The February Work Session was held on February 27, 2017, 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.
- Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Liz Ordiales.
Members present were Kris Berrong, Anne Mitchell, Liz Ordiales, and Teresa Kelley,
- Pledge of Allegiance,
- Invocation, Kris Berrong .
Upon Motion made by Anne Mitchell and seconded by Kris Berrong the Council unanimously adopted the agenda as distributed.
Frank Riley gave a very informative presentation on how to have a FireWise home . He told how to recognize dangerous situations before there is a problem. Please visit www.firewise.org and www.wildlandfiresg.org for more information.
J.C. Berrong strongly urged everyone to take an active part in Clean Sweep Week . April 15 – April 22, 2017
Ron Lambright owns Hometown Sleep Center, 695 Main Street and voiced concerns about new sign ordinance.
- Old Business
- Business License update - We have 102 paid license in City 16 unpaid. Council thinks there are others we don’t have listed.
- A Building Permit update was unavailable.
- SBP Group gave a brief overall of what to look forward to for website/social media and will be back at a future meeting to give a longer presentation.
- A meter update was unavailable.
- Sign Ordinance should be ready to sign at March Meeting.
- New Business
- There are committees in place for Planning Expansion,Ethics, and Square Beautification.
- Salary for Mayor next Election was discussed. No salary was agreed upon.
- Blighted Buildings are to be identified and process started to clean up.
- A new Alcohol License was looked at for Sundance Grill and will be voted on in March.
- Adjourn
Motion made by Kris Berrong and seconded by Anne Mitchell to adjourn. All Council in favor.