January 2nd 2018

The January 2nd, 2018 City Council Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.

  1. Call to order
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Invocation, Kris Berrong
  • Mayor’s Introductions of Guests and Announcements
  • Motion to Adopt Final Agenda as Distributed.
  1. Elected Officials Swear In
  1. Mayor-Elect Report
    • 1984 Bond Payment
    • Employee Health Benefit Renewal
    • Motel-Hotel Agreement
  1. Motions
    • Motions to add Liz Ordiales to all bank accounts for signature
    • Motion to approve the October Financials
    • Motion to approve November 2017 minutes
    • Motion to approve Fred’s Alcohol License
  2. Executive Session
  3. Motion to Adjourn

Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting Hiawassee City Council January 2, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 by Mayor Pro Tem Anne Mitchell.  Present were Mayor-Elect Liz Ordiales, Mayor Pro Tem Anne Mitchell, Council members Amy Barrett, Kris Berrong and Nancy Noblet. Patsy Owens was not in attendance due to a vacation schedule prior to her running for the council seat. Staff in attendance was Cenlya Galloway, City Clerk, Chief Paul Smith, Officer Jordan Guffey, and Bonnie Kendrick. Mayor Pro Tem Anne Mitchell led the Pledge of Allegiance and Kris Berrong delivered the invocation.

Mayor Pro Tem Mitchell recognized District Attorney Jeff Langley and the many family and guests of the newly elected Mayor and Council members.

Kris Berrong made the motion to adopt the final agenda as distributed.  Nancy seconded and all were in favor.

Cenlya Galloway, City Clerk, swore in Mayor Liz Ordiales.  Mayor Pro Tem Anne Mitchell relinquished the gavel to Mayor Ordiales to preside over the remainder of the meeting, and happily resumed her seat on the council.

Cenlya Galloway swore in Amy Barrett as Post 1 Councilman. 

Mayor’s report:

Mayor Liz informed the Council that a 1984 bond (40year) was paid off from 5 associated sinking funds further strengthening the financial positon of the City.  This bond was set to pay another payment on January first and as such she determined it was best to pay it before the due date, thus saving the interest.  The bond rate was in excess of 8% and the city had paid substantially more than the original loan amount with 7 more years to pay on the loan. Mayor Ordiales has committed to reviewing the remaining loan for the Water Treatment Plant to determine if there are funds available to pay it off.

The Employee Health Benefit has been renewed at a $50/employee/month savings.  Mayor Ordiales thanked Tim Barrett for his assistance reviewing options.

Mayor Ordiales has met with the Department of Community Affairs and determined that a new Hotel/Motel ordinance is needed.  She will have Attorney Mitchell work on updating the ordinance.  New Georgia laws have been enacted that will allow the City to retain 60% of the Motel/Hotel Tax.  The law states that the revenue is unrestricted for the City and will go to the general fund.


Anne Mitchell made the motion to add Mayor Ordiales to the bank accounts as an authorized signer.  Nancy Noblet seconded and all were in favor.

Mayor Ordiales tabled the approval of the October Financials.  She will meet one on one with the new council members to review and explain how to read the financial reports.

Nancy Noblet made the motion to approve the November 2017 meeting minutes with Amy Barrett seconding and all in favor.

Anne Mitchell made the motion to approve Fred’s Alcohol License with Kris Berrong seconding and all in favor.

Motion to adjourn was made by Nancy Noblet, seconded by Amy Barrett; all in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.