OPEN TO PUBLIC – April 29th, 2024
Hiawassee City Hall 50 River Street Upstairs Training Room
1. Call to Order
1.1 Invocation – Nancy Noblet
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
1.3 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
1.4 Approve the Agenda as distributed
2. Mayor’s Report
3. Approval of Consent Agenda:
3.1 Minutes from April 2nd City Council Meeting
3.2 Minutes from April 29th Work Session
3.3 Financials for February and March 2024
4. Building and Planning Committee Appointee – J. Chastain resignation 4-23
5. Berrong House Roof Contract Update – Tyler Osborn
6. City Hall Roofing Project
7. LRA Project (Local Road Assistance) – $25,071
8. Budgets
8.1 Amendments to FY 24
8.2 Draft of FY 25
9. ACH transactions approval for UCB
10. GIRMA Property insurance renewal-$60,285 increase of $10,112
11. Accessory Structure Ordinance discussion for final approval next week
12. Sign Ordinance change – Banners -Public Use restrictions
13. Building-Planning Ordinance review
14. Consideration of Mobile Home Ordinance
15. Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds leak-Adjustment
16. Parrot Feather funding from State
17. Lease agreement for the Shook house
18. Police Report
19. Economic Development Report
20. Executive Session
21. Adjournment
The Hiawassee City Council met in the City Council Chambers on April 29th, 2024 at 6PM. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Liz Ordiales. Present, in addition to the Mayor, were Council members Amy Barrett, Jay Chastain, Nancy Noblet, and Patsy Owens. Council member Jonathan Wilson attended via telephone. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Chief Jeremy Parker, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. City Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also in attendance.
The invocation was given by Council member Nancy Noblet and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion to approve the agenda as distributed was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Jay Chastain with all in favor.
In her report the Mayor gave updates on property tax collection (16 accounts and $3,144 uncollected) the CASA proclamation (208 children received services over the past year in the Enotah District), the Hiker Initiative (approximately 200 hikers fed, a high of 40 on 4/1, from 30 states and 7 foreign countries and 2 Southbound hikers! We have transported 1679 hikers who self-reported spending $106,000 in our community from March – April) and the cyclists who come twice a year – they cycle across the mountain into White County. Music on the Square will begin Memorial Day weekend with the Whiskey Mountain Band, Yoga at Mayors Park starts Saturday, June 1st from 10 – 11am, the Mountain Community Chorus performed on Friday at McConnell Church. They are celebrating their 50th year. The men of water repaired a leak on Berrong Street. Hydrant flushing will begin this week.
The consent agenda will be voted on next week and will include the minutes from April 2nd City Council Meeting and the April 29th Work Session as well as the February and March 2024 financials.
Council member Jay Chastain has resigned from the Building and Planning committee effective April 23rd and Council member Jonathan Wilson has volunteered to replace him on the committee. The vote will take place next week to accept both the resignation and the new appointment.
Historical Society President Tyler Osborn gave the Berrong House roof contract update. The shingles originally picked for the roof are no longer available. An alternative selected by the vendor and recommended by the Historic Registry will increase the cost of the project by $3,314.00. This will be on the agenda for approval next week. President Osborn also reported that they had a workday at the Berrong House and had removed mattresses and an old couch along with a large amount of trash.
The City Hall roof is in disrepair and there have been many leaks in the building. Three quotes have been obtained and the lowest is $48,075 and the Mayor would like to award the contract to the lowest bid – Five Star Roofing.
The Local Roads Activity grants will provide the City with approximately $25,071 grant and no match is required. Due to the cost of roads, the Mayor is suggesting that the money be used to replace the sidewalks in front of the Trailful and the Square and repair the sidewalk that was removed to repair the leak in front of the AT&T store. Frisk Construction quoted those jobs for a total of $21,950. This additional money would be used to fix the sidewalk on Main Street in front of AT&T store where a Water leak had to be repaired. That cost is $2,190.
The budget was reviewed including amendments for the current year budget to adjust for increased salaries, increased professional expenses and the police budget. A shortfall on the police budget of $25,000 will need to be resolved before approving the amended budget. The budget proposal for the 2024 – 2025 budget was presented but also shows a shortfall on the police budget of $153,974. which will need to be resolved before approval. The first reading of the budget amendment and the first reading of the 2024-2025 budget ordinances will be next week, with a public hearing at the May Work Session on May 28th. The second reading of the ordinance will be at the June Council Meeting.
ACH Credit is a part of the Black Mountain Software that we purchased. It allows the City to transfer funds to vendors for payments via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) instead of writing and mailing checks. The City Clerk has seen an increase in checks lost or taking an inordinate amount of time to reach the intended recipient. Sending ACH payments to those vendors who can receive them will decrease the number of checks written and potentially needing to be reissued. In order to set up the process, United Community Bank requires the Council minutes in which the Council approves the setup of ACH Credit.
We have received the GIRMA renewal package (liability insurance) and it has increased $10,112 over last year’s rate. This will be on the agenda for approval next week.
When asked about implementing Impact Fees, City Attorney Thomas Mitchell stated that it would require changes to the Comprehensive Plan and the hiring of a consultant to calculate the cost. His opinion was that the cost would be more than what would be gained.
The sign ordinance was discussed as Attorney Mitchell has suggested that the ordinance be changed to include stipulations for removing illegally placed signs in the public right of way. He has suggested that once the ordinance is in place, there be notices in the newspaper, on the Water bills, on FaceBook with a warning that such illegally placed signs would be removed and disposed without notice.
The accessory structure ordinance was discussed and tabled for more review due to not addressing the issues of ornamental/statue structures.
The Building and Planning Ordinance, specifically the sections regarding mobile homes, was discussed and was also tabled pending further review.
The Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds leak was discussed, specifically adjustments to the sewer portions of the bills that the Mayor has given. The uniqueness of the situation – the staff have been unable to locate the leak – and the fact that the leaking water doesn’t go to the sewer plant to be processed prompted the Mayor to adjust the sewer portion of the bill. The Council has asked Attorney Mitchell to draft a policy to address the situation.
The State of Georgia has provided $400,000.00 toward the eradication of the Parrot Feather infestation. Mountain True is coordinated efforts to deal with the weeds. The State would also like to put boat wash stations at Mayors Park to help keep from reinfesting the lake, but there are concerns about being able to wash the number of boats that use the boat ramp there and still be able to provide enough water to the City’s water customers, enforcement, and location of wash stations.
If Council approves next week, there will be a Paris Business Center client that will rent the Shook House. The lease is being revised and will be on the agenda at next week’s meeting.
In the Police report, Chief Jeremy Parker presented the Council with a proposal to lease 3 new fully equipped Police vehicles. The annual cost would range from $64,280.81/ year for 3 years (8.49% interest rate) to $41,799.55/ year for 5 years (8.69% interest). Mayor Ordiales has suggested considering the budget shortfall, that the Chief purchase 1 vehicle now ($40,000.00 already allocated in this year's budget and the balance to be paid from drug seizure account), purchase a second vehicle in the next fiscal year on July 1 ($40,000.00 in the proposed budget and balance to be paid from the drug seizure account), keep the best two cars, and sell the others.
In the Economic Development report, Director Denise McKay updated the Council on the financial reports for the DDA. The DDA has not yet taken a draw on the loan for the Paris Business Center but expects to need to with the next invoice from the contractor as windows and doors have been ordered and will soon begin to be installed. $148.440 for the ARC grant remains to be drawn down and the framing of the Business Center is done. She also stated the Council and DDA have a retreat scheduled for Wednesday May 1st at the Hinson Center in Hayesville, NC. Thursday at 11:00am, there will be a ribbon cutting at Trailful Outdoors to celebrate 5 years in business and the grand reopening of the renovated space. The Shook House was inherited with a water drainage issue (water drains into the building next door) and Director McKay is working with a contractor to permanently fix the drainage problem. The artist has been chosen for the Firefly art project. The DDA is looking for businesses (approximately 10) to have a firefly on their property. The Night Market begins this Friday May 3rd with 16 artisans and 8 food vendors. Caitlyn Ayers has been coordinating the market and Director McKay is so grateful for Ms. Ayers’ excellent work with all the vendors and all the details. The Back to the 80’s fundraiser will be on July 20th at the Anderson Music Hall at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds and will feature Electric Avenue Band. She is collecting donations for the silent auction.
There being no need for executive session, motion to adjourn was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all present in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:58pm