The February Work Session was held on February 27, 2017, 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.

  1. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Liz Ordiales.

            Members present were Kris Berrong, Anne Mitchell, Liz Ordiales, and Teresa Kelley,

  • Pledge of Allegiance,
  • Invocation, Kris Berrong .

Upon Motion made by Anne Mitchell  and seconded by Kris Berrong the Council unanimously adopted the agenda as distributed.

          Frank Riley gave a very informative presentation on how to have a FireWise home . He told how to recognize dangerous situations before there is a problem. Please visit www.firewise.org and www.wildlandfiresg.org for more information.


J.C. Berrong strongly urged everyone to take an active part in Clean Sweep Week .  April 15 – April 22, 2017


Ron Lambright owns Hometown Sleep Center, 695 Main Street and voiced concerns about new sign ordinance.

  1. Old Business


  • Business License update - We have 102 paid license in City 16 unpaid. Council thinks there are others we don’t have listed.
  • A Building Permit update was unavailable.
  • SBP Group gave a brief overall of what to look forward to for website/social media and will be back at a future meeting to give a longer presentation.
  • A meter update was unavailable.
  • Sign Ordinance should be ready to sign at March Meeting.
  1. New Business
  • There are committees in place for Planning Expansion,Ethics, and Square Beautification.
  • Salary for Mayor next Election was discussed. No salary was agreed upon.
  • Blighted Buildings are to be identified and process started to clean up.
  • A new Alcohol License was looked at for Sundance Grill and will be voted on in March.
  1. Adjourn

                        Motion made by Kris Berrong and seconded by Anne Mitchell to adjourn. All Council in                               favor.








Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.