OPEN TO PUBLIC – September 23th, 2024
Hiawassee City Hall 50 River Street Upstairs Training Room
- Call to Order
- Invocation – Amy Barrett
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Approve the Agenda as distributed
- Consent Agenda:
- Minutes from September 3rd City Council Meeting
- Minutes from September 23rd Work Session
- Financials for July 2024
- Brian Forrester – GMFG billing update
- Second reading of Ornamental Structure Ordinance
- Second reading of Manufactured Home Density Ordinance
- Downtown Development Authority – Steven Harper resignation
- Downtown Development Authority – Steven Harper replacement suggestion
- Kayak ramp use – Stephen Smith
- Discussion on disposal of Police vehicle(s)
- Water Treatment Department Report
- Economic Development Report
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
The Hiawassee City Council met for the September Council Work Session in the Upstairs Training Room at City Hall on September 23rd, 2024, at 6:00PM. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain. Present, in addition to the Mayor Pro Tem, were Council members Nancy Noblet, Patsy Owens and Jonathan Wilson. Council member Amy Barrett was absent. Staff present were Water Treatment Plant supervisor Andrew Sims, Police Chief Jeremy Parker, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick. Attorney Thomas Mitchell attended via telephone.
The invocation was given by Council member Nancy Noblet and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The agenda was amended to remove Brian Forrester and add the discussion to replace Council member Jay Chastain on the team that works with the Towns County Water Authority on the annual Wholesale Water Agreement, and Public Comment. Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Council member Jonathan Wilson, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all present in favor.
Next week the Council will be asked to vote on the Consent Agenda which consists of the minutes from September 3rd City Council Meeting, the minutes from September 23rd Work Session, and the July 2024 financials.
As stated previously, Brian Forrester has not completed the review of the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds meter and is waiting for information which will be available after the new meter is installed.
The Council will vote on the second reading of the Ornamental Structure Ordinance next week. There has been an additional line added to the ordinance which will exclude holiday decorations from October 1 – January 15.
The Council will vote on the second reading of the Manufactured Home Density Ordinance. The ordinance will limit any parcel to a maximum of 4 mobile homes for any parcel more than 2 acres. A manufactured home must be on a minimum of .5 acres. The density for stick built homes has not changed.
Tyler Osborn of the Downtown Development Authority advised the Council that Steve Harper had resigned from the DDA (he no longer works in the city and therefore does not qualify to be on the board) and stated that Economic Development Director Denise McKay had interviewed a potential replacement, Scott Benton. He had met all criteria for the DDA, and he is being recommended to fill the unexpired term of Steve Harper.
Former Council member Stephen Smith addressed the Mayor Pro Tem and Council and read a letter expressing his thanks for the kayak ramp at Lloyds Landing and requesting that the Council consider making it more ADA compliant. He stated that removing the rocks that block access and designating with signage that the area is for loading and unloading only. He suggested that signage would cost between $32.00 and $58.00, depending on size and material and if the City approved the suggestion, he would contribute the full cost. Former Council member Anne Mitchell advised Mr. Smith that many signs at Lloyds Landing had been stolen.
Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain addressed the disposition of the Police Vehicles. The 2016 Dark Gray Explorer is in poor condition and is likely to cost more than it is worth to repair it. He is suggesting that it be auctioned or otherwise disposed of and will ask for Council approval for that next week. Chief Parker has not determined which other vehicle will be disposed of – it will be determined based on the expected cost to repair each of the vehicles. Two new Police vehicles are now fully equipped and operational.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain also suggested that the F250 that the Meter Reader drives be replaced. He stated it is getting 4 - 6 miles to the gallon and would likely be worth a good amount in trade since it has low mileage. The truck is much bigger than it needs to be for the job - the truck is designed to pull heavy loads. MPT Chastain has spoken with the Dodge dealer, and they are willing to take it in trade on a Police style Dodge priced at $38,928 (no console) or $44,922. Council member Owens asked if there was money in the budget to do that and Council member Wilson suggested waiting until next budget year as there have been many additional expenses this year already.
Water Treatment Superintendent Andrew Sims updated the Council on the run times and production at the Water Treatment Plant. He stated that he has heard complaints from the neighbors on the grass at the treatment plant. The facility is running short-staffed, and they do not have the manpower to mow/weed eat and be responsible for the plant – they would not be able to hear alarms going off while working outside. Mr. Sims has not been able to find a lawn service willing to take on the job – some show up to look at the job but don’t ever make contact again or they don’t show up at all. He has spoken to the crew that mows the Osborn Cemetery and they are willing to do the job for $325/cut or approximately $4,000/year. Paster Steve Taylor of McConnell Baptist Church stated that they experienced the same problem when their former lawn care service ended their contract with the church. There were no responses to bid requests and, although that is their model for choosing vendors, they ultimately engaged the crew they now have without the bid process. He also stated that they do a very good job at the church and the cemetery. Council members suggested advertising in the paper and offering the job to our currently lawn contractor – his contract states that additional areas could be negotiated.
Mr. Paul Scherer asked about water leaks and the Fairground issue. Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated that the city is working in multiple ways to address the problem and we will know more about the Fairgrounds when the new meter is installed this week.
Economic Development Director Denise McKay was not in attendance due to a planned vacation so there was no update from her. Council member Patsy Owens asked about the Paris Building update and Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated building A has the roof and windows in, it is dried in, electrical, plumbing and HVAC are all in progress and the brick work will begin next week. The rear wall bow has been addressed.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain asked the Council to think about who should be involved in the wholesale water agreement with Towns County Water.
In the Public Comment, Ms. Marsha Dow asked about the Ornamental Structure Ordinance and if there were any limit on number of structures, and what was the final height restriction. Council member Jonathan Wilson stated that he had looked at ordinances in other cities and found the average limit was 10’.
Former Mayor Liz Ordiales stated that the stop signs at Sims Circle and Tater Ridge we put up after several complaints of citizens for safety reasons. She stated that Mr. Turner’s question last month about who removed the signs was never answered. She also stated that last month the council approve a contract for paving repairs, but when she requested the contract, she receive an email with the amounts for each of the jobs listed – there were no contract terms or even a signature. Additionally, Ms. Ordiales stated that approximately 400’ of kudzu was sprayed on Bell Street with some type of chemical (Roundup or some other agent) and it was a lot of money wasted when it could have been mowed with equipment the city already has. Ms. Ordiales also stated that Mayor Pro Tem Chastain has been using a City owned vehicle for private use in violation of policy – driving to his place of employment.
Mr. Noel Turner wished to discuss the stop signs at Harbor Road. The Council is suggesting moving the stop sign on Harbor Road approximately 3 feet further out toward Hiawassee Estates Drive as well as trimming or removing the bush and fencing with lattice work that blocks the view. There was a great deal of discussion around the stop sign at Sims Circle and Tater Ridge and the safety versus legality aspect of it. Chief Parker stated that the Georgia Department of Transportation would not put a stop sign where a road is continuous – although the name changes from Tater Ridge to Sims Circle, it is a continuous road. He also stated that DOT requires statistical data to support stop signs/traffic lights – their goal is to keep things moving, not stop it. Chief Parker also stated that there are known times when speeders are likely, he can post patrols in the area at those times. It was mentioned that rumple strips would be effective in reminding drivers that a stop sign is coming up.
Motion to enter executive session to discuss pending or potential litigation was made by Council member Jonathan Wilson, seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all present in favor.
Motion to exit executive session was made by Council member Patsy Owens, seconded by Council Member Jonathan Wilson will all present in favor.
Motion to Adjourn was made by Council member Nancy Noblet, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens will all present in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.