OPEN TO PUBLIC – June 24th, 2024 6PM
Hiawassee City Hall 50 River Street Upstairs Training Room


1. Call to Order

 1.1 Invocation – Amy Barrett
 1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
B1.3 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements 
 1.4 Approve the Agenda as distributed 
2. Mayor’s Report 
3. Approval of Consent Agenda: 
 3.1 Minutes from June 4th City Council Meeting
 3.2 Minutes from June 24th Work Session
4. Old Business 
 4.1 Accessory Structure Ordinance Discussion-Tabled at May 7th Council Meeting 
 4.2 Building-Planning Ordinance Review-Tabled at the April 29th Work Session 
5. Sign Ordinance change – Banners -Public Use Restrictions-Second reading
6. Naming of the Mayor Pro Tem
7. Signature authorizations for checking accounts
8. Timing of the Election to complete the current term of the mayor (through 12/31/2025)
9. Master Gardeners – Lloyds Landing
10. Police Report 
11. Economic Development Report
12. Executive Session
13. Adjournment


The Hiawassee City Council met in the Upstairs Training Room at City Hall on June 24th, 2024 at 6 PM. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain Jr. Present, in addition to the Mayor Pro Tem, were Council members Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, and Jonathan Wilson.  Council member Patsy Owens was absent.  Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Officer Jose Carvajal, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. City Attorney Thomas Mitchell attended via telephone.
The invocation was given by Council member Amy Barrett and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain advised the Council that the agenda would need to be amended to add the minutes of the June 4th, 2024 Special Called Budget meeting to the Consent Agenda and add the Sewer Plant Paving agreement to Old Business.  Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all present in favor.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain gave a brief report on his transition progress to date including meetings with key staff members as well as members of the Georgia Municipal Association, the City’s accountants, auditors and engineers and many others in order to get a better understanding of the workings of the City as well as the immediate needs.  He also advised the Council that there is an issue with the Water Treatment Plant’s intake which has come loose due to the wake from boats in the area.  A barge is being brought in to secure it until a permanent solution can be put in place.  Mayor Pro Tem Chastain also advised the Council that he is doing a careful review of staffing and staffing needs.
The Consent agenda, which will be voted on next week will include the minutes of the minutes from June 4th, 2024 City Council Meeting, the minutes from June 24th, 2024 Work Session and the minutes from the June 4th, 2024 Special Called Budget meeting.
In old business, the Accessory Structure Ordinance, which was tabled at the May 7th Council Meeting was reviewed.  Council member Barrett has reviewed the ordinance and presented the Council with edits to the ordinance for review.
The Building-Planning Ordinance which was tabled at the April 29th Work Session, was also reviewed.   Council member Barrett stated that the intent of the change to the Mobile (manufactured) Home section of the ordinance is to provide clarity as the ordinance is confusing and in some cases contradictory.  A major issue for the Council has been the lot size requirements.  City lots tend to be smaller than county lots.  Currently, the County requires a minimum lot size of ¾ acre for a Mobile Home.  Council has been considering whether the size should be ¼ acre or ½ acre or some other size.  A Mobile Home could potentially fit on a smaller lot with 10’ setbacks.  Council member Barrett prefers the .5-acre minimum lot size for a Mobile Home and feels that it will provide an affordable housing alternative. Citizen Herb Bruce stated he would like to be able to compare the ordinances (current ordinance and the proposed ordinance) and asked if copies could be provided prior to the meeting.  Council member Barrett stated that any ordinance already in place can be accessed on the City’s Municode page and she had copies of her recommendations available.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated the Council had agreed to the price for paving the Wastewater Treatment Plant provided by Fortner Paving, however, Mr. Fortner is likely unable to do the work in a timely manner due to extenuating circumstances. The Mayor Pro Tem has spoken to the lowest bidder for the job (Youngblood Paving) – he had originally bid the job without the required depth of asphalt and was not selected because of this - He has agreed to the price quoted by Fortner at the asphalt depth required.  When asked, Attorney Mitchell stated that since the selected vendor is not able to do the work in a timely manner, it is not necessary to restart the process.  He stated that working with the next responsive vendor is acceptable.  Since Youngblood Paving was the lowest bid (responsive vendor), has agreed the necessary depth of asphalt and the price that was accepted by Council, Attorney Mitchell stated there was no need to restart the bid process.  Council will be asked to approve the change at the July Council meeting.
The second reading of the Sign Ordinance change, including penalties for non-compliance, was discussed.  Mr. Bruce stated that he felt the penalty of $150.00/day/violation was excessive.  However, City Attorney Thomas Mitchell stated that the months’ notice for compliance was adequate, and consequences were necessary.  Mr. Bruce also stated he felt the entire sign ordinance needed review.  There was also a great deal of discussion regarding the enforcement of the sign ordinance.  It has been and continues to be an ongoing issue.  Attorney Mitchell stated that the owner was responsible for determining the size of the property and building and what type and size signs were appropriate.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated that a new Mayor Pro Tem will need to be named at the July Council meeting.
The signature authorizations on the checking accounts will need to be changed.  Currently former Mayor Liz Ordiales and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick have authority on the City’s accounts and Mayor Pro Tem is suggesting a Council member be given authority.   This will need to be decided at the July Council meeting.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain advised the Council that the Towns County Elections Board has terminated the contract with the City to conduct our elections.  City Attorney Mitchell suggested that, although he had not spoken to anyone at the Board of Elections, the wording of the letter seemed to indicate it was due to the likelihood of a protracted certification of the Presidential election.  His suggestion was to contact the board after they had certified the November election to see if they would reinstate the contract.  Although the State has not published the 2025 election dates, the first special election date is historically the 3rd Tuesday in March.
Grace Howard of the Towns County Master Gardeners asked to speak with the Council and Mayor Pro Tem to confirm their ongoing partnership with the City for the Lloyd’s Landing Daffodil Garden.  She reminded all that the Garden is one of many across the world with a goal of planting a daffodil for every child murdered during the Holocaust.  To date, the City has paid for all materials needed (fencing, mulch, etc) and the Master Gardeners have provided the labor.  Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated he would be the contract from the City and provided Ms. Howard with the cell phone number to contact for any issues.  Previously, there have been issues with vandalism.  Ms. Howard also stated that some of the bricks from the Paris Buildings have been repurposed at the library for the rear deck.
The Police report was given by Office Jose Carvajal.  He stated that traffic has increased as we all know and the focus for the police department has shifted somewhat from community oriented to Highway traffic and safety.  He cautioned the community to be vigilante and lock your vehicles and homes.  The new police vehicle is still waiting for lettering and equipment.  The department is still down 2 officers, and they are actively looking for replacements.  Former Mayor Liz Ordiales offered her condolences to Officer Carvajal on the sudden passing of his Mother-In-Law last week and Mayor Pro Tem Chastain commended Officer Carvajal on his dedication to the community as evidenced by his being at his post even as his family suffers this loss.  
In the Economic Development report, Director Denise McKay stated that there is $148,000 still in the account, but there will need to be a draw down on the loan with the next payout on the Paris Business Center.  Hard hat tours have been pushed back to late August early September timeframe.  The anchor building (not the business center) had the restaurant back out of the agreement and DCA has stated that the space does not need to be a restaurant.  The DDA is negotiating with a retailer for the space, but she is not at liberty to divulge the name currently.
The fundraiser – Back to the 80’s with the Electric Avenue Band is on July 20th.  It is at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds Anderson Music Hall – no worries this year about rain or heat.  The silent auction is bigger this year than last with many trips – Country Music Awards trip, an African Safari, Argentinian fishing trip, etc.  Most of the money raised last year was from the silent auction and all the money goes toward the Paris Business Center.
The Firefly project is making progress, the locations for the fireflies have been identified and the business owners are being contracted.
There being no need for executive session, motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet, with all present in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:12pm

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.