Mayor Liz Ordiales welcomes you to the City of Hiawassee's website. Please explore our site to find information about the services we provide and how to attain them. You can also find out about your city government to include elected officials and hired staff. You can view recent city council agendas and minutes.  Learn about the history of Hiawassee as well as facts about our population and geography. Additionally, you can find out information about doing business in Hiawassee.

 The City of Hiawassee is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

City of Hiawassee Logo, and letterhead with officials







2020 City Holiday & Meeting Schedule

City Hall Closed:

New Year’s Day 2020                                    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Martin Luther King Day                                 Monday, January 20, 2020

Good Friday                                                    Friday, April 10, 2020

Memorial Day                                                 Monday, May 25, 2020

Independence Day                                          Friday, July 3rd, 2020

Labor Day                                                       Monday, September 7, 2020

Thanksgiving                                                  Thursday, November 26, 2020

Day after Thanksgiving                                  Friday, November 27, 2020

Christmas Eve                                                 Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Day                                                Friday, December 25, 2020

Council 2020 Regular Meetings – 6pm at City Hall Council Chambers

  January               February                 March                 April                 May                  June

1-7-20                  2-4-2020                3-3-2020           4-7-2020         5-5-2020           6-2-2020

               July                 August                  September            October          November          December

 7-7-2020            8-4-2020               9-1-2020           10-6-2020        11-3-2020         12-1-2020

City Council Work Sessions – 6pm at City Hall Upstairs Training Room

             January                February                   March              April                 May                  June

1-27-2020           2-24-2020               3-30-2020       4-27-2020      5-26-2020         6-29-2020

    July                August                    September           October         November          December

7-27-2020          8-24-2020                9-28-2020       10-26-2020    11-23-2020        No Meeting

The weather forecast for October 31st is 97% chance of rain. SO Halloween at the courthouse will be FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST at 5:30 PM!!  

Haunted House will still be on Thursday at 6:30 PM.trick or treat image of spooky house

MountainTrueNews Release-

On July 1, Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition — a 25-year-old organization with a strong presence in North Georgia and Western North Carolina’s western-most counties — merged with MountainTrue to establish MountainTrue’s new Western Regional Office. The merger allows us to continue HRWC’s existing programs and to build one organization that can effectively advance the interests of our mountain region.

MountainTrue champions resilient forests, clean waters, and healthy communities in Western North Carolina and the Hiwassee watershed in North Georgia. We are committed to keeping our mountain region a beautiful place to live, work and play. Our members protect our forests, clean up our rivers, plan vibrant and livable communities, and advocate for a sound and sustainable future.

The new Website to access is now

Drought Management

Trick or Treat!

Halloween at the Courthouse and Haunted Mansion at Old Rock Jail10 31 halloween

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.