the next DDA meeting and options will be presented to the council. 

There will be several ribbon cuttings in the next few months.  Dottie’s Kitchen will be March 5th, Chatuge Medical Spa will be March 21st and Lloyd’s furniture will be opening March 28Th and Trailful grand re-opening will be in May of 2024. 

Tyler Osborn made a presentation to reveal the new PBC logo. The design was put out to bid and Maryellen Hagberg had the winning submission. She is a student at Georgia College and State University. 

The Retreat on The Lake received a façade grant of $1,500.00 for the Tiny Suites that will be completed in the next couple of months. 

The night Market will be managed by Caitlyn Ayer as a contractor through the DDA.  The Night Markets will run from May through September 2024. 

There was a discussion as to the replacement on the DDA board of outgoing members Efren Lopez and Monica McKenna.  Jay Chastain asked to be put on the agenda to nominate Steve Harper to return to the Board.  There are also 4 additional candidates, they are Jacob Hill, Brad Baso, Sandi Bradshaw and Richard Lloyd.  The DDA will evaluate candidates at their next meeting and will provide a list for council review. 

The next DDA/City Council retreat is scheduled to be held in May.  The DDA and City will split the cost of a facilitator of $3,500.00.  The UGA Vinson Institute will provide the facilitator.

There was also a discussion about Accessory Structure ordinance.  The discussion was about height and placement of structure and definition of ornamental versus barns, RV storage, hen houses, etc.  Mr. Mitchell will draft an ordinance for review.  

There was no need for executive Session.

Motion to adjourn was made by Amy Barrett, second by Patsy Owen, all in favor. 

The meeting ended at 7:49pm. 

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.