OPEN TO PUBLIC – July 29th, 2024 Immediately following Special Called Meeting at 6pm
Hiawassee City Hall 50 River Street Upstairs Training Room
1. Call to Order
1.1 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
1.2 Approve the Agenda as distributed
2. Mayor’s Report
3. Approval of Consent Agenda:
3.1 Minutes from July 2nd City Council Meeting
3.2 Minutes of the July 24th Special Called Meeting
3.3 Minutes of the July 29th Special Called Meeting
3.4 Minutes from July 29th Work Session
3.5 May Financials
4. Old Business
4.1 Accessory Structure Ordinance Discussion-Tabled at May 7th Council Meeting New Business
5. LMIG Application – 30% match
6. Georgia Mountain Fairground sewer adjustment
7. Engineering Management Capital Improvement Plan discussion
8. Columbus Day holiday – requires court date change to the Friday prior (10/11/24) 9. Water rates increase 3.2%
10. Water Department Report
11. Sewer Department Report
12. Water Treatment Department Report
13. Police Report
14. Economic Development Report
15. Public Comment
16. Executive Session
17. Adjournment
The Hiawassee City Council met for the July Council Meeting in the Upstairs Training Room at City Hall on July 29th, 2024, at 6:42PM. The meeting followed immediately after the conclusion of the Special Called meeting which began at 6:00pm. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain. Present, in addition to the Mayor Pro Tem, were Council members Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, Patsy Owens and Jonathan Wilson. Staff present were Water Treatment Plant supervisor Andrew Sims, Water Department supervisor Carl Grizzle, Wastewater Treatment Plant director Clint Royce, Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Chief Jeremy Parker, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also in attendance.
The invocation was given by Council member Amy Barrett and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The agenda was amended to reflect that the consent agenda would be approved at the August Council meeting not at this evening's meeting. Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all in favor.
Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain stated that the approval of the consent agenda (including minutes from July 2nd City Council Meeting, minutes of the July 24th Special Called Meeting, minutes of the July 29th Special Called Meeting, minutes from July 29th Work Session and the May Financials) would be on the August Council Meeting agenda.
In old business, the Accessory Structure was discussed including changes suggested to the draft by Council Member Jonthan Wilson. Council member Amy Barrett suggested changes due to the buildings being addressed in the planning and expansion document. A suggestion was made to limit the number of accessory structures taking into account the size of the lot (ie 4/acre, 3 per ¼ acre, etc). Several height restrictions were discussed (10’, 35’, etc.). Attorney Mitchell stated the definition of art would be problematic because it is very subjective. He stated that the things he believes the Council wants would be easier with a land use regulation – the downtown business district overlay for example. The Council ultimately decided to table the ordinance until the August work session.
The LMIG grant is open for application and again will have a 30% match – typically we receive about $20,000 the city must contribute $6,000.00.
The Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds continues to experience exceedingly high water usage. Analysis of usage rates compared to last year show that the water usage is 4.2 times the usage from this time last year. Because the rate of usage was greater than 4 times more, Mayor Pro Tem Chastain and City Clerk Kendrick have suggested a 75% reduction in the sewer only portion of the bill and the removal of the late fees. This total would be $32,093.41. Council felt that was too much off and asked to reduce it to 50% of the sewer portion ($22,903.19). It was also suggested that the Commissioner be asked if the County could assist the Fairgrounds. Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated he would speak to the Commissioner.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated that Engineering Management is working on a proposal for developing a Capital Improvement Plan for the City. It will likely be $30,000 to $40,000 to develop the plan but would provide the city with a 10-year projection for the City and would include a rate study. The plan would likely take 6 months or more to develop.
The department heads gave overview of their specific areas including Andrew Sims of the Water Treatment Plant reporting on run times and production of water, significant issues (roof leak, emergency repair of the intake float, a permanent solution and the costs associate with it, known issues with filter 2, electronic SCADA valves, tank maintenance program, furniture replacement and the need for more staffing. Carl Grizzle of the Water Department reported on meter sets, locates, leaks, storm clean up and the new vehicle replacing the oldest truck in the department. He also indicated the need for more staffing. Clint Royce of the Wastewater Treatment Plant reported on the state of the treatment plant. The plant is permitted for 300,000 gallons of wastewater treated per day but has the capacity for more should it be needed. Chief Jeremy Parker reported on the work the department has done with Greenville, SC Sheriff’s office and Cobb County GA Police Department to close two major burglaries in their jurisdictions and return stolen property and stolen guns to rightful owners. Two new vehicles have been purchased for the department and are in the process of being outfitted. Staffing continues to be an issue with the Chief covering many overnight shifts. The department is ordering uniforms for all officers and the many places and ways the department supports the community. And Economic Development Director Denise McKay advised the Council that First Friday is this week and for the first time we have vendors on the wait list for space. There are also two youth vendors. Music will be the Whiskey Mountain Band. Final numbers are not in yet for the fundraiser, but it was a great event enjoyed by many. There will be a very short 2-question survey coming out asking what type of music you would like at next year’s event and how much you would be willing to pay for general seating at the event. The Paris Business Center is coming along nicely, and you will likely see a great deal of progress as the roof of the Business Center is scheduled to start this week. The interior furnishings have been ordered with a delivery date of November 1, 2024. All the easements are now signed.
In the Public Comment section, Noel Turner asked about the removal of the stop signs at Tater Ridge, Sims Circle, Hiawassee Estates Road and Harbor Road. Chief Parker stated that the stop signs were not enforceable. Mr. Turner stated that the intersection was extremely dangerous and asked that the stop signs be replaced and that white lines be painted, and rumble strips installed to make it safer for residents.
Motion to enter executive session was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Jonthan Wilson with all present in favor.
Motion to exit executive session was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all in favor.
Motion to adjourn was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm