OPEN TO PUBLIC – August 26th, 2024 6pm
Hiawassee City Hall 50 River Street Upstairs Training Room

1. Call to Order
     1.1 Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
     1.2 Approve the Agenda as distributed
2. Mayor’s Report
3. Approval of Consent Agenda:
     3.1 Minutes from August 6th City Council Meeting
     3.2 Minutes from August 26th Work Session
4. Old Business
     4.1 Accessory Structure Ordinance Discussion-Tabled at May 7th Council Meeting
New Business
5. Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds – Hilda Thomason
6. Paris Business Center rear wall
7. Paving patches discussion
8. Mobile home density discussion
9. Police Report
10. Economic Development Report
11. Public Comment
12. Executive Session
13. Adjournment
The Hiawassee City Council met for the August Council Meeting in the Upstairs Training Room at City Hall on August 26th, 2024, at 6:00PM. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain. Present, in addition to the Mayor Pro Tem, were Council members Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, Patsy Owens and Jonathan Wilson. Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Police Chief Jeremy Parker, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also in attendance.
The invocation was given by Council member Nancy Noblet and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion to approve the agenda as distributed was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all in favor.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain updated the Council on the progress of the Lead Service Line inventory project – contract crews will be out over the next few weeks digging holes and photographing the pipes. June financials should be available in a day or two and they will be sent as soon as we have them. He thanked the Staff and Council members who created the float and attended the parade. The Mayor Pro Tem also advised the Council he has made several trips to the Paris Business Center with regards to the front and back walls and that further information would be coming later in the meeting.
The Consent agenda will be voted on next week and will consist of the minutes from August 6th City Council Meeting and the minutes from August 26th Work Session.
In Old Business, the Accessory Structure Ordinance is being replaced by an Ornamental Structure Ordinance. Council member Jonathan Wilson drafted guidelines around the included (and excluded) structure types and some restrictions around height and proximity to property lines. Council member Amy Barrett felt the distance to property lines should be the same as the setback requirements (10’) for consistency and clarity and she also felt that the increase in height statement might cause a precedent to be set and suggested it be struck. Attorney Thomas Mitchell will put it into ordinance format for the September Council meeting.
In New Business, Hilda Thomason, General Manager of the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds came to speak to the Council regarding the ongoing leaks at the Fairgrounds. Mr Terry Taylor was the original engineer for the Fairgrounds and gave the history of what happened in the 50’s and 60’s when the Fairground originally asked to be provided with water and sewer service. The City at the time was not able to provide service to the other side of the bridge but did upgrade the wastewater treatment plant to accommodate the needed increase in capacity. Ms. Peggy Sellers is the accountant for Fairgrounds and provided some information around the increase in bills they have received as compared to last year as well as the costs they have incurred trying to find the leaks. Mr. Richard Harper, supervisor for the Fairgrounds, has discovered deteriorating “o” rings that have caused many faucets to leak, and they are replacing them. They have also added several cut-off valves so that they could turn off areas of the Fairgrounds to help isolate the areas where leaks are occurring. Using this method, they have been able to determine that there are no leaks under the Anderson Music Hall. Now that the fair is over, the City will move the meter from across the street to the Fairground side (the City had planned to move this meter, but the need has moved up the timeline). Mr. Harper has indicated that the locates are done and the meter can now be moved.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain had several pictures of the rear wall of the Paris Business Center, which is bowed approximately 8 inches. To repair it, the brick will need to be removed. The most cost-effective way to repair it is to replace it with Hardie board. The cost will be $26,337.50. The new masonry façade on the front of the building will cost $26,577.53. These two will cost an additional $52,915.03 to complete and the Mayor Pro Tem will ask for that approval at the September Council meeting next week.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain described an issue with water run off that is entering the Farm Bureau building on River Street. He is suggesting that Hogsed Paving can create a berm to direct the water to the storm drain at the corner of River and Frank Streets for $1,100.00. Council member Owens asked if Council approval was needed for that amount, however, it is a contract, therefore Council approval is required. Paving patches at Chatuge Way, behind the hardware store and on Oakmont Street were discussed. The Mayor Pro Tem will ask for approval for these repairs at the September Council meeting.
In the mobile home density discussion, the Council is adding a provision in the City ordinance that there will be a limit of 4 manufactured homes on any parcel and that parcels could not be subdivided to avoid the 4-unit limit.
In the Police Report, Chief Parker stated that the second new police car (purchased in July) is nearly ready – there was a trim piece they were waiting on – and it will be lettered at Mountain Graphics likely this week. The lettering will be the same as the car purchased in May and was on display at the parade. They will also be moving some equipment from some of the other vehicles (radios, lights, etc.).
In the Economic Development Report, Director Denise McKay gave the financial update and said that the profit from the fundraiser was $15,275.00. She also displayed the DDA approved furnishings and flooring for the Paris Business Center.
In the Public Comment, Mr. Noel Turner asked that the Council reconsider the stop signs at Tater Ridge, Sims Circle and Hiawassee Estates Road. He read a letter which stated in part that a neighbor has spoken to an attorney that specializes in traffic law indicated that a law enforcement office can write a ticket with a painted stop line. Chief Parker read the Georgia Code and state his opinion on how he interpreted it. Mr. Turner specifically wanted to know - What action will be taken? and Who made the decision to remove the stop signs and on what basis?
Ms. Marsha Dow also stated she would like to have the stop signs replaced and asked about the requirements by GDOT regarding the number of accidents in a certain time period as she did not want to be one of those accidents. She also stated that instead of the ornamental ordinance, she would rather hear zoning discussions.
Council member Noblet asked if perhaps a mirror placed near those roadways might help with the issue of being able to see when pulling out of these roads.
Ms. Anne Mitchell asked about the density on the Mobile Home ordinance, and she was pointed to the proposed changes in the ordinance.
Former Mayor Liz Ordiales stated that the density statement is confusing and might need to be edited for clarity.
There being no need for executive session, motion to adjourn was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:48pm.

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.