August 8th, 2017
The August 8th, 2017 City Council Meeting was held at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall.
- Call to order
Members present were Kris Berrong, Mayor Pro-tem, Rayette Ross, Anne Mitchell and Jay Chastain. Staff included, Cenlya Galloway, City Clerk.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Invocation, Rayette Ross
- Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
- Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed.
Upon motion made by Anne Mitchell and seconded by Jay Chastain this motion was adopted on unanimously .
- Motions
- Motion to approve the 1st reading of the Franchise Tax ordinance
Upon motion made by Rayette Ross and seconded by Anne Mitchell this motion was adopted on unanimously.
- Motion to approve the 2nd reading of the Planning-Expansion Ordinance
Upon motion made by Anne Mitchell and Rayette Ross they voted on this ordinance. Jay Chastain voted NO on this motion.
- Motion to Adjourn
Upon motion made by Anne Mitchell and seconded by Rayette Ross this motion was adopted on unanimously.