Rules for Public Comment

The purpose of the Rules is to foster an atmosphere of civil and courteous discourse, even and especially when discussing contentious topics, at all meetings held by the City of Hiawassee. These Rules are also intended to create an environment in which the City’s elected officials can conduct the public’s business in a reasonably timely manner and without undue disruption or interruptions.
1. Except as specified below, comment will be during the Public Comment item on the Work Session Agenda. Generally, Public Comment will be limited to 30 minutes but may be extended upon majority vote of the City Council. Any person not a member of City Council who desires to address the City Council shall first sign in at the beginning of the Work Session or meeting, giving his or her address and the subject they wish to speak about. Three (3) minutes will be allowed for each person to speak. Grievances with individual employees may not be discussed. As you are selected to speak, you will be acknowledged by the presiding officer, and shall state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. (Public comment may be allowed at regular voting meetings upon request by the Mayor or presiding officer and approval of a majority of City Council).
2. Each speaker will direct his or her comments to the Mayor or presiding officer and not to any other individual present. While speakers may pose questions, they should not expect an immediate response as City officials will normally take time to frame a response that can be provided at a later time.
3. Each speaker will refrain from personal attacks, foul or abusive language, and will maintain a civil and courteous manner and tone.
4. During consideration of agenda items, members of the public may ask questions or make comments, limited to no more than one (1) minute. The Mayor or presiding officer may limit questions or comment to 5 speakers on each agenda item; provided however, that City Council by majority vote may allow additional speakers, specifying the number of additional speakers in the motion. At the discretion of the Mayor and Council, the limits set forth in this paragraph may be suspended by majority vote on particular agenda items.
5. In instances in which the number of speakers or the time is limited, residents and persons owning property within the city limits of the City will be allowed to speak first. If all such persons have spoken and time remains, others will be permitted to speak. Those wishing to address the Mayor and Council that cannot do so due to time restrictions are encouraged to submit written comments.
6. Members of the audience will respect the rights of others and will not create noise or other disturbances that will disrupt the meeting.
7. Disruption of the meeting by members of the audience will not be tolerated. If, after a warning from the presiding officer, any person continues to disrupt the meeting by his or her words or actions, the presiding officer may request that person to leave the room, and then seek assistance from law enforcement officials to have the person removed from the meeting.
8. Any person who disrupts, interrupts or interferes with a public meeting 2 or more times within a 12-month period will not be allowed to address the Mayor and Council in a public meeting until 30 days have lapsed from the second or subsequent offense. Such persons may still submit written comments.

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.