NOVEMBER 7th, 2024 6 pm (Immediately Following Special called Meeting)
Hiawassee City Hall 50 River Street Upstairs Training Room


  • Call to Order
  • Invocation – Nancy Noblet
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
  • Approve the Agenda as distributed
  • Consent Agenda:
    1. Minutes from October 1st City Council Meeting
    2. Minutes from November 7th (rescheduled from October) Work Session
    3. Financials for August 2024
  • Mayor’s Report
  • Ratify the purchase of the aerator for the Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Ratify the 120Water contract for management of the Lead Service Line communication/updates
  • Ethics Board members appointments (terms expired in May 2024)
  • Alcohol License renewals
    1. Shalina Business LLC dba Mart 24/7
    2. Hiawassee Food Mart Inc.
    3. Hiawassee Brew LLC
    4. Ingles Market #483
    5. Ingles iMarket #783
    6. Monte Alban
    7. Sundance Grill
    8. Tilted Cafe
    9. Hiawassee Fuels LLC
    10. Hiawassee Package Inc
    11. Big Bear Wine & Spirits
    12. Tilted Bottle
    13. Bacchus on the Lake
  • 2025 Meeting and Holiday schedule discussion including possible date change for June Work Session
  • AirMedCare contract ($5,390.00)
  • AETNA Medical Insurance Renewal ($1,368.26/emp/month - an increase of approx. $110)
  • GMA-GIRMA First Responder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder program
  • Water Department Report – Andrew Sims
  • I3 Verticals software contract for Police Department – Jeremy Parker
  • Economic Development Report – Denise McKay
  • Public Comment
  • Executive Session
  • Adjournment


The Hiawassee City Council met for the October Council Work Session in the Upstairs Training Room at City Hall on November 7th, 2024, at 6:02PM. This meeting was rescheduled from October 28, 2024 due to a lack of a quorum.  The meeting was open to the public and broadcast over FaceBook Live.  The meeting immediately followed a special called meeting and was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain. Present, in addition to the Mayor Pro Tem, were Council members Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, Patsy Owens and Jonathan Wilson.  Staff present were Water Treatment Plant supervisor Andrew Sims, Water Superintendent Carl Grizzle, Police Chief Jeremy Parker, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.  Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also in attendance.
The Mayor Pro Tem welcomed all guests.
Motion to approve the agenda as distributed was made by Council member Jonathan Wilson, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all present in favor.
The Consent Agenda will be voted on at the Council meeting next week and will consist of the minutes from October 1st City Council Meeting, the minutes from November 7th (rescheduled from October) Work Session and the financials for August 2024.  Council member Nancy Noblet asked about the purchase of $227.00 flowers on the financials.  City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick stated that the flowers were a combination – one sent to Court Clerk Sheryl Branson on the death of her aunt and the other sent to Billing Clerk Lisa Pickens on the death of her father.  Council member Noblet stated she felt that was too expensive and wished to discuss the cost of purchased flowers later.  LaJean Turner asked when the financial would be available on the website.  City Clerk Kendrick stated that she would have to inquire of the Web Master if it were possible because the financials are received in .pdf format.  For the City’s website to be ADA compliant, the site must be “machine-readable”.  It is her understanding that .pdf format is not machine-readable.  She will review the possibility with the Web Master. 
In the Mayor’s Report, Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain updated the Council several on-going projects.  The new SCADA meters have arrived and should be installed next week, the Water  Treatment Plant third filter is on line, the Water Department fixed 19 leaks last month, the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds new meter has bee installed and the consultant is in the process of analyzing the data, BRMEMC will be installing the Christmas lights on the poles on the November 13th – staff and volunteers have work hard to get them ready – November 16th from 9 – 12 all are invited to come help decorate the Square, November 30th from 2 -5 will be Light Up Hiawassee and the Sheriff’s parade will follow, the Menorah lighting will be December 30th, Halloween at the Fairgrounds was a great event with many hundreds of children.  In the Paris Business Center update, the windows are in, the HVAC is on the roof, Hardy board and brick are being installed and the storm drains are being worked on.  The completion date is anticipated in February 2025.
Next week at the Council meeting the Council will ratify the purchase of the aerator for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Josh Alexander asked about the estimate stating it did not include freight charges or start up supervision.  He suggested adding a “not to exceed” clause to the contract.
Also at next week’s meeting, the Council will ratify the 120Water contract for the management of the Lead Service Line communication/updates.  City Clerk Kendrick provided the background behind the project as well as what services 120Water will provide the City.
The Ethics Board members appointments expired in May 2024.  The Council has stated that they would like Marvin Cooper as their choice, Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated his choice was Janet Oliva.  There were several other suggestions, including Larry Sorgen, however, Attorney Thomas Mitchell stated that since Attorney Sorgen represents Sheriff Henderson, and because of the continued strained relationship with them, he might not be the best candidate at this time.
The Alcohol License renewals will be on the agenda next week for approval.  The applications received so far are Shalina Business LLC dba Mart 24/7 (Exxon), Hiawassee Food Mart Inc. (Texaco), Hiawassee Brew LLC, Ingles Market #483, Ingles iMarket #783, Monte Alban, Sundance Grill, Tilted Café, Hiawassee Fuels LLC (Valero), Hiawassee Package Inc., Big Bear Wine & Spirits, Tilted Bottle, and Bacchus on the Lake.  Asked if all had submitted their renewal applications, City Clerk Kendrick responded all but 1.  GIR Gastro Lounge has not yet completed their renewal application.
The 2025 Meeting and Holiday schedule was discussed.  City Clerk Kendrick stated that Veteran’s Day has been added to the calendar to match Towns County’s holidays and she asked if the Council wanted to change the date for June Work Session, since it coincided with the GMA conference and may lead to a lack of a quorum for the meeting.  Council members decided they would move the June Work Session to the 16th.  City Clerk Kendrick will update the calendar and resent to Council.
The AirMedCare contract ($5,390.00 – same as last year) will be on the agenda at the Council meeting for approval.  Noel Turner asked why we didn’t have the same company the County did.  Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated that it provides the city residents with coverage under both companies that service our area, and it wouldn’t matter which company was able to respond, they would be covered.
The AETNA Medical Insurance renewal documents have been received.  The cost this year is $1,368.26/emp/month which represents an increase of approx. $110.  The City received an email from our insurance broker, who recommended remaining with AETNA on the same plan.  He has also received the renewal documents for Anthem (employee disability and life insurance).  The cost is the same as last year and he is recommending we renew with Anthem for the next year.
City Clerk Kendrick spoke regarding the GMA-GIRMA First Responder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder program.  This program is a state mandated program to provide first responders diagnosed with PTSD a lump sum payment and monthly disability income.  The cost is $1,204/ year paid out in two installments.  Council member Barrett asked if this could be combined with medical insurance provided by GIRMA for a reduction in rates.   Attorney Mitchell stated that he didn’t think that it would work that way because they were two separate programs.
Andrew Sims, Superintendent of the Water Treatment Plant, updated the Council on status of the Water Treatment Plant.  The plant has been running an average of 21 hours per day.  This week he had the plant offline for 9 hours while replacing 12’ of 12” piping.  He explained that there have been a few issues integrating the new monitoring system with the old system, but hey have worked through most of them.  He advised the Council that there were valves and actuators that need to be replaced at an estimate cost of $18,730.88.  He explained the issue they had last year to keep the filters working (heaters on them all winter and hammer blows to dislodge them when they were stuck) and that he does not believe they will last another winter.  To looks the valve and actuator on the backwash filter would shut down the plant until it could be replaced.  He stated that it needs to be done and doing it before a breakdown will be much less expensive than trying to do it in an emergency.  Council member Wilson asked if these were spares, but they are not, the valves will be electric (currently there are 3 remaining air valves).  Asked why he wanted to move to all electric, Mr. Sims stated that the air valves require a commercial compressor, and it is one more piece of equipment that must be maintained.
Police Chief Jeremy Parker spoke to the Council about a software to replace the current one which is at end of life and is no longer being supported.  While the current software does have a replacement, Chief Parker’s has heard unfavorable review of the software.  He would like the Council to consider purchasing I3 Vertical software.  It will have an upfront conversion cost of $13,300, but ultimately, the ongoing costs are only slightly higher than what the city is currently paying.  He is suggesting using some money from the Drug Seizures account, the Technology fund, and the proceeds from the sale of the current laptops to pay for new laptops ($17,300).  He is also looking into a grant to help pay for the upfront costs through the Georgia Chiefs of Police Association.
Economic Development Director Denise McKay gave the Economic Development Report in which she shared with the Council the updated Lease Agreement for the incubator spaces.  She stated that Attorney Mitchell had reviewed the lease agreement.  She is asking the Council to approve the lease agreement next week so that she can share the terms with potential tenants.  She updated the Council on the current bank balances, ARC grant balance, and loan balance. She also updated the Council on the upcoming events – Nov. 16th 9 -12 decorating the Square, letters to Santa (mailbox will be up soon), Light Up Hiawassee (vendors and sponsors needed), the City and DDA will each have a booth at the GMFG for the Country Christmas, the Menorah lighting on December 30,  and the Retreat on the Lake and Hiawassee Counseling are planning ribbon cuttings in the near future. She also gave updates on the Hikeawassee – will continue next year, the shuttle bus will run seven (7) days.  She is working on grants for Water/Sewer projects.  She attended a GMRC training for the Revolving Loan program, and changes are being made to make this program more favorable for small businesses.  Peggy Gardner has submitted a tourism grant to help with the marketing expenses for the Summer Fun-Draiser.   Please buy a Christmas Tree from NC to support our neighbor.  Tyler Osborn is working on a list of vendors.  March 3rd is the anticipated opening of the PBC, several opening activities are being planned from tours to receptions from late February through late April.  The Firefly artist is working to revise the design, the committee will be taking the final design to businesses and asking for their participation in the program. The furniture and electronics have been ordered for the Paris Business Center, delivery is expected mid-January. It may need to be stored temporarily but to lock in the price it needed to be ordered. She is working with the construction contractor for storage options.
Attorney Mitchell read the public comment guidelines.
Mayor Pro Tem Chastain recognized Liz Ordiales as the first speaker.
Liz Ordiales, 324 Bradshaw Lane, stated that at the Movers and Shakers on October 11th, Mayor Pro Tem Chastain stated there was a critical misunderstanding regarding the WTP upgrade   She said there was no misunderstanding, that the third filter was not primarily to provide for maintenance on the two older filters and that the filters could all be run at the same time which would lessen the stress on the first 2 filters.  She also stated she and several others had asked for clarification on the removal of the stop signs on Sims Circle/Tater Ridge and the spraying of the kudzu on Bell Street, who approve them and why but she had not received that yet and asked that it be addressed now citing a lack of transparency on the part of the Mayor Pro Tem and the Council.
Noel Turner stated that several residents of Harbor Road requested information regarding the removal of the stop signs at Tater Ridge and Sims Circle, who authorized the removal and requested they be replaced.
Anne Mitchell had signed up to speak but declined to do so. 
Jeremy Parker reminded all about the Shop with a Hero program.  He also is soliciting for “Families around the Tree” to provide a pre-lit Christmas tree, complete with ornaments, topper, and skirt as well as hot chocolate so that needy families can have the full Christmas experience.  He has 6 trees pledged and is hoping for a total of 20 (cost ~$3,000).  And he is again planning the Home Alone Christmas Program for Christmas Eve – location to be determined.
Motion to enter executive session to discuss property acquisition was make by Council member Amy Barrett seconded by Council member Jonathan Wilson with all in favor.
Motion to exit executive session was make by Council member Patsy Owens seconded by Council member Amy Barrett with all in favor.
There was brief discussion around Police Department funding.  Council members Barrett and Owens would like to be able to increase pay, but need to be sure we can afford it.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was make by Council member Jonathan Wilson seconded by Council member Nancy Noblet with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.