Hiawassee City Hall 50 River Street Upstairs Training Room

  • Call to Order
  • Invocation – Amy Barrett
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
  • Approve the Agenda as distributed
  • Consent Agenda:
    1. Minutes from the November 7th Special called meeting
    2. Minutes from November 12th City Council Meeting (rescheduled from Nov 5th)
    3. Minutes from November 25th Work Session
    4. 2024 June Financials
  • Mayor’s Report
  • Millage rate
  • Election (Mayor and 1 Council post)
  • Lawn care contract
  • Ethics Board member appointments (terms expired in May 2024) – Mayor’s pick with Council approval
  • Lease agreement for PBC
  • MSI Benefits – Insurance broker
  • Alcohol license – Hiawassee Package (new owner)
  • Economic Development IGA between Young Harris and Hiawassee
  • Building and Planning fee increase
  • FaceBook Live
  • Police Department – TAC job description
  • Water Department Report – Carl Grizzle
  • Economic Development Report – Denise McKay
  • Public Comment
  • Executive Session
  • Adjournment


The Hiawassee City Council met for the November Council Work Session in the Upstairs Training Room at City Hall on November 25th, 2024, at 6:00PM. The meeting was open to the public and broadcast over FaceBook Live.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Jay Chastain. Present, in addition to the Mayor Pro Tem, were Council members Amy Barrett, Nancy Noblet, Patsy Owens and Jonathan Wilson.  Staff present were Economic Development Director Denise McKay, Water Superintendent Carl Grizzle, Police Chief Jeremy Parker, and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick.  Attorney Thomas Mitchell was also in attendance.
The invocation was given by Council member Amy Barrett and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Mayor Pro Tem welcomed all guests and stated that the agenda needed to be amended to add the Resolution to add membership in fund for GIRMA.   It was added to the agenda immediately after the Mayor’s report. 
Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Council member Amy Barrett seconded by Council member Jonathan Wilson, with all in favor.
Next week the Council will be asked to vote on the Consent Agenda which consists of the minutes from the November 7th Special called meeting, the minutes from November 12th City Council Meeting (rescheduled from Nov 5th), the minutes from November 25th Work Session and the June 2024 Financials.
In the Mayor’s Report, MPT Chastain recognized Tyler Osborn and Denise McKay for the many hours they have dedicated to decorating the City Square as well as the Georgia Mountains Fairground booth, Mayors Park, and Lloyds Landing.  He also thanked the many others who have contributed – Tim Barrett, the Benton’s, and several Council members.  He also stated that many of the decorations were repaired and repainted.
The GIRMA resolution will be on the agenda for approval next week.  This resolution is one of the necessary documents for GIRMA to enroll the Cities first responders in the PTSD program.  This will allow MPT Chastain to execute documents related to the PTSD Program which was approved at the November Council Meeting.
The millage rate numbers were presented.  The rollback rate is 1.557.  If the Council should wish to not accept the rollback, it would require 3 public hearings. MPT Chastain stated that leaving the millage rate as it is from last year would increase the property tax income by $43,252 over last year.  There was no discussion regarding whether to accept the rollback or not. 
City Attorney Thomas Mitchell spoke to the Council regarding the contract with the Towns County Board of Elections.  He has spoken to Steve Harper about signing an intergovernmental agreement for the County to conduct the City’s elections again.  He stated he understood the Elections Board had terminated the contract due to the potential hardship related to the presidential election.  He hopes to have information related to the agreement next week.  City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick also stated that she had sent the Council the call for election for the regular election in November 2025.  The call must be published in the legal organ before February 1st.  Since there is no work session scheduled for December, it is on the agenda today, but voting to publish the call will happen at the January 2025 Council Meeting.
MPT Chastain stated that the lawn care contract was approved by the Council neither the City nor the contractor (HLG Services) has a signed contract.  Because the City has several options (execute the contract to allow HLG Services to continue for one year, negotiate with HLG Services to add the lawn at the WPT, or to rebid the project), the Council will be asked how they wish to proceed at the December Council meeting. 
At the last Council meeting two members of the Ethics Board were appointed.  However, MPT Chastain has named his pick for Council approval - Michelle Bowden.  Ms. Bowden is a Registered Nurse, the branch director for Traditions Health Care Hospice and a thoughtful and levelheaded individual. Council approval will be requested at the December Council Meeting.
Attorney Mitchell described the issue with the City leasing the PBC incubator space and the other spaces the DDA is managing and is suggesting the City lease the spaces to the DDA and allow them to sublet the spaces.  The lease agreement with the DDA will be on the agenda for the December Council meeting.
MPT Chastain and City Clerk Bonnie Kendrick met with Tommy Hayes of MSI Benefits Group Inc, an insurance brokerage firm.  MSI Benefit Group will provide on-site benefits enrollment services for new employees as well as monthly reconciliation of invoices, brochures for employees describing their benefits, and assistance for the employees related to claims or finding specialists in the plan.  Council member Amy Barrett asked about the cost associated with this firm and stated our current broker could set up an online onboarding process, however she did not think he offered onsite assistance.  She also wanted to be sure they could work with AETNA, our current medical plan.  There was no cost to change – it is simply a change of agent - and MSI does work with all our insurance companies.
Hiawassee Package is being sold and the new owner has completed the steps to get his alcohol license (state application, city application, fingerprinting, etc) and the Council will be asked to approve his license at the December Council meeting.
The Economic Development IGA between Young Harris and Hiawassee will automatically renew for another year with no changes.  The terms of the IGA state that changes will need to be communicated to the other city 60 days prior to the renewal date.  Since neither city has done so, the IGA will renew on January 1st.  Attorney Mitchell has set a reminder in both his and City Clerk Kendrick’s calendar for next September to insure there is adequate time to prepare for the renewal of the IGA. 
The Building and Planning committee is proposing a fee increase.  Council member Nancy Noblet as chair of the committee, has worked with the city’s building inspector, Randy Day, to bring the fees in line with nearby cities.  The fees have increased from $20 - $50.  This will be on the agenda for approval at the December meeting.
The city began broadcasting their public meetings on FaceBook Live in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and inability to host public meetings in person.  Several Council members have approached the Mayor Pro Tem to discuss discontinuing the broadcast.  Council member Nancy Noblet has reviewed the statistics of the number of viewers and comments and finds that many people complain that they can’t hear or see speakers.  MTP Chastain stated that he would like to find an AV solution, but that he has found them to be expensive and out of reach of the city’s budget.  LaJean Turner stated that it is a good social media outreach tool, especially for people who are not able to attend the meetings, including the Council member who have had to miss meetings due to travel.
Police Chief Jeremy Parker discussed the hiring of a part time (4 – 10 hours/month) TAC (Terminal Agency Coordinator).  Former Officer John Carter did this work, but since his resignation, the duties have fallen back to the Chief.  He has had a person apply for the position who is already credentialed and willing to do the work for the HPD.  The candidate would work with Court Clerk Sheryl Branson entering warrants and CCH (Computerized Criminal History).  He would like to set the rate of pay at between $15 and $20/hour, 4 – 10 hours per month with no benefits.
In the Water Department Report, Superintendent Carl Grizzle reported the repaired track hoe was returned today after having the wiring harness replaced.  Several leaks have been fixed.  Since November 1st 17 leaks have been reported and fixed.  Mr. Grizzle stated that anytime a leak happens on the state routes he must contact DOT before he cuts the roadway.
In the Economic Development Report, Director Denise McKay gave the Council her financial report, provided the Council with the calendar for next year, the dates for the opening of the Paris Business Center as well as dates for a grand opening, VIP reception, volunteer appreciation even, etc. She asked for volunteers for Light Up Hiawassee on Saturday (11/30) from 2 – 5pm, invited all to visit the Hiawassee booth at the Fairground between 11/29 and 12/23 for a photo opportunity and would love for the Council and DDA to have group pictures taken there.  She also stated that there is a grant opportunity for the infrastructure on Whiskey Mountain.  There is no cost to the city.  The pre-application is due in December.  This would only be for phase I of the development which is workforce housing (3 bdrm, 2 bath triplexes, less than $290,000, must be owner occupied) for working families and is a great need in the community.  Attorney Mitchell stated that he is putting together a list of conditions but expects the Planning committee to approve the preliminary plat at the regular meeting on December 17, 2024.  Director McKay stated that there is a new children’s clothing store at the Tater Ridge Mall in the space where Amy’s Boho was.  There will be a ribbon cutting later.
In the Public Comment section, Former Mayor Liz Ordiales of 324 Bradshaw Lane stated that BRMEMC had been put electricity to a pole at Lloyds Landing, but Chris Turpin had not yet done the electrical work.  It was set up to provide for internet at the park.
There being no need for executive session, motion to adjourn was made by Council member Amy Barrett, seconded by Council member Patsy Owens with all in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm.

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.